Transcript of #266

I guess you might as well join us on the voting page.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

John and Marc, in the stairwell by the rooftop exit.

John Blague: The cat's already out of the bag...

John Blague: I guess you might as well join us in my apartment. If you want to, of course.

Marc Cervelle: Alright.

Panel 2:

Marc turns around to see Lenny / the Green and Purple Toilet Paper Roll.

Marc Cervelle: Oh, uh... hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Marc.

Panel 3:

Lenny walks past Marc towards the left side of the panel.

Leonard Blague: Let's just go.

Title: "Cold Shoulder"

Storyline: (title pending) (3)

Additional tags: gptpr, awkwardness, twins

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