Com'c #13

Publiseringsdato: 23.okt.2013 17:12:08

Clicking here is something

you could try, though.


Seriously, don't try that. If you're really curious what would happen if you put extra weight in the back on a parachute, get someone else to do it instead. It gives you a much better point of view for scientific observations as your test subject crashes into the ground.

This is one script I've really liked ever since I wrote it. The downside is that scripts of that kind often have a lot of dialogue to fit into each panel, or at least into one. Sometimes I think I chose the wrong panel size...

On str'p lateness (i.e. boring excuses)

I'm really sorry this str'p is being posted so late. I did say Wednesday update would be later than other updates, but I didn't mean this late. I have excuses, though:

    • The arrangement that makes Wednesday updates later.

  • My buffer is out. (My fault, so more of a reason than an excuse.)

    • I left school early yesterday because I was feeling a little ill (stomach ache and pain in my back, all right now), which is also why I didn't get around to making a str'p or too two yesterday despite not having homework. (P.S. Feb 18, 2014: "two", not "too". Fixed that for me.)

    • Dinner.

    • Making this str'p (as a result of the buffer being out), which took about 45 minutes.

So yeah, most of those excuses aren't really that good. I think we can say that the regular time, without adjustments for the arrangement, is around 4 pm my time (GMT+2), which means this str'p is three hours late. Now that I think about it, the delay from the arrangement is about two hours or so, so I guess that does account for the majority of that time, with the making of the str'p taking a lot of the rest. I suddenly feel less bad, but I will try to not make updates be this late in the future.