Transcript of #214

Vote or vote not, there is no try.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Jane, Marc and Jane's apartment.

She is watching "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" on a TV screen off to the left. Marc is off to the right.

Luke Skywalker, TV: "Talk about your feelings"... Wait, that one's for kids.

Marc Cervelle: Star Wars? Those movies are awful.

Luke Skywalker, TV: "How to express your feelings in eight steps", ooh, with pictures!

Darth Vader, TV: Luke. *wheeze*

Jane Cervelle: Shut up, Marc.

Luke Skywalker, TV: Quotes about feelings... Over a thousand? Wow.

Panel 2:

Luke Skywalker, TV: "Eat your feelings"? That's an odd phrase.

Darth Vader, TV: Luke. *wheeze*

Luke Skywalker, TV: "Feel your feelings"? Well, makes more sense than eating--

Darth Vader, TV: LUKE! *wheeze*

Luke Skywalker, TV: Huh?

Panel 3:

Darth Vader, TV: I told you to search your feelings.

Darth Vader, TV: *wheeze*

Darth Vader, TV: Not search for "your feelings".

Luke Skywalker, TV: Oh. Sorry, dad.

Disclaimer: Star Wars, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader ©1997 20th Century Fox. Included for parody purposes.

Luke Skywalker, TV: By the way, I actually needed that hand.

Title: "Modernized"

Additional tags: parody, science fiction, sci-fi, I am your father

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