Com'c #29

Publiseringsdato: 02.des.2013 17:57:40

<insert untranslatable

"vote" pun here>


Sorry today's str'p is a bit late! I had Tuesday for a while, for some strange reason.

This str'p pokes a bit of fun at the problems with translating puns. The joke Krixwell (I) is (am) trying to make is a Norwegian pun on the fact that "kald"(the D is silent), meaning "cold", is pronounced the same as the first syllable in "kalkun", meaning "turkey" (in other "news", the country Turkey is not called Kalkun in Norwegian). The joke was made by my father after the dinner referred to in the str'p. :)

Luckily, the turkey I had yesterday wasn't actually cold. It was really tasty! No wonder the Americans have Thanksgiving...


On another note, TWC reset their charts yesterday, as they do every month. At the time of writing, Com'c is at #548 with 4 votes. It'll probably drop quite a bit as other comics start to get their readers to vote for December, but let's try to minimize the drop as much as possible... or maybe even climb! Either way, I need my readers' help to get Com'c up in the list, so please take the time to vote! Your two clicks can help a lot! (You can vote once per 24 hours per IP address per comic.)

I will try to get a new vote incentive up soon.