Transcript of #212

What's that? You're going to vote every...? *freezes with a grin*

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Garry and Iris, Asafei Science.

Garry: Yo, boring shithead.

Iris Blick: Hello, Garry. I didn't see you there.

Garry: I'm not surprised. You shitheads can't even look in all directions at the same time, like I can do with my thirty thousand awesome eyes.

Iris Blick, whispering: ...thirty th...

Panel 2:

Iris is frozen with a wide open grin.

Garry: And you can't even see the sky compass without...

Garry: ...

Panel 3:

Ella and Garry, a bit off to the left from the previous panels. There is no Asafei sign.

Calvin H. Meletie, off-panel: Is she moving?

Braebuburn Damole, off-panel: Still like a statue. What happened to her, anyway?

Ella Mint: You knew about her obsession, didn't you?

Garry: Well, duh.

Title: "Dragonfleye"

Additional tags: frozen, petrified, shock, vision, mean, self-important, asshole, wait the last ones are redundant, Garry's name is there

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