Com'c #76

Don't forget to...

*puts on sunglasses*



Here we go, back to absolutely awful jokes. Poor Block, having to deal with this. At least the last one was in English.

I'll have to explain the Norwegian puns, won't I?

In various contexts, you might see the word "speciesist" (usually jokingly) applied to someone who discriminates by species, as a parallel to race/racist. In Norwegian, a species is called "en art", so "speciesist" ends up as "artist". As for the "letter values", a pun is called "et ordspill" in Norwegian, which literally translates to "a word game".

The period in Block's "What." in panel 2 is not a typo. That's a flat what. :-)

The artist joke was what started this script. I knew Block would call Krixwell out on using a translated pun (especially since he's done it before), and the conversation grew from there.