Com'c #189

The vote button rolls a 19 on its charisma check.

Commentary Transcript

Oh, look, it's everyone's second most beloved dragonfly, only beaten by a first place shared between every other dragonfly.

More importantly, this str'p finally introduces a major part of Ella's (fairly newfound, see this commentary) personality which has been slightly hinted towards at a few earlier occasions (including the str'p I just linked to). I'm not talking about the roleplaying, although it's related.

I should probably just state once and for all that, while I tried to keep it retroactively consistent, anything before #157 which seems to contradict her new personality can be chalked up to early installment weirdness.

The roleplaying game they are playing is intended to be fictional and generic, although it is influenced heavily by my understanding of Dungeons and Dragons. There are various reasons for not explicitly using a real game, not least of which being that I've never actually played a tabletop RPG myself.

I'm not a hundred percent sure I used "dissipates" correctly in panel 3. If it's wrong, however, I'm putting the blame on the GM (game master, for those unfamiliar).

The str'p could've been up half an hour earlier (not too too late), but in the end, I decided it was absolutely imperative for Ella to be wearing a silly fire mage hat. I don't regret this decision.