Transcript of #192

The energy in esocugl can be used to vote.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Sirphane spaceship on a highway in snowy weather. There are no cars.

Ympugr: <Liavitr...>

Ympugr: <What... is this stuff?>

Liavitr: <The computer calls it edixonom negodryhid.>

Liavitr: <Sounds familiar. I think the liquid we fell into was a different form of this.>

Panel 2:

Liavitr: <It's apparently one of the ingredients in esocugl.>

Liavitr: <...>

Liavitr: <It says esocugl is essential to most life forms on this planet. Some make it, and others consume it!>

Ympugr: <What?>

Liavitr: <That's what it says.>

Panel 3:

Ympugr: <...>

Liavitr: <...>

Ympugr: <That is ragused up.>

Liavitr: <I don't want to invade this planet anymore.>

Title: "Sisenthysotoph"

Additional tags: aliens, glucose, sugar, snow

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