Com'c #247

Will you feed the Beak a vote?

Commentary Transcript

(The Com'c update schedule has changed to Mon-Thu-Sat.)

- Beginning of the storyline

This is probably the penultimate str'p in the storyline. It's been quite a ride, hasn't it?

When I started working on the str'p, I wasn't entirely sure where Vee was going to put the beanstalk yet, but as I started drawing regardless, it soon turned out to be a mountain. When I added the crack (which was before I came up with the idea of dropping the beanstalk in it), the name of the mountain came naturally.

The city in the background is not Hereton. It's a distinctly different place, quite unequal from the place it isn't, which is Hereton City, and it is not the same. There are many ways to say what that is - perhaps you could even say it's an... Other City?

The other mountain, in the background, is inspired by Torghatten in Brønnøy.