Com'c #110

The vote button would like

to be hammered with clicks.


New lower record for amount of dialog in a str'p! :p

This is Jane's first encounter with an Oddevice, at least on-panel. She seems to know what they are, though, so I think someone (probably Marc, I guess) must have told her off-panel.

That's an actual fire alarm going off... John's file alarm wouldn't react to the smoke.

Most of the work on this str'p went into panel 3. Figuring out how to show the damage the Oddevice had taken was tricky, and the fire was a relatively late addition. Then came the problem of the smoke... The hammer is the only really "new" piece of art in the str'p, but apart from Jane and the undamaged parts of the Oddevice (since they were pre-made), it was the easiest thing to make in the panel.