
Click the table to take you to this weeks work


Detergent and Stain Remover Experiment

Walt: make connections between texts

Walt: understand chemical and physical changes and the science behind washing products.

Walt: carry out science investigations.

Key Concept: We are continuing our focus on the science behind stains, stain removers, and washing powders. This week, we are learning about detergents and how they work to remove stains.


Your writing task this week is to complete a poster which clearly presents your scientific experience. You will need to include:

-Photos of the process

-The scientific question: Which household cleaner does the best job of removing stains from fabric?

-An explanation of soap or detergent and how it works to remove stains.

-Your hypothesis.


-The procedure (what you did)

-Findings and Conclusion

Poster template (make a copy of this)

Writing a Thank You Letter

Walt: write a letter using the correct format

Walt: summarise some of our camp highlights into succinct paragraphs


1. This week we are going to be writing a thank you letter to Peter and Erin Hyde. When we are writing this letter we need to include the following:

  • An introduction that thanks Peter and Erin

    • (remember to include exact details of what you are thankful for. For example, Kayaking, Sailing, looking after us so well, etc).

  • Paragraphs 1 & 2 describing our highlights from the camp

    • (could be seeing the Orcas, one of the activities, playing spotlight, free time, etc)

  • A conclusion that talks about what you learnt from camp

    • (This could include: to never give up even if you are tired, sore or scared; that you can achieve some amazing things if you try hard, etc)

3. So to get started make a copy of the Student Writing Doc and put this into your writing folder.

4. Follow the instructions on the Student Writing Doc. Once finished publish onto your blog with a photo from camp.

Story Starter

Walt: write an engaging narrative using descriptive language


Click the link to the Story Starters page.

Open the doc. Under the planning section, write down your story starter.

Start writing!

e-AsTTle Writing test

Walt: write a narrative.


1. Follow your teacher instructions

2. This is a test, and must be completed at school.

3. You will have 40 minutes. You will not be allowed to go back into your doc once time is up.

Planning and Writing Doc (This link will go live just before the test begins)

Tuhi mai, tuhi atu - write to me, write to others

Walt: write quality blog comments

Walt: respond to blog comments

Focus: This week is testing week. While we are not testing, you will have a chance to read blog posts from our Tuhi mai, Tuhi atu classes and respond to them by writing quality blog comments.


1. This week we are going to be commenting on Room 14's blog (May Road School). With a friend:

  • Look through their blog.

  • Find out what year level these students are.

  • Find out where their school is.

  • Find something that they do, which is different to what we do at PES.

2. Complete this task: Blog Commenting and Replying Presentation.

Google Presentation

Behind the door

Walt: write a narrative

Walt: demonstrate understanding of a number of strategies and skills for writing (for example, use of paragraphs, a range of sentence types, descriptive language, punctuation, spelling).


1. This week, you are going to write a narrative of your own. You have been given an overall theme for your story.

2. You will need to:

  • Create your own plan

  • Think about how you are going to:

    • Develop the orientation (characters and setting)

    • Develop and solve the problem

    • Link your ideas and make your writing interesting

3. Make a copy of the Planning and Writing doc and put this into your writing folder.

4. Follow the instructions on the planning and writing doc.

Image Attribution. By Dennis Brown (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

A Wild Adventure

Walt: write a narrative

Walt: demonstrate understanding of a number of strategies and skills for writing (for example, use of paragraphs, a range of sentence types, descriptive language, punctuation, spelling).


1. This week, you are going to write a narrative of your own. You have been given an overall theme for your story.

2. You will need to:

  • Create your own plan

  • Think about how you are going to:

    • Develop the orientation (characters and setting)

    • Develop and solve the problem

    • Link your ideas and make your writing interesting

3. Make a copy of the Planning and Writing doc and put this into your writing folder.

4. Follow the instructions on the planning and writing doc.

Image Attribution. By Doug Knuth from Woodstock, IL (Son Doong-47) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons