
Pineapple Lumps are a classic Kiwi lollie. Some people like them soft, others enjoy them hard and chewy from the fridge.

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Good Spotting!

The Adventures of Kory

Walt: find specific evidence in the text


1. Read your story carefully

2. Describing a Character

- We are going to create a description of our lead character, Kory using this Padlet.

- We will create both padlets together as a group, to help each other define a couple of key characteristics of Kory. If you like we could also look at the characteristics of Bert. Your choice.

- Post this onto your blog with 1 paragraph explaining your learning.

Image Attribution: Paul Martin

Extended Reading:

Kory and Characters

Suzie and the Space Nuts

Walt: recognise onomatopoeia words

Walt: gain meaning from making links between words and images


1. Read your story carefully.

2. Create your own spaceship. Use onomatopoeia words to help you to describe the various movements/sounds of your spaceship.

3. Upload your image to your blog with a short paragraph explaining the task.

Text: Suzie and the Space Nuts (ep. 1)

Extended Reading:

Suzie and the Space Nuts (ep. 2)

Suzie and the Space Nuts (ep. 3)

Suzie and the Space Nuts (ep. 4)

Super Senses

Walt: make meaning from texts

Walt: Summarise the main ideas in a text


1. Read your story carefully

2. On hyperstudio, create a Super Human who has the special senses of a Dolphin, Dung Beetle, Dog. Write a paragraph or two to describe the senses of your Super Human and how these 'super powers' help your Super Human (or how they might make life more difficult for them)!

3. Share your creation and description on your blog

Text: Super Senses (Matt Comeskey)

Google Presentation

Bok Choy

Walt: find the main idea in the text

Walt: summarise the 3 main ideas into the form of a comic strip


1. Read your story carefully

2. Comic Strip

Text: Bok Choy

  • Open the above template. Make a copy and file it into your reading folder

  • Use the information from the reading and the pictures from the template to create your own comic strip of the reading

  • Copy, add, and move the characters and speech bubbles around to create your own comic strip

  • Write what each character might be saying in the speech bubbles

  • Share on your blog: Remember to include your task description

Extended Reading:


Level Ten

Walt: find evidence from the text to support your thinking


1. Read your story carefully

2. Illustrator Agree/ Disagree

  • Open the above doc, make a copy and file it into your Reading folder.

  • Use the text to figure out whether the Author would agree or disagree with the statements below.

  • You will need to:

  • - state whether the author would agree or disagree

  • - put the page number that you found your evidence for this

  • - explain how the evidence you found makes you think the author would agree or disagree with the statement.

Blue Roses

Walt: find evidence and clues from the text to create a description


1. Read your story carefully

2. This week we are finishing off our 'Fab Four' super heroes. Sketching by hand (using a range of coloured pencils), finish off the last two heroes - a clarifier and a summariser. Upload a photo of your art onto this presentation.

NOTE: a hint as to the superpower each superhero will have can be found in the presentation!

Write a sentence or two, explaining what your superhero does.

3. Once you have uploaded photos of your artwork for the four superheroes, embed the presentation onto your blog with an explanation of the task.

First World War Mascots

Walt: find evidence and clues from the text to create a description


1. Read your story carefully

2. Sketching by hand (using a range of coloured pencils), create your own 'Fab Four' - a predictor, a questioner, a clarifier, and a summariser. Upload a photo of your art onto this presentation.

NOTE: a hint as to the superpower each superhero will have can be found in the presentation!

Write a sentence or two, explaining what your superhero does.

3. Once you have uploaded photos of your artwork for the four superheroes, embed the presentation onto your blog with an explanation of the task.

Extended Reading:

New Zealand at War Timeline

In the End

Walt: Develop an understanding of WW1

Instructions: As a group we are going to read a graphic novel (comic) and an excerpts from a website to aid our understanding of what happened during World War 1. Remember to add interesting facts and details to this RESEARCH doc as we will be using this very soon for our followup activity.

Extended Reading: Capture of German Samoa