
Click the table to take you to this weeks work

Good Spotting!

Washing Powder

Walt: think critically about advertising


1. Read through both product descriptions

- Think critically as you read about these products

2. Complete the form attached to this page

3. Begin the report linked, however you will need to listen to your teachers instructions.


Supreme Laundry powder - Product Description

Persil Washing powder - Product Description


Christmas GIF

Walt: Learn to create your own GIF images


1. Read through the text What is a gif

2. You will have the opportunity to practice making your own GIF's

- It would be a nice idea to make christmas GIFs for your friends or family.

- However it is still quite a long wait till christmas so you might want to save them and post them closer to the time.

Solid, Liquids, Gas - Rap Competition

Walt: write a rap


1. Read through the texts learn about solid, liquid, gases.

2. You will need to understand the processes, and differences between these states of matter:

  • Use your new knowledge to write a rap

  • Record your rap using the voice recording site

3. The winning rap will be edited to make our own class rap, that we could try turn into a rap video!

4. Enjoy!

Motat - Crazy adventure

Walt: write a narrative


1. This week, you are going to write a narrative of your own. You have been given an overall theme for your story.

2. You will need to:

  • Create your own plan

  • Stick to your plan as you write.

3. Make a copy of the Planning and Writing doc and put this into your writing folder.

4. Follow the instructions on the planning and writing doc.

Image attribution:

Tuhi mai, tuhi atu - write to me, write to others

Walt: write quality blog comments

Walt: respond to blog comments

Focus: This week is testing week. While we are not testing, you will have a chance to read blog posts from our Tuhi mai, Tuhi atu classes and respond to them by writing quality blog comments.


1. This week we are going to be commenting on Room 6's blog (Tamaki Primary School). With a friend:

  • Look through their blog.

  • Find out what year level these students are.

  • Find out where their school is.

  • Find something that they do, which is different to what we do at PES.

2. Complete this task: Blog Commenting and Replying Presentation.

Writing quality blog comments!

e-AsTTle Writing test

Walt: write a narrative


1. Follow your teacher instructions

2. This is a test, and must complete this at school.

3. You will have 40 minutes.

After School Job

Walt: learn and use new vocab.


Follow ALL instructions

1. Read the instructions carefully

2. Follow the instructions given to you by your teacher about the test.

3. Complete the Vocab doc.


Please sit somewhere on your own.

Keep your answers hidden to yourself.

Read the text and the questions carefully.

If you finish early please sit quietly for the remainder of the test.

Vocab doc

You may work on this doc in peers and discuss the words and your sentences. However each person must post it on their blog individually with their own description of their learning.


Test: Google form

Task: Vocab Doc


Walt: write a poem using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.


Following the specific structure given to you by your teacher, you are going to be writing your own poems using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

With your teacher you will discuss the structure of the poem,. and complete an example together.

The structure will be:

1 Noun

2 Verbs

3 Adjectives

1 Verb


Presentation: Poem Structure

Into the cave

Walt: write a narrative

Walt: demonstrate understanding of a number of strategies and skills for writing

(for example, use of paragraphs, a range of sentence types, descriptive language, punctuation, spelling).


1. This week, you are going to write a narrative of your own. You have been given an overall theme for your story.

2. You will need to:

  • Create your own plan

  • Stick to your plan as you write.

3. Make a copy of the Planning and Writing doc and put this into your writing folder.

4. Follow the instructions on the planning and writing doc.

Image Attribution: By Doug Knuth from Woodstock, IL (Son Doong-47) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons