
Pineapple Lumps are a classic Kiwi lollie. Some people like them soft, others enjoy them hard and chewy from the fridge.

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Good Spotting!

The Legend of Tāmaki Makaurau

Walt: listen to other points of view and offer our own point of view within group discussion, thinking and responding in a critical way.


    1. Read the text, The Legend of Tāmaki Makaurau.

    2. Complete the table.

    3. In a pair, choose a statement which you gave different responses to. On your blog, share how you both responded to the statement and what you learned from this task.

Text: The Legend of Tāmaki Makaurau

Extended Reading:

Year 5 & 6 Camp

Walt: make connections across a wide range of texts.


Follow ALL instructions

1. Read the instructions carefully.

2. Using google search for the Year 5/6 camp at Pt England School

  • Choose one of the blog posts about the Year 5/6 camp.

  • Create a new blog post.

  • Summarise the authors thoughts about camp in their blog post in 1 paragraph.

  • Write a second paragraph explaining how this might be similar or different to your experiences of camp.

3. Link the authors blog post to your blog post.

4. Give a shout out to the author on your own blog.

5. Leave a comment on the authors blog.

Rangitoto Volcano

WALT: read difficult words

WALT: create our own definitions of new vocab


Follow ALL instructions.

1. Read your story carefully

2. Define: Vocab

- We are going to create a google presentation that shows our personal definitions of new or interesting vocab.

- You are to choose 4 words from our text and complete the definition process.

- Make sure to complete your definitions with as much detail and thought as possible.

- Once you have finished, post this onto your blog.

About my group

WALT: follow instructions, and complete tasks to a high standard.

WALT: research a topic and display findings in my own words.


Follow ALL instructions.

1. Read the instructions carefully, and make sure you read all the text

in full.

2. Read the text.

3. Questions and planning doc

- Complete this doc first. Make sure to write in full sentences as this will help you with your finished product.

- Save this Doc into your reading folder and put the Doc URL on the blog log.

4. Presentation

- Complete the presentation after Questions and planning doc

- Save this Doc into your reading folder.

- Once you have completed the presentation, publish it to your blog (Include WALT and description of your learning) then add the BLOG POST URL to the blog log.

Life on the Desert Road

Walt: use new knowledge and understanding in different contexts

Walt: read new and challenging words by using a range of strategies


1. Read the instructions carefully

2. Read the text "Time Capsules: Pompeii and Herculaneum"

4. Complete Advice Column Activity

- You will be offering advice to someone who is living closely to a volcano.

- Think about everything that we have read and what evidence you could use to help them.

- Remember to use FREE TO USE images.

- Make sure your writing has correct punctuation, and makes sense.

Photo Attribution: Central Volcanic Plateau/ licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand.

Extended Reading:


Walt: identify the main ideas in the text by using a variety of strategies.

Walt: work with our peers and contribute to discussions.


1. Read your story carefully

2. Meet with Miss West

- If you have not been called, continue with the next task below).

3. Follow these instructions to begin your Google maps task.

- This task is on going, so you can add more to it throughout the term!

- Post this onto your blog with 1 paragraph explaining the task and what the main thing was that you learnt about 'Whakaari'.

Text: Whakaari

Understanding Volcanoes

Walt: find specific evidence in the text


1. Read your story carefully

2. Creating an Info Poster

- You are going to choose some key information or details from your story and create a poster that teaches others about what you have learnt.

- Put the information that you find on THIS DOC

- Turn this information into an Info Poster. Look at the examples below to help you.

- Post this onto your blog with 1 paragraph explaining what the task was and what was the main thing you learnt about volcanoes.

Mount Wellington, by Bhutt, is licensed under public domain.

Extended Reading: