
Classic Kiwi child's toy. The Buzzy Bee is iconic to New Zealand.

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Buzzy Bees

Dog Magic

Olly's New Bike

Rock Doc

Our Rocks rock!

Good Spotting!

Nas and the Crab

WALT: Use relevant parts of the text to help us answer questions

WALT: Identify the problem and offer an appropriate solution

Activity One - An Advice Column. Here are some examples.

One, Two, Three

Your job is to identify the problem. Pretend you are Nas and write a letter to advise that you need help and why.

Then you are to come up with a solution by writing a letter back giving Nas appropriate tips and ideas on what he could do to solve the problem.

Advice Column for Nas

Our Rocks rock!!

WALT: Use relevant parts of the text to help us answer questions

WALT: Use cues and prior knowledge to help us understand new words

Activity One: Match the word with the meaning by using the line tool to draw a line between the two. Remember to check your answers with a buddy.

Fast Finisher: Create a two minute movie explaining what these words mean and try using them in a sentence.

Activity Two: Rock research

Using the text, list down all the different types of rocks there are find images for them. Write a brief description of what they look like.

The Asteroid

WALT: understand new words by using our prior knowledge and cues in the text

WALT: use relevant parts of the text to help us accurately answer questions

Activity One: Match the word with the meaning by using the line tool to draw a line between the two.

Rock Doc

WALT: understand new words by using our prior knowledge and cues in the text

WALT: use relevant parts of the text to help us accurately answer questions

Activity One:

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Explain what a 'geologist' is

2. List 3 things a geologist does

3. Explain what 'fossils' are

4. Why is oil important?

Activity Two:

Find the meanings for the new words you read in the text.

Olly's New Bike

Walt: Find the author's hidden message in the story

Answer the following questions

1. List 3 the things that were wrong with Olly’s bike

2. What did Olly have to do in return for Mohammed fixing his bike?

3. Explain one idea why couldn’t Korfa make any new friends?

Olly's New Bike

Copy your answers to question 4 and 5 in the google draw

Write 2-3 sentences about the story and the WALT in your blog post

5. What was the author’s message in the story?

4. What did you learn from this story?

Dog Magic

Walt: Use text to accurately answer questions


Complete all parts of your activity

Part One: Answer all the questions

Part Two: Complete your activity

Use sumopaint to draw a picture of Bunsen the dog from the story. Take a screen shot

Upload your picture and your questions and answers for 2 and 3 to your blog.

Buzzy Bees

Blog Log - Miss Lavakula Literacy Group 2016

Walt: Find interesting facts and information about Buzzy Bees


Complete all parts of your activity

Use sumopaint to draw a picture of a Buzzy Bee

Blog Post Title: Buzzy Bees

Copy the WALT to your blog

Insert your answers and questions and your picture to your blog

Buzzy Bees Activity

The History of Buzzy Bee™

The Buzzy Bee™ is New Zealand's most famous children's toy.

This brightly coloured, wooden pull-along toy has been handed down from generation to generation and is now considered a major New Zealand icon. There would be few New Zealanders that don't remember playing with this charming little toy in their youth.

Research so far has found the origination of the toy in the very late 1930's in a small workshop in St Benedicts Street in Newton, Auckland. Toy and wood craftsman by the name of Maurice Scheslinger, through his company Playcraft Products fashioned the very first Buzzy Bee, which is similar in most respects to the Buzzy Bee children enjoy today

Using the information above to find the answers to these questions:

    1. What is a Buzzy Bee in New Zealand?

    2. In what year does research say it was first made?

    3. What was the name of the man that first made a Buzzy Bee?

    4. In which city of New Zealand, did he make it?

    5. What was the name of his company?

Find one interesting fact that you didn’t know about Buzzy Bees using this link here