

HyperDuino is an arduino board attachment which allows you to use Hyperstudio to create real interactive 3D models and displays.

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Good Spotting!

Why does soap make bubbles?

Overview & Instructions:

This week we are going to continue learning about why soap makes bubbles and how it helps clean things. We are going to look more at the science behind soap and how it actually works.

Walt: Find Key information

Walt: Understand the science of mixing water, soap and oil.

Walt: Understand what soap does to grease and dirt.

Key Concepts:

    • Why does soap make bubbles?

    • How does soap clean?

    • What is soap made out of?

1. Read the text, "Detergents and soaps" first.

Then explore and read the other texts. What can you learn about soap how it works.

2. Make a copy of the presentation, Why does soap make bubbles?. Use the video and texts then follow the instructions to complete the presentation.

3. In a small group you are going to make a short experiment video. In this video you will get to explain all you have learned about oil, soap and how soap works.

Water, Oil & Soap

Walt: Find Key information

Walt: Understand the science of mixing water, soap and oil.

Walt: Understand what soap does to grease and dirt.

Key Concepts:

    • What happens when you combine oil and water?

    • How does soap clean?

    • Why do some soaps work better than others?

Overview & Instructions:

This week we are going to start our first focus on oil, soap and water. On Tuesday we are going to experiment with oil and water to discover how the interact and also what happens when soap is added to the mixture.

1. Read the journal text, "Why we have soap" first.

Then explore and read the other texts. What can you learn about soap and oil? We will share as a whole class all the exciting things you learn?

2. Make a copy of the presentation, Water, Oil & Soap Quiz. Use the texts and follow the instructions to complete the quiz.


Walt: read and understand poetry.


This week we are going to be exploring lots of poems and discussing what the author is talking about in them.

1. As a whole class read and discuss Poem 1: My Other Jandal & Poem 2: The Windy Night

2. Make a copy of the doc, Poem: Mako Shark. Read the poem carefully and use the text to answer the questions. Share with a buddy to check your thinking and answers.

3. Make a copy of the doc: Poem: Hide-and-go-seek. Work in pairs to read the poem carefully and use the text to answer the questions. When doing this discuss with your buddy the reasons (evidence) for your thinking.

Image Attribution: http://forcreativegirls.com

Practice practice

Walt: confidently read and answer questions under testing conditions.

Walt: reflect on where we are at in our reading, and where we need more help.


This week we are going to be practising reading texts and answering questions. We are also going to practise reading under test conditions.

1. Read text 1: Cacti - Reading Comprehension. Answer the questions and make a poster to share on your blog.

2. Reading Tests

- Reading Practice Test link

3. Reflect on your reading with your teacher to discuss what you need to learn and do better.