GAS: Google Apps Script - O que é? (EN)

GAS: Google Apps Script

Porque razão devo aprender Google Apps Script (GAS)?

Sete razões porque o GAS é uma ótima 1ª linguagem de programação:

1. Começamos num ambiente que conhecemos - as aplicações G Suite (Gmail, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Maps, etc.)

2. Não é necessário configurar ou instalar absolutamente nada.

3. Conseguimos construir ferramentas úteis e divertidas imediatamente.

4. É totalmente baseada na linguagem Javascript que é uma referencia importante.

5. A documentação e os recursos são de qualidade e em quantidade.

6. Aprendemos os conceitos fundamentais importantes existentes em qualquer linguagem de programação.

7. É gratuita!

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Overview of Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script is a scripting language based on JavaScript that lets you do new and cool things with Google Apps like Docs, Sheets, and Forms. There's nothing to install — we give you a code editor right in your browser, and your scripts run on Google's servers.

If you're new to JavaScript, Codecademy offers a great course for beginners. (Note that this course was not developed by and is not associated with Google.)

A key resource that you will want to have handy as you are scripting is the reference manual. On the Google Apps Script page look under Reference -> Google Apps Services. You can click on the different Google Apps Services and find all the possible functions available to you. Functions are called methods in this manual and they provide you with the name of the function, the type of data that is returned, and a brief description of the function. A lot of the functions have sample code that you can copy and paste into your program.
