"Engenharia de Prompt"


"Se fazes perguntas pobres vais receber respostas pobres que te fazem pensar que o ChatGPT não presta!"

“ Prompt engineering is the art of communicating with a generative large language model. ” ChatGPT, 2023 

2312.16171v1 - Principled Instructions Are All You Need for Questioning LLaMA-1/2, GPT-3.5/4.pdf

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Principled Instructions Are All You Need for Questioning LLaMA-1/2, GPT-3.5/4 

Artigo de referência, EN, dez.2023, 24 pág.

Artigo original disponivel em:

GitHub - VILA-Lab/ATLAS: A principled instruction benchmark on formulating effective queries and prompts for large language models (LLMs). Our paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.16171 

Este texto foi criado pelo seguinte GPT disponivel na loja de GPTs com o nome: "Prompt Professor"

Ver esta interação em chat.openai.com/share/228fad1b-8fb9-4e9c-92d4-29e87b58ee1e

26 Principles of Good Prompt

[Os 26 principios em Português] Tradução automática com erros!

A "roda" dos Principios de P1 a P26

Prompt Structure and Clarity (cor verde)

P2: Audience integration / Intended Audience: Integrate the intended audience in the prompt. 

P4: Use Affirmative Directives: Use affirmative directives like ‘do’, avoiding negative language like ‘don’t’. 

P12: Think Step-by-Step: Use leading words like “think step by step.” 

P20: Output Primers: Use output primers by starting your response with the beginning of the desired output. 

P17: Use Delimiters: Employ delimiters in the prompt. 

P8: Formatted Prompt / Structured Formatting: Start prompts with ‘###Instruction###’, followed by ‘###Example###’ or ‘###Question###’ if relevant.