Zarate Zen

Zarate Zen Captured Images From My Life To Yours

Are you interested in nature photography? Are you looking for hopeful messages and positive words? Then this is the perfect book for you!

Zarate Zen- Captured Images From My Life To Yours is uniquely designed to provide you with encouraging words and truly remarkable images captured over the years. It is both a photography book and a book bursting with positive words, hopeful comments and daily affirmations.

Alex G Zarate has brilliantly crafted a superb book filled with beautiful images and words which will uplift and motivate you. He is a landscape and nature photographer who has been posting online for several years.

Whether you’re interested in nature photography, are seeking a positive outlook for the world or know someone who is... this book will be the perfect companion.

Onwards! + 

As I journeyed through my writing path with adventures of science fiction and urban fantasy, I went on regular walks to clear my head, and stumbled upon another love, taking pictures of the incredible beauty that nature offers. For many years, I happily shared these snapshots of the world, along with positive words and encouraging thoughts. Little did I know that this journey would lead to a crossroads of creativity.

As the pages turned in my novels, a sweet request echoed from you, my cherished readers. You expressed a wish for a book that held the beauty of my landscapes, inspiring words, and perspectives of nature that I shared online. This request led me to merge my collected pictures with warm words and personal thoughts. And so, Zarate Zen: Captured Images From My Life To Yours was born.

This was a new adventure for me and a break from the stories I usually tell. It was a chance to celebrate the beauty that surrounds us every day. Each chapter started with my own thoughts, reflections on life, and bits of gratitude. It was my way of sharing not just pictures but also feelings, not just Urban Fantasy stories but the real magic of life’s beauty.

With Zarate Zen, I found a different way to create with words and pictures, to share not just tales but also emotions, not just imagined worlds, but the feelings we have every day. It became a book about nature’s wonders and the power of positive thoughts. The day I held a copy of this bright and colorful book, I realized this was a new path. A road to greater horizons with a chance to encourage and inspire others.

As I look back on this journey, I’m so thankful to you, my wonderful readers, for encouraging me to try something new. Your support, combined with the beautiful moments captured in each photo, has made Zarate Zen a truly magical journey.

And now, with a second book released, I’m excited to share more of these captured moments, positive words, and inspirations that make life exceptional.

Onwards! +