Update 20190428

As April comes to a close I continue working hard at figuring out the process of owning a home in California. I have been working for most of my life and have seen many people attain home ownership, ending up with a house, condo, manufactured home or townhouse.

I finally decided to see what I can get for my income and have found the process harrowing at best. It seems at every turn, additional costs are popping up, more debt is being taken on and no matter what I do, every step of the way is lined with additional fees and documentation requirements. I continue to fight the good fight and hope someday to be at a new place I can call my own. Preferably one I am able to afford without accruing more debt on a monthly basis that sends me deeper into a money pit resembling a Star Wars monster snagging my legs with a tentacle covered in spikes. (Is this how all Californians live?)

Not long ago, I thought I was close to the middle of the income bracket but since delving into the world of home ownership, I feel as if I must be in the bottom bracket everyone on top steps on. Egads! Where do people with minimum wage fall? No wonder the young folks are now living with their parents. Financial sand monsters are everywhere! Oh, well. Into the breech we go… Onwards!