Echoes of Innocence

Echoes of Innocence

When tragedy befalls a beloved neighbor, Tommy and Snowy find themselves separated by emotion and circumstance, leaving Tommy on his own, using his gifts to seek answers in the lives and struggles of his friends and his lost father's past. Tommy must come to terms with his anger as he delves into the world of those around him, finding secrets of the past, struggles of the present and the Echoes of Innocence.

Echoes of Innocence is the third book in the Linked series but it was the first book I started providing illustrations for each chapter and planned out the cover art until the final image was done.  It turned out to be a long process but it was a joy every step of the way.

These two videos are the trailer and teaser trailer I put together.  If you saw them before coming to this site, I hope they made the story as interesting for an outsider as it was for me.  Thank you!

Echoes Of Innocence Original Cover

This was the original cover I created for Echoes Of Innocence. It was a work of passion and I loved the final result. It was one of my favorites of the original designs.

Echoes Of Innocence Final Cover

I updated my cover design to one that was professionally done and matched the trilogy style. I am happy with the result and look forward to seeing the series in discussion boards.