Drake's Orb

Drake's Orb

Captain Drake has taken command of The Mary: A civilian deep-space research vessel, in hopes of forgetting the trauma from his last military assignment.  He quickly discovers the missions are becoming increasingly dangerous and the crew is beginning to turn against him, leaving the captain with growing fear he has taken command of a vessel where none are expected to survive.

Note:  Drake's Orb will be published in 2024

This is the book that started it all.

I completed The Orb in 2008 and published in early 2009.  It is a milestone in many firsts for my writing:  The first book I wrote to the end, the first time I wrote without a plan, the first time I pushed beyond all self imposed limitations and the first time I felt the worlds I imagined inside me coming to life as never before.

Needless to say, that feeling of inspiration became the epiphany that fueled my creative nature and released the passion for writing I had been denying for too long.  May we all discover such joy in our lives.  Onwards! 

Final Cover For Drake's Orb

As I continued to revise the book for a fresh publication and a new series, I realized that having used professional cover designs for my Urban Fantasy series, I needed to continue the trend with Drake's Orb. The final version blew my mind and I am certain it was the right decision. I love the final covers for my first Sci-Fi trilogy. (Yay!)

The Orb Original Cover

When I published in 2009, I used the standard templates provided in CreatSpace, so my decisions were... less than spectacular. I knew even then that I would be tweaking the cover a few times before calling it done. 

The Orb Revised Cover

As I continued to work with the book's revision, I began to play with alternate means of graphic design. This one was done using Canva. Although it did not make it to the final version, it was a nice design overall.

Drake's Orb New Cover

A funny thing happened when I was trying to revise my book cover on Amazon. They wouldn't let me change the name of the novel. I was bitterly disappointed and ended up leaving it as an unpublished book as I went to Draft2Digital for my updated and revised final book. I decided to make it into a trilogy and call it Drake's Orb, so there was no confusion between the original and the updated novel. Ah, creative life...

Audio Excerpt Of Drake's Orb!

I discovered Tall Tale TV a short while ago and have thoroughly loved each audio creation shared with the world.  Submitting my own excerpt was a natural next step and I was thrilled with the result.  

As the revision to The Orb is finalized, (Re-Titled as Drake's Orb) I now have an audio clip to enjoy as I explore this amazing story in new and exciting ways.