August 22, 2020 Update

Greetings all,

How long did that last? A week? Ten? A year? Yikes! As I struggle to get back on the saddle of productivity, I suppose a recap is in order. (Like in my books!)

When last we followed the going’s-on of the Zarate Zen Manor…

I moved into my new place and finally unpacked everything. (Yay!) I also purchased a new car after my old one was totaled. (Boo!) My productivity scattered to the winds and I gathered the pieces of my plan to put this life puzzle back together. Then the world-wide zombie apocalypse kicked off…

Needless to say, my best laid plans for productivity and publication turned into a banana peel that I confidently stepped on, slipped, and began a long tumble down the side of a mountain. (Whee!)

Regardless, I stopped producing an update for a while so I could focus on more pressing things like finding toilet paper, running from burning cities and trying to recall all the crazy ideas preppers shared before the show was cancelled. (Who knew?)

Thankfully, Bradbury was right about writing so reality can’t destroy you. The time to return to the obsessive writing fold is now. Thanks, Ray! Happy 100th Birthday! (You are missed)

The first thing to announce is that the Linked trilogy is complete and out in the world. Huzzah! I kept tweaking it off and on until I realized I was holding back the next three books far too long. An editor was kind enough to take my money and help me wrap up the story so I can move forward with the next trilogy without looking over my shoulder.

The second trilogy has been aptly named The Connections series and it continues the adventures of Tommy and Snowy as they continue their adventures, find new challenges and face dangers no one can face alone. (Hint-hint!)

I will wrap up the series next year with the third book. I hope you like it and I will be seeking beta readers in the coming months.

On a personal note: Yes, the zombie apocalypse has created new challenges. It seems that the world is now a prequel to the Road Warrior flicks. While I am hunkering down, crafting tales and trying to keep my friends and loved ones from being eaten by the roving band of Orcs. Rest assured, I am steadfast in my duties and will never stop writing!

I’m reliable that way.

Stay safe, keep your positive vibes humming and make every dream an achievable goal. Onwards!