
Lots of sketches have been made over the years. I'll scan some in as time permits. So... many... sketches...

Coils to Light

I made a series of drawings with coils. I tried working the shading and metallic view but never got what I was looking for. One day I'll see what I can come up with now that I've learned a bit more about the craft.


I originally drew this with black and color pencils. The color original was lost ages ago. I only have the black and white copy I managed to make. Ah, beginnings...


I drew this on a napkin a week after the car broke down and my gal had to get towed. Inspiration comes at the strangest times.


An old faded sketch of myself. I made the mistake of keeping the sketch pad at an angle so I ended up with a longer face. Yup. No better teacher than experience.


I always loved astronauts and the idea of traveling to space. This was just one of many.

Tech Tree

I always tried to combine nature with technology. Even today I am always amazed at how we merge our advances with nature.


I eventually became fascinated with cyborgs. This was just one of many sketches depicting technology acting like a virus turning us all into machines. Such is life as a young artist.


As I got older, I realized how hurtful people were to one another around the world. I was inspired to draw this as I watched the news one day. Childhood's end is never easy.


This little fella was from a comic book long ago. I was fascinated by the techno-organic story and the New Mutants that were introduced into the X-Men universe. I still love this guy. I miss those old tales.