Comic Vlog

My first few Vlogs were videos created from Blogs posted on my site. I have since been creating Comic Vlogs with a creative theme and humor to share a few thoughts on the life of a creative. I'll be adding another aspect to this collection as I begin capturing a video of myself speaking with a digital mask. (Thanks Apple!)

Comic Vlogs are below. I hope they make you smile and show you a little of what goes through my noggin on a daily basis. Enjoy!

Mindset Personal Note:

We all deal with life's daily grind and various challenges. Even the typical workday can become a chore if we choose a negative outlook. The best way to handle overwhelming odds, daily challenges and life's difficulties is to find the spark of joy in every day we have.

Each of us, creative or otherwise, can see a bit of fun or joy in every day. Hold onto those moments and soon each piece will make a puzzle that turns your world into a true adventure. Onwards!

Habit Personal Note:

One of the most important things I've discovered on my creative journey is the need to constantly produce creative works. As long as I am taking pictures, posting images and writing on a daily basis, I feel the goal of someday becoming known as an author or artist growing near. On the days that I am too tired or give in to that lazy voice telling me to take a break from writing or posting, I find myself worried the spark is dying inside me and I will soon give up on my craft.

Needless to say, even if it is a small amount of work, I make sure to do something each and every day. Creative habits cannot be broken.

Social Personal Note:

The more I continue my journey as a creative, the more I come to realize the creative part is the only time we can ever remain in our own heads. When the book is done, the graphics complete and the trailers out in the world, the next step is promotions, personal communications and the beginning of the process that involves socializing, finding readers and basically turning the life of an introvert upside down.

I am learning as I go and look forward to someday find a bit of ease when meeting others. Until then, it is still fun to see those who enjoy my works and I get further encouraged to continue creating those worlds I get to visit from time to time. Thank you one and all for the opportunity.

Balance Personal Note:

As I begin the adjustment to my new residence and surroundings, it becomes more important than ever to maintain a balance between my personal life, my paying work and my creative ventures.

It is a balance between money and time, work and play as well as hope and endurance. I know that there are more challenges coming that I haven't seen yet and I look forward to every connection, discovery and victory.

Job Personal Note:

One of the discoveries I made on my journey as a creative is the realization that writing and posting my creative works is a job. I may work a typical ten hour day for little things like rent and food but at the end of the day, my real job is writing and creating.

The job may not pay and it may take years before it can replace my hourly occupation but it is my passion and without passion, my life ends up being one routine after another. My creative job is one I will never tire of or stop working at, despite payment, encouragement or time. Passion does not need such frivolities.

Time Personal Note:

The hardest part of returning to the creative fold is setting aside time to work on my craft. Taking pictures when I am out and about is easier than writing. True, the right moment has to come and the right photo op has to present itself but I am snapping pictures with joy and capturing the world as I go. Writing takes time, effort and loads of concentration as I open the door to my inner world in order to begin the flow of words. As long as I put in the standard time every day at a regular job, time will always be a commodity to value and squirrel away as I sneak in time to find my stories, create some art and follow that which makes this life an adventure.

Challenges Personal Note:

As creatives, we are constantly facing new challenges. Some are taken on deliberately and others are found in the process of discovery. I tackle every challenge the same way. I look at what is needed to overcome the challenge and find a way to succeed. If it takes a long time, then so be it. I am patient to a fault. The best part? Every challenge is story fuel! (Yay!)

One of the challenges I've undertaken in the past is NaNoWriMo. (National Novel Writing Month. It was my gateway to finding the passion of writing after too many years. I recommend we all find challenges to help raise us from our current state. Improve knowledge, skill and enjoyment. Add to your life. It's always worthwhile.

Writer's Block Personal Note:

I've written about this many times now. The hardest thing to overcome for a creative is loss of inspiration or passion. Just like someone who wants to run a marathon, you need to start moving. Even if it is putting down nonsense, you are writing. Add thoughts, smells, ideas or location descriptions. As you go through the motions, the wheels will begin to turn and with enough effort, the spell will be broken, allowing you to return to the writing world, creating adventures and loving every minute of it. Onwards!

Graphics Personal Note:

Graphics are always a challenge for a writer. Putting down words is a challenge in itself to describe what we imagine with enough clarity that a reader can absorb the story without confusion.

To cross the creative gulf from written words to visual arts is a similar dilemma. You must now produce a snapshot of the story idea and provide it for the cover jacket, chapter illustration or promotion. We must choose the best elements of our stories and do our best to make them a visual taste of the grander story within.

Creativity Personal Note:

When I returned to my writing passion, I discovered that I had an affinity for many creative endeavors. I liked graphic design, drawing, sculpture and photography. I also liked music and video creation. In short, my self image as an author transformed into that of a creative.

We all have our preferences and should do what we can to create works to share with the world. We hold greatness inside us that is waiting to come out. The trick is finding an outlet for it. Look around, find your outlet and let the world discover the greatness that you possess.

Why Personal Note:

When I was growing up, no one encouraged me to be a writer. I was bright and driven and wanted to produce amazing things with my imagination. Unfortunately, the negativity drove me to depression until I finally gave it up in college.

It was a painful time but just as it is with all struggles, it eventually passed and I tried to write again. Soon, putting words down rekindled my passion and I've never looked back. True, I am decades behind producing my work, but I like to think of it as having decades of experience to draw from. May we all find that passion in life that makes every day an adventure. Onwards!

Plot Personal Note:

For a writer, a plot bunny is simply a change in the direction of a story. A plot element has changed and the story can go from a get together to a murder mystery.

We face sudden changes in life when the unexpected happens, be it a flat tire or new job. The trick is to take all those random elements of our lives and transfer that wonder and shock onto the page.

With enough time and practice, it becomes one the best things writers do, keeping every story fresh and every plot bunny at the ready.