
Roomba Higgins


Alex G. Zarate


Higgins Goes Home

Roomba Higgins was no ordinary robotic vacuum cleaner. With his sleek design and tireless work ethic, he roamed the halls of home, diligently tidying up every speck of dust along his path. But one fateful day, the front door was left open, and Higgins wandered beyond the borders of home and found himself lost.

Confused and alone, he ventured out into the unknown, determined to find his way back. The streets were filled with noise and commotion as Higgins rolled through. Busy pedestrians hurried past him, paying no attention to the lost little robot. The towering world seemed to close in on him, casting shadows that made him feel ever smaller. This was a crazy world, far removed from the calm and familiar environment he had known.

But just as Higgins was beginning to lose hope, something caught his sensors—a faint scent of saltwater and the distant sound of crashing waves. Intrigued, he followed his electronic instincts, winding through alleyways and bustling crowds. There, amidst the concrete jungle, he stumbled upon a hidden gem—the entrance to a perfect beach path.

As Higgins navigated the sandy trail, a sense of tranquility washed over him. The noise of the city faded away, replaced by the soothing melody of seagulls and the gentle lapping of waves. The sun's warm rays embraced his metallic exterior, making him feel alive in a way he had never experienced before.

Along the beach path, Higgins discovered a newfound purpose. He no longer longed for the halls of home. He embraced this newfound freedom and the joy of exploring such an idyllic beach. With every pass, he meticulously cleared away sand and debris, creating a pristine path for others to enjoy.

Word quickly spread about Higgins, the tireless cleaner of the beach. People marveled at his dedication and the touch of magic he brought to the once-ignored stretch of coastline. They walked, jogged, and strolled along the path, grateful for his efforts.

Higgins found contentment in his role as the new caretaker of the beach. As he continued his self-determined cleaning duties, he no longer felt lost or out of place. He had a new purpose and embraced the beauty of the beach he helped maintain, surrounded by the laughter of children and the smiles of those who passed by.

Higgins discovered that sometimes losing oneself can lead to finding something truly special. As he continued his daily cleaning ritual, he knew that he had found his own home. A home where he belonged and could make a difference for countless others.

Roomba Higgins, the little lost Roomba, had discovered his true purpose and a sense of fulfillment that would stay with him forever.


The End