Reflections in Darkness

Reflections In Darkness

Tommy’s loss has sent ripples of change throughout his life, affecting connections to friends, family and Snowy.  Two years of searching for Caroline has turned his determination to find her into anger and frustration that is driving everyone away.  As a new school year begins, Tommy confronts three strangers with abilities identical to his own, desperate for help.

As Tommy struggles to put away his anger at the world, a new threat approaches, bringing a relentless wave of destruction that no one, not even Tommy, is prepared for.

Connections in Crimson concluded on a somber note, with Tommy and Snowy grappling with a heart-wrenching loss. As we enter the world of Reflections In Darkness, we find Tommy changed in the two years that have passed. To friends and family, he appears to have moved on but continues to carry his grief silently. His childhood friend, Matt, strives to repair their friendship, while James continues to grapple with a debt he feels he can never repay. Tommy’s life with Snowy has been a tumultuous journey, marked by trauma and loss. With this installment, I wanted to explore the ongoing conflict between choices of right and wrong, darkness and light.

In Reflections In Darkness, I am able to introduce an array of new characters who are linked to the remaining cats from Snowy’s family. Each of these lost cats have found human connections. Readers are invited to delve into the lives of these feline companions, exploring how each cat found their human counterparts and what their life journeys have entailed.

Tommy has borne the brunt of loss throughout the series. Each challenge and hardship has fortified his spirit. However, in this chapter of his life, grief casts a long shadow on his choices, particularly as adulthood looms. With the arrival of three new characters, Tommy’s life is once again thrust into turmoil as he faces an unprecedented threat, a fourth character: A homicidal enemy who wields the same extraordinary abilities.

For dedicated readers who’ve followed the earlier series, a tapestry of unanswered questions remained. The origin of Snowy’s litter was an enigma to be unraveled. The marriage between Sheila and Charlie advanced as they began navigating the intricacies of parenthood. The sisters Sadie and Cassie are maturing as they each take on new roles in Tommy’s life.

In Reflections In Darkness, as in previous volumes chronicling Tommy’s life with Snowy, an array of antagonists come to life. From schoolyard bullies and a disgruntled school principal to menacing mobsters and deranged killers, the challenges facing Tommy continue to become increasingly formidable. As the series has progressed, so have the adversaries. This time, we delve deep into the abyss of darkness that could have consumed Tommy, witnessing the devastating power of one who has embraced madness as he wields the same abilities.

Reflections In Darkness is a continuation of Tommy and Snowy’s adventures, yet like all others, is a standalone novel. Readers can embark on this journey without prior knowledge of the series. Context and background is provided through carefully placed scenes. While some questions linger, the primary narrative reaches a satisfying resolution, leaving our hero, and his family, in a better place.

This series has dealt with some dark and profound themes. From its inception with a pre-teen Tommy, it has explored intense events. My commitment to the series remains the same: Conclude each story with a resolution that, if not a perfect happily-ever-after, offers a deeply satisfying resolution. I hope these tales continue to inspire you, leaving you eager to revisit the story providing anticipation for the next chapter.

Reflections In Darkness and the entire series can be found on Amazon. Your support, feedback, and comments are invaluable to me. For updates and to connect, please visit my website at and follow me across all social media platforms under the name alexgzarate. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series. Keep the flame of inspiration alive and keep creating.

Onwards! +

Reflections In Darkness Original Cover

I worked on the design for Reflections In Darkness while I was writing it. I loved the final result, showing the light and darkness of the book on display. Interestingly enough, the final design I made of Snowy on the right became the template for the counterpart on the left. I simply inverted Snowy and flipped the image to create the result. I loved it and will always keep a copy of this book cover just for nostalgia. In the end, I had to have the pros handle the final version.

Reflections In Darkness Final Cover

The final cover went through a few variations as I worked with the artist to make it the best it could be. I was thrilled to see the final result as it depicts the three new characters on the cover alongside Tommy as they face the unknown road ahead.