Update 20190526

Greetings friends, family and followers!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! I am celebrating in the typical fashion of someone who just moved. That is to say, I continue to unpack at a maddening snail’s pace. (snails go mad, don’t they?) and manage to discover new things I forgot I had as each new box reveals its secrets. It has been rainy down here in crazy Cali and with the holiday weekend, traffic has been akin to a demolition derby conducted on a giant slip-n-slide. (Whee!)

My video blog has been slow going, although I finally found the last of my desktop gadgets that I rely on to work like a cray-snail. (yay!)

I am starting to post reviews for the movies I watch, the books I read and the shows I watch. It’s just a little something I decided to do because sleeping is for other people. (yay?)

I am still posting my daily Instagrams, weekly IGTV shorts and adding to my new site every chance I get. I’ve also gotten a couple more trailers and teasers ready to go for Linked and Ripples of Mind. I want to get more done but my time travel machine is still in the shop. I’ll keep you posted as I go.

My Insta-fave this week was a post that I chose as I considered how much we are all doing in this life. No one sees the struggles we face, the challenges we overcome or the joys we feel and as the words formed in my head, I saw the picture I wanted to use. The rest is now part of my internet history. Onwards!

IG Fave:

You are a beautiful mystery, made with layers upon layers of life experiences, deep-seated hopes and limitless dreams which make your goals attainable, your strength beyond measure and your passion unstoppable. Onwards! +

My FB fave was on a Keto site. As I’ve mentioned to several people, I decided last year to address my increasing waist line and decided to work on improving my health and diet. With so many fad diets out there, I chose the Keto diet and have stuck with it since December. The question I answered was on a post saying they were new to Keto and wanted to know how much others lost. I answered with a screen grab of my spreadsheet.

Question: I’m new to Keto… How much have you lost on Keto?

My answer: My progress so far:

Final personal note: I hope everyone is having a good year so far. I look forward to seeing where this new location and surroundings will lead and hope that I can keep advancing with my writing and creations.

I thank you all for sticking with me and hope I am providing as much inspiration to you as I find in the world every day.

Be well, keep creating and follow your dreams. Onwards!