Bob's Job

Bob's Job

Bob is working as a temp and is happy to do the menial work involving endless filing and data entry. That is, until the day he follows a grumpy janitor into a conference room and winds up in another world.

Bob’s job soon entails protecting the building occupants from otherworldly dangers and protecting the world from invasion. However, to everyone else, he works a thankless job of constant paperwork, disgruntled employees and abusive bosses.

Bob's Job is a result of my many years at an office job. (Paper shuffling isn't as enjoyable as it sounds.) After the first decade, my mind took me to places outside the workplace. The added love of scifi and fantasy stories didn't hurt either: Star Trek, Doctor Who (Tennant), Stargate, Alice In Wonderland, World of Tiers, The Fold, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, to name a few.