Coming Soon!(ish)

I have been writing for many years.  The books I have published are only the tip of the iceberg.  The books I have yet to publish may have a first draft awaiting my attention or are in a pile of notes soon to become a first draft.

Below are my up and coming books.  In time, I will include a page for each, adding details as time goes by.  They will join the ranks of my published novels.  Just wait...  

Note:  The cover art used may also be first drafts.

Positive Pets (Draft Cover)

Since releasing Zarate Zen, I've had this book in mind. A book to provide a few positive words about our furry companions and some uplifting thoughts to share with pet lovers of all ages.

Shadow Of Rourke (Draft Cover)

A dystopian noir tale, gritty and far different than any book I've written before.

Boundless (Draft Cover)

Every story has a beginning. This one was inspired by a short story submission that took hold of my imagination and wouldn't let go until I followed each character to the end. A great journey I'm happy to share with readers and lovers of books. 

Zarate Zen (Draft Cover)

Zarate Zen - Promoting Lifelong Peace Through Nature's Lens

This is the third book of the Zarate Zen series and promises to be a favorite. Onwards! +