
I have been drawing for most of my life and have enjoyed capturing the images and ideas inspired by the world at large. Now that we are in the digital age, many of my old drawings will need to be scanned but I have been using a stylus to draw for a few years. The latest drawings were done for the 2019 InkTober Challenge. Always a good thing to create a preferred habit for your passions.


I love being able to create something that is easily identified. Drawing the ring was a fun exercise and including the reflection made it extra challenging. Geometry and I are adversaries and I have a tendency to turn every shape and angle into an organic creation. Thankfully, even with that tendency, the completed drawing made me glad to have worked outside my comfort zone.


The zombie trend continues to make movies, books and shows popular. When I got the idea for this drawing, I thought to ask the question: What happens if the zombies win? What would the population do if it were all mindless? I particularly enjoyed having each caricature look just a little bit off while I centered my own figure with shades and glowing eyes. Ah, life after the apocalypse...


For this one I went with another comic version of the word. I've drawn comics since middle school and have always gone back to the humorous side of life when struggles come along. Hopefully, we all get a chance to approach adversity with a good attitude.


I drew this from an actual photograph of a snowflake. It was a little blurry but I got the gist of it as I worked the lines, shapes and angles. In the end, I was straining myself to put every tiny line in place as I moved from one crystalline angle to another. Crystals are beautiful and I will always love taking pictures of them.


I combined a couple of old photos to draw this composition. I loved the image of a worker on the beam from years ago. I am not a fan of heights and respect anyone who can do so without concern. Looking out to a city or landscape is always a favorite activity for me. The world is vast and beautiful. It is always great to know there are people who can create something beyond the page that builds the world for generations to come.


This drawing was one I feared working on. It was not exact to the Husky I had a picture of and every line and dot felt strained. I wanted to depict this wonderful animal in the best light possible. When I finally stopped, I was shocked, thrilled and pleased. Sometimes, our fears should just be left behind.


This one pulled elements from Alice in Wonderland and Starry Night. I am eager to let my imagination run with the Enchanted theme and create something new and striking.


For this drawing, I did not want to put a label on anyone else as being frail so I added myself. The frailty of us all is constant and as we keep ourselves together, we also keep others from falling apart, making us heroes in the eyes of others despite our own hardships in life. A definite fave for the month.


Drawing a swing should have been easy until I looked at the rope and decided to turn every shadow and subtle line into a prominent fixture of the drawing. I was amazed at the intricacy of each thread on such a common scene. There is always something more to see when we look a little closer.


I am a fan of patterns. Mandala designs are a fave. I tried my hand at creating a representation of one and found it as challenging as any drawing could be. Straight lines and geometric shapes always make me work harder. Although the result wasn't perfect, I still enjoyed creating the design, crafting the pattern and learning more about repeated shapes. By the time I was done, it was clear that every drawing is an adventure.


For this drawing, I wanted to see how far I could stretch each line to create shading. It was an experience and I am grateful for having tried it. The sun and clouds are especially interesting as they have no outline, only cross-hatched shading.


I looked at multiple drawings, designs and tattoos before I decided to play with this design. I even had to start over after the first section was done because I did not want to leave it in black. I drew in red and do not regret my decision. I love this drawing. It may not be perfect, (what drawing is) but it is still a fave.


One of my favorite images for InkTober. I spent hours drawing the cigarette and loved the resulting glass of the ashtray.


This prompt was a personal one. I took one of my old belts and drew it with care, making sure I drew the small holes with attention to how untouched they were and the latter holes as I outgrew them. Outgrew? No. I gained weight until the belt was destroyed and finally set aside. I now have a click-belt and have lost a lot of weight. I will always remember my overgrown waistline.


Snoopy is a fave character in the world and I was sad when Charles Schultz departed. The quiet beagle may not speak but his actions, imagination and endless adventures are legendary. I will always see him and his creator as a muse and inspiration.


This is from a picture I once took of a hawk that caught a fish and began flying away. I was by a lake waiting for nightfall to take part in an event when I saw lots of birds swooping in the area. I realized the hawk had gone down to the lake as a fish had risen to the surface and the prize was captured. I immediately began snapping picture after picture, struggling to focus as it swooped around the lake, avoiding other birds who, no doubt, wanted to swipe the prize. I had a moment of intense focus as I watched the scene play out, happy to have captured such an incredible display.

Nature is far less interested in the aesthetics of the world, which makes them even more amazing to see in action. Capturing the picture was a thrill, drawing it brought the memory to crystal clarity yet again.


Christmas is a favorite holiday. I remember the commercials as a child with posters promoting peace on earth and good will towards man. The message is needed today more than ever. I hope the gift we find in the future is a coming together of everyone across the world rather than the constant push for division. (I remain hopeful)


I saw a Bitmoji with a similar depiction and recall an old Pixar short as well. I love the imagery and had to work with it. We are all misfits in our own way. The best thing to do is accept the best traits we have and share them with others even if they don't reciprocate. Giving from the heart is always worthwhile.


I captured some of the feeling from an illustration to one of my books. (Connections in Crimson) I was happy to have kept the look of concentration intact and did not have too much difficulty with the hand perspectives.


This was inspired by a few designs I came across. I am always amazed at how involved drips and splatters become. I must always put forth great effort to turn a random pattern into an intentional design. A fave in its own way and a challenge to be sure.


Aladdin has become a story, cartoon and live-action movie. The lamp is well-known and I wanted to capture the elegance.


I did not want to draw a modern see through figure made to look like shadow or fading character. I like the classic look.


Easter Island is a fave destination for the future. I am always fascinated by ancient civilizations and the artwork that was left behind.


Like writing a story, the swirl depicts my mindset as ideas continue their never-ending vortex inside my noggin.


A little hard to depict a tasty treat since I went Keto and gave up sugar. Ah, memories...





