#AuthorsAMA - Alex G. Zarate

Wouldn't you know it? I went on to link the AMA site but discovered that the site is not found. They've either been sucked by a black hole in the Matrix or are updating their site and have no landing page to show it is under construction for users.

Regardless, I printed the AMA I took part in and have transferred the data below. (Thank you, Adobe!)

Hello All! I'm Alex G. Zarate, Author of several novels including Linked, the first book in The Cat Rule Chronicles. Ask Me Anything.

Alex G. Zarate

Writer, Photographer, Artist, Novelist

I've just released a revision to Linked, the first book in The Cat Rule Chronicles, available from Amazon as an eBook and CreateSpace as a paperback.

The series is currently in book 5 and is planned for 9.

I have several other books planned and in progress. You can check out my Amazon page here:

I am also on Facebook and Instagram. Feel free to stop by:

Conversation (34)


What do you do In your spare time?


In my spare time I read, watch Netflix or spend time with friends much like anyone else. I also enjoy photography and hiking, merging the two so as to capture the amazing world we live in. The rest of the time I spend working on sketches, illustrations and other creative outlets.


How do you know If your writing is good enough or appealing enough to outside audiences?


There is a market for just about every book we can produce. Most writers never know If their writing Is good enough until sharing with others. Once you have a first draft, you must read what you have and edit to the best of your ability. Next. find beta readers, get an editor and then release your book into the world. You will find others are happy to read what you have written.


How long have you been writing?


All my life. I've been writing since I first started reading and tried to put down some stories of my own. However, I started taking my writing seriously about ten years ago.


What's your travel style?


I'll assume you mean writing style. I lean back and forth between expository and narrative, depending on the story I'm writing.


Do you think that physical books will eventually become obsolete?


Sadly, yes. They are on their way. eBooks sell far more than printed books since they can be stored cheaply and distributed with the swipe of a finger. In another decade, printed books may be a thing of the past.


Do you sketch your storyline before you start?


I have sketched out a couple of my books but find it easier to write without a plan. When I try to anticipate what happens, the story changes direction by the time I get to the third chapter. It is easier if I write a couple of chapters first to get a feel for the book before planning further.


What was the first book that you read?


The first book I read was Charlotte's Web. I remember wondering what it would be like to own a pig and trying to find words in spider webs. Fun times!


How long did it take you to come up with the theme of the books?


I don't come up with themes before writing my books. I usually begin with a situation or event and build the story around it. The themes that arise are emphasized or clarified during the editing process.


How do you make an income while you are traveling?


I don't travel much but if you mean making money from writing, it is like any other art. You can sit down and create anywhere you go. J.K. Rowling came up with Harry Potter on a train and I've seen enough people on laptops in airplanes to know I'm not the only one who remains productive while on the go. Laptops are ideal. but you can always use a tablet or phone to jot down notes. Also. there is always the tried and true method of pen and paper. Besides, writing is a residual income. You don't need to be actively selling your books once they are in print Think of it like a singer releasing a song. They worked hard to get that song written, recorded and released into the world. Once It Is out, every sale on iTunes, Amazon and retail stores generates income without their direct involvement.


Who is a trending author to watch out for nowadays in your eyes?


Trending authors are hard to Identify. I currently see a growing trend for Stephen King. but suspect it is mostly because of recent movies. Other big name authors are still on top, be they James Patterson, Margaret Atwood or Lee Child. I have yet to see a rising star like J.K. Rowling In the mix of new authors but that doesn't mean there isn't one already here or on the way.


Do you feel like your characters are your friends or are they more like extensions of yourself?


I like to think of my characters as new people I create out of life experiences. Some are bits of people I've met and some are made from people I heard about Mostly, I see them as unique versions of the person I hope to be. wish I could be or fear becoming.


What was your first ever book or written piece about?


The first piece I wrote was In school when I was about 8 years old. It was a short story of me and my family going for a drive and getting lost. As night fell I kept looking back and told my parent.a that the moon was following us. They didn't believe me and as we rounded the corner of a drop off, I saw the moon reach down and pull the car back. My family freaked out, thinking the car was just skidding and as we neared the drop off I threw my school book out the window and watched as the moon let go of the car and caught the book, pulling it away and up into the night sky. It was funny when I read it to my family and funny when I read it in school but when I first wrote it, all I could think of was looking back to the moon as it stalked us with no one the wiser. The first book I wrote was The Orb. A SciFi story about a captain in charge of a civilian exploration ship only to learn after a few unforeseeable incidents the ship was sent on a suicide mission designed to kill him. I intend to revise the story and release it again by the end of next year. It's still a favorite book and may become a trilogy before I'm done with it.


What do you think of the trend in digital media nowadays?


Digital media has been growing for a while and will someday be the standard. In other words, bookstores and libraries will be no more. I love the convenience of having a virtual library at my fingertips including a means of bookmarking or adding notes to every book I own. The ease of access to books and information hos grown over the years and I am hopeful the technology continues to connect us across the globe. That being said, I am still a fan of physical books. It is nice to sit with a book in hand without worry of having text messages pop up or an email tone taking me out of the story. I am glad we can write a story and share it across the world with the click of a button but I will always enjoy having a physical bookshelf filled with my favorite novels.


What's the hardest thing about planning a book or novel?


The hardest thing in planning a book is world building and setting up the outline. When you start with a plan, every chapter or major point in the book needs to be looked at ahead of time. You outline what you can see happening, set up the characters, scenes and action then add details that may or may not make it into the book. That is where world-building comes in. You set up everything from your character's clothes, history and mannerisms to the neighborhood, town or city. The more detail you plan out, the more you can identify the world where your story takes place. It is hard but necessary for stories that move around the world you've created or have complexities that are a challenge to keep track of.


Where are you from?


Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. From there I moved around a bit. Missouri, Michigan, Virginia, Oregon and now In San Diego, California. I've lived through multiple quakes that rumbled the walls at home and work, several wild fires that forced everyone to either evacuate or remain indoors to avoid breathing ash and of course, crazy Cali-drivers. (Nice weather, though.)


What's the first book you read?


The first book I remember was Charlotte's Web. It was a choice between that one and Alice in Wonderland. I chose Charlotte's Web because I thought the spider looked cool. (Or maybe I was scared of the cat) It took a while to read, but by the end, I was hooked on the realization that there are stories out In the world I could soon discover with the turn of a page.