Ripples of Mind

Ripples of Mind

After their ordeal with the madman, Hap; Tommy, his family and friends are still recovering to one degree or another.  Things are slowly getting back to normal.

But when a shocking crime shakes up the town, it’s clear that evil has once again come to threaten them all. Soon Tommy and Snowy are thrown into a race against time to find a missing boy before the unthinkable happens…

Snowy is eager to teach Tommy the next Cat Rule—perhaps the most important one of all—and yet before Tommy will be able to fight at his best, he first needs to conquer his lingering trauma and get out from under the long, dark shadow cast by Hap. With the help of Snowy and the newly discovered echoes from his father’s youth, Tommy may just learn the true meaning of sacrifice in time to save a dying boy, his friends and his family from disaster...

Ripples of Mind is the second book of the Linked series.  I hope each of you love the story as much as I do.

The aftermath of trauma within Linked and the resilience of its characters spoke to me, and a question lingered: What happens after gaining abilities and surviving an encounter with death? How do we overcome scars etched into our lives? With these questions, Ripples Of Mind emerged.

As I made my choice and looked for a story to follow Linked, a dark chamber materialized in my mind. I began the first chapter describing a young man, imprisoned, frightened and alone. The shadows guided the narrative... and the story began. Snowy and Tommy continued to grow their abilities of mind-reading and teleportation, but in so doing, initiated a cascade of events where Tommy’s gifts morphed into a nightmare. The specters of his past trauma grew, transforming his gift of second sight into constant tormenting visions.

Tommy’s journey mirrors the archetypal hero’s odyssey. His personal demons transmute into challenges, creating a narrative of resilience. The scars of the past intertwine with his newfound abilities and Snowy becomes his guide. Like a protagonist’s mettle is tested in the crucible of trials, Tommy confronts his own psychological monsters, echoing our real-world confrontations.

As more villains came to light, I found the tapestry of Ripples Of Mind woven from diverse threads. The psyche of the criminal mind, the repercussions of trauma and the choices that define existence carried me into and out of every character in the story. From a hit-and-run incident emerges a kidnapping borne of desperation. The criminal psyche revealed choices forged under duress. Tommy’s dilemmas mirror our own, underscoring the gravity of difficult decisions. Snowy, ever the anchor of morality, imparts wisdom to navigate life’s turbulent seas.

Tommy’s transformation relates to our human experience of moving through light and darkness. Snowy guides him to face fears, discover hidden strengths, and make choices that lead to enlightenment. Ripples Of Mind is a mosaic of lessons learned, fears battled, and just rewards.

As the chapters of Ripples Of Mind unfolded, I realized this volume would not mark an end to his story but a new beginning. Tommy’s voyage is far from over, and his story, an ode to resilience and maturation, beckons me further. Crafting this tale was an odyssey of self-discovery and privilege. I enjoyed watching the characters grow, and as I watched them navigate tribulations, the world of Tommy became a profoundly enriching experience.

As Ripples of Mind finds its place in my readers’ hearts, I am thrilled to have chosen this world’s continuation. Tommy’s path, Snowy's companionship, and the unfolding storylines, beckon. To all who join this odyssey, I thank you. Your presence adds new dimensions to every tale I share. My other narratives lie in wait on Amazon’s digital shelves.

In my many worlds of words, Ripples Of Mind continues to be more than a novel. It’s a journey of passion, self-discovery, and connected stories. Thank you for being part of this voyage.

Let’s stay connected. I take part in all social media platforms as alexgzarate. Feel free to connect, follow or simply enjoy my posts. As always, your feedback, reviews, and comments light up my journey.

Onward! +

The trailer I created for Ripples of Mind is the first one above.  The teaser trailer follows.  Enjoy!

Ripple of Mind Cover 1

As I continued to work on my books, I started playing with color effects and tried to illustrate the ripples being seen by Tommy and Snowy.  This was the result.  Not the best depiction but I loved the effect.  In fact, I loved the background effect so much, I kept it for the revision I eventually created.

Ripples of Mind Revised Cover

This was the updated cover for Ripples of Mind I created with much care.  I took the original background and put Snowy in the middle as he is in the book, with the ripples around him and the glow as he appears.  To this day I look at this cover and want to see it in a poster.  It was a joy to make and shows so much of the story at one glance.

Ripples of Mind Final Cover

I have now replaced all my covers with professionally made ones and have been thrilled with the result. I will be using professionals for the foreseeable future as I concentrate on writing and creating more stories to share