Connections in Crimson

Connections in Crimson

Tommy and Snowy have faced challenges throughout their lives without revealing their secret to family or friends, but when he takes part in a holiday camping trip, Tommy learns that Caroline, the girl he likes, has secrets that rival his own. As he and Caroline grow closer, an unknown danger draws near, making their time together dangerous, precious and fated to change their lives forever. 

After completing the Linked series, my Urban Fantasy trilogy, I wanted to take the characters on a new adventure. This one had to be away from the familiar, meaning, no schools, no neighborhood park and no local settings. It also had to explore the growing relationships each friend was now developing.

Imagine a world where the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, where secrets and revelations entwine with danger, and where courage is the key to survival. Now imagine it’s a secret you are keeping since childhood. This is the world I entered while writing Connections In Crimson. After the Linked series, it only made sense to keep my main character growing with each volume, finding new challenges and new milestones along the way to adulthood. This new beginning required a change of scenery and a new threat to overcome.

For this story, Tommy Harris, is trying to escape the life he has made for himself that often feels like a desolate, isolating place. Knowing his parents found one another at his age, he yearns to find love and to make a genuine connection.

Like many of us, growing up and finding love is an adventure in itself. For Tommy, his supernatural abilities are both a gift and a curse. Thanks to his companion cat, Snowy, Tommy can see thoughts and memories around him. When he concentrates, he can also teleport. These extraordinary talents set into motion the events that lead our young hero to a new and more perilous adventure.

Tommy has his heart set on Caroline, a girl who is more of a mystery than he dares admit. She challenges him at every turn and makes him happier than he’s ever known. Unfortunately, she also keeps him at a distance. While friends are establishing relationships that can carry on to adulthood, Tommy is struggling to be more than a friend to Caroline. Little does he know that this young woman shares his same powers and has a feline of her own that she has kept to herself. Only after they’ve departed for a group camping trip do Tommy and Caroline learn of their shared abilities.

Caroline’s introduction into Tommy’s life challenges him in more ways than one. Unlike Tommy, Caroline is unable to teleport without her cat. Once her secret is revealed, Tommy takes on the role of a teacher, hoping this selfless act will bring them closer together.

Just as it appears that Tommy and Caroline have found solace in each other’s presence, Caroline reveals her own struggles. Caroline has recurring nightmares of her imminent death that come every year at this time. Each time they return, she feels certain they will come true, and the need to run away becomes overwhelming.

Tommy, certain the dreams cannot come true, takes it upon himself to protect her, vowing to place himself in danger. However, their trip takes an ominous turn when a bully from school singles Tommy out and does all he can to cause problems. Later, a lost child sends the camp into a frenzy, and no one is prepared for the unknown serial killer lurking in the shadows.

As Tommy’s journey unfolds, we witness a profound transformation. A hero’s odyssey that mirrors the trials and tribulations we all face in life. Tommy confronts his bully, grows closer to Caroline and helps to save a life in danger. Each challenge echoes many of our own struggles and triumphs in life. Despite his abilities, Tommy learns that life will always be the ultimate struggle.

Connections In Crimson delves into the profound theme of choices and their consequences. It offers a window into the psyche of criminals and the intricate decisions forged under duress. Tommy’s dilemmas echo the moral quandaries we grapple with daily, emphasizing the gravity of difficult decisions. Snowy, continues to be the wise feline companion. He serves as a beacon, guiding Tommy through the turbulent seas of existence. As Tommy struggles to face each challenge, he learns doing what is right doesn’t always result in a personal victory.

Throughout the narrative, we witness Tommy’s growth and evolution. He faces his greatest challenge, realizing, through Caroline, the importance of having courage even in the face of overwhelming fear. He aspires to be a hero, making choices that lead to fulfillment. However, life doesn’t always provide rewards to heroes. This tale carries Tommy to new heights, provides new connections and sets him on a path of hardship and growth, where he can become the hero he’s always wanted to be.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you who has embarked on this extraordinary journey with me. Connections In Crimson is more than just a novel; it’s an exploration of passion, self-discovery, and interconnected worlds. You have added new dimensions to this tale and I couldn’t be more thankful. Thank you for being part of this voyage, and I can’t wait for you to explore the next chapters in Tommy’s journey.

Onwards! +

Below are the trailers I put together before the final cover design was used.

The above trailer for Connections in Crimson (Big lettering on cover image) was the first one I ever made with an app.  It was done with the Apple iMovie app using illustrations from the book. (and a few more that never made it)  The top two are the recent trailer and teaser I put together.  Enjoy!

Connections In Crimson Original Cover

I designed the first covers for all my books and Connections In Crimson was one of the best. I ended up drawing most of it from found graphics, bringing it all together to form the final result above. I was excited to make it and a little sad when it was replaced with the final one I had done professionally. 

Connections In Crimson Final Cover

Once I started replacing my covers with professionally designed ones, I had to continue. They felt more authentic to the theme and gave me an understanding as to why it frees my time to work on my writing when I let the cover design go with the pros.