Updates 20181209

How time flies!

NaNoWriMo has concluded and the Christmas season is in full swing. Have you all bought presents for everyone on your list? No? Well, I guess we’re in the same boat. Onwards!

I’ve now created trailers for the first five books in the Linked series and a trailer for The Orb. (Oh,that one is fast becoming a fave of mine.) 😊

I am still keeping up with my weekly IGTV videos and have changed the format of my YouTube home page to better organize my videos. (Not just liked and saved lists.) I am also adding music to my time-lapse vids and have put them all in a single folder for viewing. I intend to one day put them to use but until then, it is nice to see the great imagery of each day’s end.

The year is coming to an end and there is a ton of things to get done. I have struggled to make time and will soon need to structure every minute of the day in order to continue my level of productivity. Wish me luck and I hope everyone likes what I shall release in the coming months. (insert mental image of me doing Snoopy happy-dance) 😊

My Insta-fave is a great sunset I captured. Every day I get to see such amazing views is a reminder of how incredible it is to share such majestic sights with the world. I am also grateful to find the posts from others as they share the beauty and adventures beyond my own. Onwards! 😊

IG Fave

When you embrace the greatness inside you even cloudy days can’t hide your magnificence from the world. Onwards! +

My FB fave this time is a question asking about smarts. As a creative, smarts are just what our body feels when we’ve worked for too long. (Note: I included a gif of Homer thinking of a monkey banging symbols together.)

Question: Is it arrogant to think you are the smartest person in the room even if you are the only person in the room?

My answer: I am always the smartest one in the room.Absolutely nobody else knows what I’m thinking except me so I always look out from my thinking room to the rest of the world as I do my best to interact with outsiders. 🤠

Final personal note: I will have a comic vlog this coming week and by the 24th, a monthly newsletter to share. Keep an eye out for the close of this month as I will provide updates to published and revised books as well as promotions that are geared more towards entertaining than selling. Don’t hesitate to provide feedback. I want to know what has been done right, what fell short and what can be done moving forward.

Keep smiling, keep shining and as always, I hope everyone continues to live their passions and moving towards their dreams. Onwards! 😊