Update 20190517

Hello all,

Alrighty! I’m in my new zen. (Yay!) Now I have a mountain of boxes, furniture, food, toiletries and clothes to sort through. (Yay?) Oh, well. At least I managed to get online and posted my IGTV Short Vid, post the Ripples of Mind trailer and complete/upload the latest comic vlog. Am I avoiding unpacking by working hard on my creative works? Yes. Yes, I am.

Okay, that’s the recap. For the updates this week, I am now in the final stages of unpacking and becoming obsessively productive. Connections in Crimson is slowly coming along and I’ll wrap that little gem up soon. I’ve got several ideas for The Orb and I hope to begin work on the second book as soon as the latest is completed in the Linked Series. (Reflections in Darkness)

On my new site, I’ve also been updating my progress in trailers, vlogs and personal info. Yup, if you want to know about more things me, just stop by. (I’ll make cookies!)

My Insta-fave this week was made with the realization of how I’ve been working on my projects for the last month. I close every night wrapping up my work and sleeping less and less. I realized that no one at work knows how little sleep I’ve had or how hard I work after leaving work. Ah, such is the life of a creative. Onwards!

IG Fave

The world can only see a reflection of who you are and will always underestimate you. No one can ever see your willpower, deep passion or unwavering determination. Onwards! +

My FB fave turned out to be a question about wishes. With so much happening, I had little choice but to answer honestly… with a little humor. Hey, I can’t help it. I’m me!

Question: What help do you wish for most in your business??

My answer: The usual. Time travel to get more done. A cloning machine so I can clone myself and do all I need to do without sacrificing quality. Also, winning the lottery. (just a few million would do) You know, so I could dedicate my day to creative endeavors without those pesky bills creeping up on me.

On a personal note: I’ve been working on the Keto diet since before the new year. December was especially hard since the holidays tend to lead to over-eating and less exercise. I managed to maintain the diet and have seen some positive results. As with most diets, it soon becomes a lifestyle. Just avoid carbs and eat good fats. Sounds easy until you realize carbs are everywhere. (EVERYWHERE) Regardless, I am pleased with the diet and intend to continue. Who says you can’t overcome bad habits after a half-century? Onwards!