Update 20181230

Last Weekend of December!

As the year winds down, I am grateful for the wonderful people I have met both online and around me. The creative community will always be my home. As we share our works and worlds, I hope the dreams we follow and the goals we choose light the world around us. Onwards! 😊

My Insta-fave this week makes me think of how I will ring in the new year. We are always setting resolutions but this year I will be simply pulling out all the stops as I dive head first into all my hopes, dreams and passions. Onwards! 😊

IG Fave

Wake up every day knowing you have the fire inside to begin a new epic journey to greatness. Onwards! +

My FB fave was another why question. I prefer to answer questions that provide more useful information to the one asking but in this case, I tend to post a reply out of habit. (I just can’t help myself!) 😊

Question: Why do you write?

My answer: If I don’t write, the voices in my head get ornery. 🤠

Final personal note: This final December update was brief compared to others, I know. There is much I am working on and much that is yet to do. I did not get as much done as I’d planned this year and will hit the ground running with an unusual task as the new year begins. (Wedding photography is a new twist I wasn’t expecting.) Oh, well…

I hope everyone had a great year and rings in the new year with hopes dreams and unwavering passion. Onwards! 😊