Today's World Problems

Smart Question 00284:

    • What does TAP believe to be the biggest problem of today's world?

TAP Response 00284:

    • Misunderstanding with misinformation.

Smart Question 00051:

    • Does TAP address every major problem of today’s world?

TAP Response 00051:

    • It has attempted to.

Smart Question 00285:

    • What does TAP have to say about the Covid-19 pandemic?

TAP Response 00285:

    • First, it's no surprise. It's natural and it's NOT the last major world event like this to appear and wreak havoc on our civilization. If TAP were in place, the death and damage done to the TAP economy would be a fraction of what is happening in today's world model. This because people and jobs do NOT hold up ALL of the TAP economy. Education is NOT part of the economy either. Everyone can more easily shelter in place because they need not go to their jobs or workplaces to earn money to pay bills. In the TAP world the vast majority of people all around the globe work from home. There's NO government bailout possibility in the TAP world. There's NO robbing from our kid's future to remedy these unusual negative events. Everyone has far better immune systems in the TAP world too - because proper nutrition, exercise and far less pollution and fear plague society.

Smart Question 00052:

    • What’s TAP got to say about the problem of disinformation?

TAP Response 00052:

    • Disinformation is intentional misinformation to gain advantage in the game of life. It’s perhaps one of the greatest problems in our world today. Reality today is mostly formed from a whole bunch of non-truth. This is why TAP has chosen to begin its work by tackling this issue of generating better important information.

Smart Question 00053:

    • What’s TAP got to say about the problem of overpopulation and/or no control, today, over global human population?

TAP Response 00053:

    • It’s very interesting that almost no one else tries to address this hugely important issue. A civilization cannot endure for long by ignoring the issue. Our own civilization is deep into the problem era associated with this issue. Though extremely provocative and controversial, TAP dares go there and suggests possible solutions to deal with this critically important issue. See TAP GPC.

Smart Question 00054:

    • What’s TAP got to say about the problem of money and there being no control over how much is created?

TAP Response 00054:

    • Today’s world operates within a model that offers nothing short of complete failure in the long term. And it’s presently teetering on the edge of the cliff of self-destruction. Money has been the solution to nearly every major world problem, but now even money offers no viable solution. We’re now in the end stage where lying and disinformation is the last resort solution. TAP addresses the money problem issue as well as the disinformation issue.

Smart Question 00055:

    • What’s TAP got to say about the problem of so many using fear tactics to gain advantage in the world?

TAP Response 00055:

    • Scaring people into believing one way or another has always been a tactic used to establish control over the masses. It has usually worked very well and delivered success for self-interest objectives. But now that we are squarely in an era of disbelief in what non-like minded persons and groups generate and communicate, re important info, it’s a tactic that does not work so well any longer. Because it’s a dying tactic, users are taking it to extremes. Some even sacrifice their lives to instill fear into those they leave behind.

Smart Question 00282:

    • What’s TAP got to say about suicide?

TAP Response 00282:

    • It's 100% preventable in the TAP world.

Smart Question 00283:

    • How can TAP eliminate suicide?

TAP Response 00283:

    • First, we must understand why people choose this course of action in today's world. For most, it's probably because they see no hope for improving their state of mind. TAP provides every unique individual of the world a tool for establishing a much healthier mind. It all starts with encouraging honesty and imagination. But TAP also creates a world that intuitively makes far more sense - with a game that allows every single unique player to claim themselves as a winner in the game. This is made possible by shifting wealth down the priority list and shifting happiness toward the top of the list - for a vast majority of players. Life in the TAP world is no longer all about money. TAP goes one step further, for the first time in human history, TAP will provide a real afterlife world. With TAP, players now MUST think of themselves as MUCH more than "Who am I?" in the present world. Now players must plan for who they will be in the real afterlife world that will continuous impact the future world. Sum up all these changes and TAP predicts suicide will never again be a serious course of action for anyone, ever again.

Smart Question 00286:

    • What's TAP got to say about climate change?

TAP Response 00286:

    • TAP recognizes that climate change on massive scales has always been a reality on planet Earth. That being said, the recent history increase in CO2 emissions by human beings has had dramatic impact on today's climate. The big debate should be whether it was inevitable because of the evolution of humanity or NOT? Humans have caused great harm and destruction of most ecosystems and some species. There's huge amounts of pollution in air, sea and land. There's nuclear waste and biohazard sources that humans have also added to the world. And with gene manipulation there's things in existence that would have never naturally evolved. So the climate change issue is NOT the only environmental problem facing our civilization today. Given the current world economy model and the geometrically increasing human population - the CO2 problem will only be getting worse - as the data shows it has been over the past many decades.

Smart Question 00287:

    • Is it too late to address the CO2 problem?

TAP Response 00287:

    • With the recent global economic slowdown created by the coronavirus, regions have already reported some very positive air quality results due to this reduced activity. This is proof enough that things can get better all around are planet. But the trick is in adjusting the economic model. And this is exactly what TAP looks to do to make possible a degree of improvement that equates to healing the sick planet and unhealthy civilization. Without getting into the details, TAP provides a new model that can quickly reduce traditional economic activity by upwards of 95%. Imagine shifting our world quickly to an economy that utilizes only 5% of today's resource and energy consumption. Think about the direct impact of this on the CO2 emissions.

Smart Question 00288:

    • How can traditional economic activity be reduced by 95%?

TAP Response 00288:

    • TAP will tell you, that of all economic activity that exists today - only about 5% is essential for all of humanity to thrive as intelligent beings within our Earthly biosphere. The other 95% exists only for the pursuit of profit and wealth and power. Not only is it non-essential, but most of it is actually harmful to both the biosphere and future humanity. It exists because today's model encourages it to exist. But the model is very short-term and selfishly focused. This model has forced the great majority of human beings to be the way they are - even though it's mostly illogical toward the objectives of long-term sustainability and balance.

Smart Question 00289:

    • What's TAP got to say about the corruption that exists within almost every system and within law and rule itself?

TAP Response 00289:

    • The root of corruption in money. If corruption is to be eliminated than we must first fix the problems with money. In today's world currency can created out of the air. There's no basis for it and never a reason to stop more from being added to the total. There's no keeping track of it all. It's so complicated and secretive that few fully understand the truth of money in this world. TAP greatly simplifies money. TAP's money is 100% transparent and trackable. But best of all, TAP money does NOT last for long. Every bit of it gets eliminated each and every economic cycle. So even if the criminal gets ahold of it - it all disappears in a very short time. And because every unit of currency is trackable - anyone can look at the full history of any piece of currency. This discloses to all the world exactly who possessed it and when. And where it all came from prior to each holder of it. In the TAP world corruption is eliminated by fixing that which makes people corrupt.

Smart Question 00294:

    • Where's all the money coming from, that's being thrown at the Covid-19 pandemic?

TAP Response 00294:

    • It's being stolen from our kids & grandkids near-future world. And no one is blinking an eye at this hidden truth. It's absolutely shameful. Our society has sunken to its lowest point in all of human history. It's one thing to wage war against so-called enemy cultures & beliefs. It's a whole other world when we sacrifice our kids' well-beings. TAP is a solution that prevents this sort of blindness of action from ever happening again.

Smart Question 00295:

    • Why is it, that our world is so pro business and more so anti consumer?

TAP Response 00295:

    • One simple reason - it's because today's model, for all of civilization, is built up from the primary objective of maximizing wealth accumulation. Wealth then often means and delivers power and influence peddling. Almost everything that exists in reality in our world today connects back to this primary objective. It's been this way for thousands of years. Humanity is mostly stuck in this zone on the intelligence continuum. Humans will do what the model encourages them to do and they will avoid what the model discourages them from doing. If the model and game's primary objective is X then X will be what the players play for. And this is why our world is pro business and anti consumer. Where almost all the laws and rules benefit business more than the consumer. With TAP though, the primary objective is NOT wealth - instead it has engineered in the design two primary objectives - one for the player's selfish side and the other for the player's selfless side:
      • selfish objective = personal happiness
      • selfless objective = helpfulness to others, especially THEM

Smart Question 00296:

    • What's going on with all the self-righteousness in today's world?

TAP Response 00296:

    • TAP identifies self-righteousness as one of the main problems in today's world. It has increased so much in recent years - mainly because the present model is drawing ever-closer to the edge of the proverbial cliff. When there are no more easy solutions, all people have in the end is their beliefs and values. And they will go down fighting with these held firmly within that which they hold as truth within their minds. TAP's NOT here to ask anyone to change their values and beliefs. Instead TAP simply encourages everyone to open up their minds to alternative possibility. And then maybe with a better understanding of alternative world improvement possibility - to accept that present understanding of the world and universe may NOT be complete truth. With admitting that we may be wrong makes this huge problem of self-righteousness dissolve away.

Smart Question 00297:

    • What's the worst thing about 'accepted' communication today?

TAP Response 00297:

    • TAP believes the absolute worst practice is - society loves and idolizes those who can verbally react and respond to real-time questioning. The so-called 'good on their feet' leaders and celebrities. In the TAP world this practice is completely eliminated when addressing 'important information.' What replaces this go-to practice is a new and improved communication flow - starting with 'smart questioning.' And then ending with 'thought group response.' First imagine a world where no longer are there real-time interviews of important info leaders. No more Q&A sessions at the end of important speeches. Instead reporters and journalists MUST generate and submit ordered lists of smart prioritized questions. Depending on how good the list of questions is for the situation at hand - an assessment team determines which list is best and wins the opportunity to be responded to. This competition is important to always improve questioning method. Then the same team using the TAP group voice solution combines individual minds to co-create the best possible responses. These responses will be in writing - as a permanent historical record along with the smart questions. These packagings of Q&Rs as a whole become a much improvement reference that can be further analyzed in part or in whole. Always the primary objective is improvement in important info by establishing:
      • 1) Better context of topic
      • 2) More thoughtful questioning
      • 3) More thoughtful responses
      • 4) The reduction and elimination of error & mistake in both questions & responses
      • 5) Reducing self-interest and special interest within both components
      • 6) Continuously working toward improvement of important info

Smart Question 00298:

    • What's TAP got to say about politics of today's world?

TAP Response 00298:

    • It's pretty clear that with each passing year and month, the political divide is widening - at an accelerating rate. Today's world encourages the extremism of possibility of the two polar sides of linear thought and limited possibility. Any other possibility, especially the more balanced central moderate possibility, is to be discouraged at any cost. For the designers of today's world fully understand that if balance were ever to win the day - that it would be the end of their power and periodic control by their side. In today's world, it does not matter which side is in control. The trick is to keep the divide and competition in place. Ideological competition keeps the conflict and fighting going - and this keeps the 'fear factor' at the top of the prior list of the citizenry of the world. For, with more scared, stressed and confused citizenry comes advantage in the game. It more assures those in control will maintain the control. There's also politics in the TAP world, but a very different form of politics. At its core politics is simply the act of persuading and convincing others to change their beliefs and values. In the TAP world, this continues to be one of the primary pursuits of being human. Everyone seeks the truth. Everyone is a co-creator of what might be 'that which is closer to the truth.' To evolve, we must imagine alternative truth, test it out on others' minds and accept or reject any new possibility as truth and non-truth. In even the TAP world, this is the political process playing out within both the conscious and subconscious of each and every human being. Each unique mind will tirelessly, using politics, attempt to get others to believe the truth that they believe is absolute truth.

Smart Question 00299:

    • What's TAP got to say about the limitations of today's world?

TAP Response 00299:

    • Today's world is very physical realm based. Everything of the physical realm has limits and limitations. The big problem is that humans rarely factor in these limitations of the physical realm. They design and think and communicate as if everything can be had by everyone with no negative ramifications to the overall model as it plays out across time. Most humans are dangerous short-term thinkers and doers. Create ease and convenience for those of the present with little to no regard for those to follow. TAP attempts to drive home the GREAT importance of thoroughly understanding the GREAT limitations of the physical realm. But NOT as a negative for civilization - instead with a positive twist. Because where there's huge and absolute limits to all things of the physical realm - there's no limits to the things of the non-physical realm. And this is where and how humanity, with TAP's guidance, can capitalize on and engineer limitless new possibility. TAP does ask humanity to sacrifice and limit more so when it comes to the physical realm things of life. But NOT without providing far more opportunity with far better things of the non-physical realm. It's like asking people to give up the dial rotary phone for the smartphone. It does a similar thing but way better. Only by designing in the truth of the limitations of the physical realm will humanity be able to reengineer the overall model for better balance of all physical things. And balance makes possible much longer sustainability. Our biosphere has great limitations but also time itself adds great limitation. Then money and energy too pile on more limitation. All these MUST enter into the design of better solutions. Human beings also have huge limitations re: innate motivations and avoidances. Like most animals they seek ease and energy conservation. They overindulge when abuddance is available. And especially in today's illogical world, they tend toward escapism of the terrible reality that is typical day-to-day life. These are also limitations that must enter the design equation. We hope 'you' can see this all within what is being detailed as TAP.

Smart Question 00300:

    • What's TAP got to say about cancer?

TAP Response 00300:

    • Just think about how much money, time and effort is spent working on the issue of cancer... Today's world is mostly focused on physical-realm cancer. This is mostly the effect of a cause that is mostly ignored - non-physical cancer or cancer of the mind, thought and understanding. Again, here, this exists - mainly because physical cancer R&D often pays dividends in profit whereas tackling the cause, mental health improvement, does not. TAP, however, was developed to directly remedy the underlying cause of most cancer. Namely that most things of our world are greatly out of balance because of greed and selfishness. Imagine our world before the human... There was balance amidst the seamingly vast complexity and chaos of our biosphere - biology vs. inanimate chemistry. Chemistry based on atomic and subatomic makeup, electrical charge, magnetics and gravitational forces. But missing here, in this explanation, is the reason for why all this physical reality exists in the first place: intelligence. But because the 'mind stuff' is hard to measure and involves almost limitless possibility, confusing fact with fiction, humanity has mostly ignored the 'science possibility' of this other realm. Yet it exists. We all know it. We all feel it. We all think about it and most especially, utilize it more than anything else in daily life. Far more common than physical cancer is 'mind cancer' or thought that contains non-truth. This misunderstanding causes us to do incredibly stupid things to our world. Imbalance, so out of sync with all the other factors of our world, that physical cancer and mutation is more the norm than it's supposed to be. TAP suggests that if we bring focus to tackling 'mind cancer' that physical cancer will greatly diminish. Wouldn't this be the better gift to hand our kids? Prevent cancer vs. provide a cure for it. As a civilization we MUST decide to prioritize a better future for our kids above profit.

Smart Question 00303:

    • What's TAP got to say about secrecy?

TAP Response 00303:

    • In today's world, secrecy is used for two main reasons: 1) in commerce to gain advantage; 2) in life to hide wrongdoing. The latter is a natural response to mistake and error made. The former is an encouraged practice within today's economic model. TAP encourages everyone to be 100% honest. This includes when we make mistakes. Usually, admitting our mistakes, earlier than waiting for them to be revealed later, is best for the mistake maker. Mistake and error negatively impact the mind and the sooner the mistake is revealed and forgiven, the better for the mind. Commerce secrecy is directly connected to 'ownership.' TAP eliminates most ownership in its world. This results in far less secrecy and it actually flips the 'secrecy factor' within the TAP world. The opposite of secrecy is 'free sharing.' Free sharing encourages an immediacy of honest openness. When applied within a civilization's model, what results is greatly accelerated improvement opportunity. When new discovery of potentially positive improvement is made in the TAP world and the discovery is immediately shared - the discovery:
        • 1) positively impacts more minds much quicker
        • 2) gets crowd-mind vetted much quicker
        • 3) inspires many more other minds much quicker
        • 4) encourages others to be equally honest, open and sharing
      • New discoveries,almost always, can be taken in either direction - in the more harmful than helpful path or in the more helpful than harmful path. TAP does not encourage anyone to hide and keep secret the harmful possibilities of new discoveries. All possibilities should be presented with both the bad with the good. Only then can everyone fully understand the new discovery potential. Bottomline, TAP discourages secrecy in all aspects of civilization and life.

Smart Question 00325:

    • What's TAP got to say about food production?

TAP Response 00325:

    • This is a critically important need and concern of any civilization. And it's a particularly provocative topic in today's world model - because:
      • It's so dependent on the human population count.
      • It's presently, so tied to economic systems.
      • With science and technology, its pushed reality into areas of terrible and harmful practice -
        • for both the planet and humanity.
      • It's caused much destruction to ecology.
    • Many people of today's world battle hunger, and even starvation, on a daily basis. Then on the other side are those with too much and too poor quality food. Today's world has tremendous obesity problems too.
    • TAPs here to bring awareness to better and more sustainable food production practices. Much more local natural food. Far less mass production and mass transportation. Largely removing profit incentive from food production and shifting it over into the concern of every individual to do more within their local physical communities. Something that's entirely now possible because people have much more time - because the typical person of the TAP world spends way less time working a traditional-world job.

Smart Question 00327:

    • What's TAP got to say about roadside trash?

TAP Response 00327:

    • One of the biggest culprits of roadside trash polluting, in our area, is the trash and recycle service crews/ equipment. Especially on windy days they litter more than the smokers and drinkers and fast-food consumers. The latter coming in a close second place in our region of the world.
    • TAP tackles this common unsightly world problem on many fronts. Some creative ideas include:
      • Better equipment
      • Better attention to accidental littering
      • Litter police forces, but think special drones vs. just people's eyes and hands
      • More 'mind' incentives for passers-by to clean up any litter
      • Artwork, called 'Litter Art' that specifically requires roadside trash

Smart Question 00332:

    • What's TAP got to say about GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)?

TAP Response 00332:

    • The alien is particularly interested in GMOs - because the alien cannot properly digest the newest GMO version of wheat. It's NOT that GMOs will necessarily out-and-out kill anyone. The problem lies in that the human gut for many people cannot properly handle the genetic alteration of the biology. The harm is done in that many suffer from the change made. And that that genetic change in the gluten of wheat has now been spread to other grains, like oatmeal. So now oatmeal too causes similar problems.
    • GMOs were created to increase yields and profits. And as TAP continuously reminds everyone - when the primary objective is profit - there's almost always more harm than good that results in the long-term good of the world from this objective.
    • In general, any time that a new solution pushes reality away from the balance point of the natural way of things in the world and universe - there will more often than not result more harm than good in the long term.

Smart Question 00338:

    • Why do some people view TAP as being just another form of socialism?

TAP Response 00338:

    • TAP is NOT socialism. TAP is more the balancing point between socialism and capitalism.
    • When people comment that TAP is just socialism - this is how TAP responses:
      • 1) How does socialism control the currency?
      • 2) How does socialism control the population?
      • 3) How does socialism create the rule & law?
      • 4) How does socialism decide who gets what?
      • 5) How does socialism deal with the Covid-19?
      • 6) How does socialism prevent corruption?
      • 7) How does socialism police the rule & law?
      • 8) What’s the leadership model that socialism employees?
      • 9) Does socialism guarantee equal voice within the group?
      • 10) How does socialism help those of the future?
      • 11) How does socialism balance humanity and the planet - such that all life forms and ecosystems (biosphere) thrive?
      • 12) How does socialism utilize technology and AI?
      • 13) Does socialism bring about more honesty and truthfulness?
      • 14) How does socialism address the concept of ownership?
      • 15) How does socialism improve important information - both generation and communication of it - across all cultures, beliefs and languages?
    • TAP provides solutions for all these important issues of civilization.

Smart Question 00424:

    • If socialism and capitalism are not what's best - then what is?

TAP Response 00424:

    • TAP establishes a whole new 'ism' it calls, balancism.
    • A little hard to pronounce, but it gets to the point.
    • Balancism:
      • is all about creating balance over the long term;
      • advocates for those of the future and helps those of the present have complete awareness and understanding of this primary objective;
      • recognizes the limitations of all physical realm things;
      • puts to work the unlimited things of the non-physical realm;
      • works with the interconnections of everything of our world and universe;
      • integrates 'happiness reward' as the primary reward within all its alternative 'civilization process' solutions.

Smart Question 00365:

    • What's TAP got to say about scammers?

TAP Response 00365:

    • Today's world is so awful, that there's thousands, maybe millions, of people who have dedicated their lives to scamming anyone and everyone. They ultimately are after money though sometimes all they seek is personal data. This data can sometimes lead to money in the next step - selling personal data.
    • TAP takes care of both problems in its model design. First off, money is so tightly regulated and controlled that anyone could easily identify who stole money from the victim. Because every bit of currency is digital and 100% trackable. Every unit of the single digital global currency auto-logs every movement step. See TAP Currency.
    • As for identity theft... TAP has this solved too. In the TAP world, the problem is NOT identity theft - it's much the opposite - it's identity sharing, awareness and recognition. In the TAP world, everyone is competing for attention - 'creativity attention.' Everyone creates things that they believe benefit and improve the world and they want immediate feedback from other minds - "Is the new or modified creative thing better than what presently exists? Or is it helpful in addition to what already exists? This is one of the games being played by everyone everyday.
    • A basic strategy is to become well-known and famous within the world of creativity. Because just like every other industry - the creativity industry has stars (celebrities.) Minds that think differently and laterally than most other minds of the day. Becoming famous in the creativity industry is both the dream and the goal instilled into all children of the TAP world. And to become famous, one needs to put their identity out there in the world for all to see and become aware of.
    • So in the TAP world most everyone reveals their true identity. They market it too within the free sharing they do with all the world. Very similar to how film stars and entrepreneurs market themselves in today's world. But in the TAP world the primary objective is not money. Instead it's happiness. Though, in the TAP world, money does often come with fame. It's just far more eliminated, how much more one can get, in the TAP world.

Smart Question 00366:

    • What's TAP got to say about billionaires of today's?

TAP Response 00366:

    • Today's model is designed to encourage the billionaire to exist. This in itself is not terrible, but it's what, most often, is required to attain this goal. To become a billionaire, in today's world, one has to be extremely selfish. Also to put money above all else. And oftentimes it also requires a lot of lying to and harming others. If not their physical and mental health then harming their pocketbooks.
    • The 'billionaire' is impossible in the TAP world. This term is simply one that indicated someone has on the order of 10,000 times more net worth than the average person. These are the several reasons that the 'billionaire cannot exists in the TAP world:
      • 1) Total currency is very limited and stable across all time.
      • 2) There's no concept of savings or future money.
      • 3) Everyone, every economic cycle gets exactly the same stipend.
        • And this is all the currency that ever exists.
      • 4) Diminishing currency each cycle.
        • Currency gets removed with every physical resource-based sale.
      • 5) Extra earning potential is very limited.
        • And this is more equally divided among everyone.
    • Combine all these factors and it's next to impossible for any one person to attain the status of a billionaire within any cycle period. And them it all dissolves away to start a brand new cycle.

Smart Question 00425:

    • Re Covid-19, why are we NOT hearing anything about increasing our natural immunity?

TAP Response 00425:

    • Today's world is almost entirely driven by the 'economics factor.' Profit is the main reason for all that exists and the reality that exists.
    • This is NOT the case in the TAP world. The 'economics factor' still exists, but it's positioned lower down on the priority list. It's much harder to bring about short-term fix solutions because of this. To get people to give 'you' money means - 'you' have to get them to give up something else that was just at a higher priority in the list.
    • In the TAP world, the Covid-19 has almost no negative effect on the economic system. Very few 'jobs' are essential. The ones that are - are essential - because people have clearly established that they are essential.
    • In the TAP world people are generally way more healthy - both physically and mentally. Far fewer people become critically ill from things like Covid-19. There are far fewer people with underlying pre-existing health disorders. Theirs far less fear and stress. There's far more happiness. Their natural immune systems are much healthier.
    • Today's model thrives on events like Covid-19. The model is actually designed to encourage and promote unhealthy consumers who possess fear of just about everything of life. It encourages laziness, overconsumption and the pursuit of the-cure-all drug. Because this is what drives up profitability.