Smart Question 00227:

    • What’s a Co-TAP?

TAP Response 00227:

    • In the TAP world, a Co-TAP is a particular form of cooperation or collaborative group - that has as part of its objective - to provide goods, services or experiences for money exchange. Co-TAPs have no traditional leadership structure. They have no ownership rights. They mainly exist because their members believe the work they do is important for world balance and sustainability. So the primary motivation for being part of a Co-TAP is NOT money, but instead happiness.

Smart Question 00228:

    • Are there any other business structures?

TAP Response 00228:

    • In the TAP world, there are no traditional corporations or not-for-profits. There’s no future money or speculation or traditional investment with risk and hope of Return On Investment (ROI.)

Smart Question 00229:

    • How do Co-TAPs get/ earn money?

TAP Response 00229:

    • Two ways: 1) gifting; 2) selling goods, services and/or experiences.

Smart Question 00230:

    • How do Co-TAP members get paid?

TAP Response 00230:

    • In the TAP world, because of the TAP stipend, people need NOT work a job to survive and thrive. There are however living being activities (jobs) that must be done by real people. Imagine a world where most work is performed by smart machines, like robotics and computers. Every TAP world ‘human-being job’ is done through a Co-TAP. Co-TAPs only exist because society highly values the work they do. Co-TAPs own no physical things. They own no rights to any physical things. They own no intellectual property rights. They utilize all things - the same as all individuals utilize all things. Co-TAPs lease on a temporary basis all things required for fulfill that which they provide the world. So there is overhead costs, material costs and other costs separated for all Co-TAP member work activity. There’s no profit with Co-TAPs. No investment and no shareholders, so there’s no need for profit. Instead all extra net money for a cycle is expensed two ways: 1) purchasing TAP credit; 2) distributing among Co-TAP members.

Smart Question 00231:

    • So then, do all members get the same exact split of any distributed Co-TAP net funds?

TAP Response 00231:

    • Not necessarily. It totally depends on how each co-op independently values each member of their Co-TAP. A solution that involves two TAP case-lists: 1) relative ranking of all members by importance; 2) distribution solution for each member of #1 above. The group voice is established continuously for each case-list - as old members leave and new members join each Co-TAP.

Smart Question 00232:

    • What happens when a Co-TAP does not acquire enough money to pay its members?

TAP Response 00232:

    • In the TAP world, Co-TAP members join Co-TAPs knowing all the realities of what can happen with the Co-TAP. Getting paid is one of the less important considerations of joining. More important is what the Co-TAP does to add value, balance and long-term improvement and sustainability to the world. Co-TAP members work for these reasons vs. for extra cycle personal income. Often, Co-TAPs do not have enough or any extra money to distribute. Or the Co-TAP, as a group, with their one voice, together decides to purchase supply inventory, future credit or some other more important Co-TAP need.

Smart Question 00233:

    • What happens if a Co-TAP does not acquire enough money to pay its overhead costs?

TAP Response 00233:

    • Co-TAPs come and go all the time throughout all time. New discoveries and new technologies often make the old things less valuable and obsolete. Co-TAPs dissolve naturally when members personally decide to cease giving their personal time and effort to the Co-TAP. They also dissolve the second they cannot pay ALL their cycle overhead bills. Here, it’s important to understand that ALL the TAP world operates by very strict economic rules. One of the most important tools of the TAP economy is the TAP budgeting tool. It helps automate very important decision-making in the TAP world. If ever an individual or a Co-TAP cannot establish a balanced budget for the upcoming cycle then alerts go off to the subsequent changes in the world. These alerts help everyone else in the world consider the impact to their own personal lives. Ther TAP world holds far less secrets when it comes to economic activity. The TAP economic world is very transparent to ALL.