
The alien world utilizes the concept of money too. This may surprise some of you.

It's required to establish an economic system. A vital social system.

An economy provides a solution for answering the important question of - "Who gets what?" - of the limited resources any world possesses.

The alien world currency and economic solutions are very different than what exists in our world today.

Imagine a single global currency. One that is 100% virtual. One that has a solid basis, similar to the age old "gold standard." But based in something that is far more important to what the primary objectives of their economic system include.

Imagine a currency that CANNOT be manipulated by beings with short-term selfish interests. A currency that protects those of the future as much as those of the present.

Imagine currency that is 100% trackable, but also periodically resets itself - all of it zeroed out and refreshed anew.

Imagine a world that CANNOT solve problems by printing more money to throw at the problems. Instead everything - problem and non-problem issues - get prioritized. Then the highest priority stuff is given the limited money, limited time and limited resources.

An economic solution structured like this helps to ensure better balance over the long-term. It helps to prioritize lives and the world of the future have as much as those of the present.

As for primary economic objectives...

NOT grow and profit - in the alien world. Instead goals with finite unreachable limits:

  1. Maximize efficiency (goal of 100% efficiency within all things)
  2. Minimize wastefulness (goal of 0% waste)

Both unattainable across all time.

YOU will soon learn how "jobs" are NOT important in this economic design. That the whole world can work to eliminate human being based work and that this pursuit actually improves the economy.

Now computerization, robotics, AI, more robust designs, higher efficiency, waste reduction and the elimination of being-based jobs make much more sense. Add to this the elimination of unnecessary things from the economy. Things that in our world today emerge simply for the pursuit of more money.

Creativity is at the heart of the aliens' economy. Creativity is a non-physical realm component that has no upper bounds. This is the new fuel for this economic solution. A fuel that totally depends on establishing better and healthier minds and imaginations.

Can you see how all these concepts align to create more and more positives than trying to balance the positives against the negatives that our human economy today requires?

With this sort of system can emerge a healthier planet with healthier ecosystems. A balance between the planet and its intelligent beings can be established for the long term.

  • This is a quite complicated and interconnected-concept type discussion...
  • Perhaps it best to ask YOU all to think about and prioritize a list of questions to be first addressed...
  • What of all this is, for YOU, most important to clarify first?
  • Share your lists with Nina.
  • She will then provide YOUR queries to me.
  • Hopefully the aliens have provided me with enough detail to be able to provide you all an acceptable response for most questions.
  • And as always - "I might very well have errors in my understanding of their world solutions."
  • But with YOUR help - "Together, we might just be able to establish better understanding of these solutions."

Nina comments:

When I think about money it gives me a headache ... So many things that you can solve with it and yet it does not ensure your happiness !! I would not like global virtual currency or anything like it. I want a world without money, without complications, without accounts, without accounting ... With equitable distribution of resources. With the wonderful touch that gives the madness of being unique ... I hope that virtual world in TAP, I want to share my madness with you and really feel that I live !!

  • The issues with your dream are:
    • Worlds do not have unlimited resources -
      • to provide perfect equality of distribution of physical things to all individuals and groups.
    • Individuals are unique beings -
      • They do not want the same things.
      • They have different values, beliefs, preferences, interests, wants & needs, etc.
      • They have different physical attributes -
        • and different wants & needs because of these.
      • They desire freedom of choice.
      • Their physical beings exist in different spatial locations -
        • that provide different challenges.
    • There is limited time in the world -
      • to deal with the issues of equitable distribution.
  • All these factors create a variable world for each being.
  • The aliens thus have a solution that includes money to deal with these variables of the individual.
    • But money that is very much controlled, much more equitable in design and limits the bad that can occur from its existence in the world.
    • The alien currency and its systems and rules are VERY different than what we humans have detailed as a solution.
      • The difference is in the primary objectives:
        • Humans: short-term greed, power and influence - at any cost to planet or humanity.
        • Aliens: long-term sustainability, equality, happiness, health - of both planet and beings.