Smart Question 00157:

    • What does the TAP world structure refer to?

TAP Response 00157:

    • Though in the beginning, the TAP world exists only as a virtual game world - it’s actually designed to allow its structure to exist in the real world. TAP is a model for new possibility. The model has a base structure. The base structure is very simple and contains just two types of primary objects. These two types of objects self organize into creating an overall structure. Though the structure is primarily in virtual form only, it can be imagined as a physical structure - in either 2D or 3D space.

Smart Question 00158:

    • How does one imagine the structure in 2D or 3D space?

TAP Response 00158:

    • The choice is ‘yours’ in whether it’s easier for ‘you’ to imagine the TAP world structure in 2D or 3D space. In a 2D plane place in the plane circles and squares. In a 3D space place spheres and cubes. These two objects are the only things ‘you’ need to focus on to begin to understand the structure. To simplify the task of learning the structure, the alien will select the 2D model to present more detail of the structure.

Smart Question 00159:

    • What are the square objects?

TAP Response 00159:

    • A single square represents a single unique TAPPER.

Smart Question 00160:

    • What are the circles?

TAP Response 00160:

    • A single circle represents a TAP group.

Smart Question 00161:

    • How do they organize in the structure?

TAP Response 00161:

    • First imagine one large circle. It represents the entirety of the TAP world. Everything else is positioned within this one big circle. So all TAPPER squares exist someplace within this one big circle. But also there can exist many smaller circles within the one larger circle. These are all the different TAP groups. Every TAP group, that emerges in the TAP world, MUST contain a minimum of two TAPPERS. If ever an existing group falls to a single TAPPER - then the TAP group automatically dissolves and disappears from the TAP world structure.

Smart Question 00162:

    • Because smaller circles can exist in a the one larger circle, can even smaller circles exist inside of these smaller circles?

TAP Response 00162:

    • Yes. Absolutely. And without depth limit - as long as there’s always at least two TAPPER squares in each circle.

Smart Question 00163:

    • How are the different levels of circles (or groups) referred to in the TAP structure?

TAP Response 00163:

    • Think of the one biggest circle, representing the entirety of the TAP world, as being the ‘level 0’ circle. Any circle within it is at ‘level 1.’ A circle within a level 1 circle is a ‘level 2’ group. There can in theory be any level group created. Another way to reference circles or TAP groups is by relative positioning to any specific group. The circle or group in which a subject group exists is referred to as the ‘parent’ group of the subject group. Any subgroup within the subject group is referred to as a ‘child’ group. Also any group at the same level as the subject group is referred to as a ‘sibling’ group.

Smart Question 00164:

    • Why are these levels important?

TAP Response 00164:

    • In the TAP world, much is naturally inferred by where a particular group is positioned in the structure. It’s self identity has evolved based on this position and whether it has moved itself or been moved to its present position because of external factors in overall world structural change. Groups continuously monitor the evolving world structure and at any moment, as a whole group, can decide to move their group to a better representative place in the world. But there are limitations to where a group can move itself. And it most cases MUST seek and get permission to relocate. First it needs to get permission from its own membership - specifying the exact new proposed position. Once internal agreement is established then it needs to get an OK from the membership of the new position. This is where TAP ID becomes so important in the TAP world - because it’s an honest ID and not based on anything other than the combined honesty of its full membership.