The TAP ARts

Smart Question 00291:

    • What are The TAP Arts?

TAP Response 00291:

    • It's "the arts" new possibilities from the TAP POV.

Smart Question 00292:

    • What's an example?

TAP Response 00292:

    • TAP has been and still is working on making a new type of docu-series. TAP has created a whole new genre for this docu-series - called: "Real Fiction." TAP wants this docu-series to be done within a new type of digital platform for viewing series episodes. This platform will feature a brand new type of audio-visual media innovation that stems from the TAP Morphs innovation. The film innovation will allow individual series episode viewers to specify their preferred language. Either in available subtitle text or in available character 'speaking' audio. For this latter innovation imagine all other scene audio being the same with only the speaking or narration audio track selectable by language preference. The innovation is NOT just this though. The subtitling text and/or speaking audio gets created and submitted by the TAP viewer followers themselves. So the series team need not worry about producing all these various possible language iterations. The overall solution harvests the enthusiasm of the TAP docu-series crowd. But the innovation continues with interactive scene reference feedback and also TAP group voice recommendation of where future episodes should go. Simply generated and directed by any and all viewers sharing honest opinion.

Smart Question 00293:

    • What's another completely different example?

TAP Response 00293:

    • You know all those analog VHS and cassette tapes 'you' have packed away in cabinets and closets - because the technology shifted to digital many years ago... TAP's thought of an artsy way to repurpose any of those analog tape-based items... If you are interested in sculpture... Take a specific tape container. Find inspiration in the particular artist, group or story. Starting at one end of the tape - begin pulling out the tape and crafting a 3D sculpture with the tape ribbon. The tape case is the base that stabilizes the sculpture. Your imagination and inspiration co-create your unique sculpture. And do please share photos with us.

Smart Question 00326:

    • How might art be experienced in the TAP world?

TAP Response 00326:

    • Much of the TAP world is virtual experience based. Think of putting on your VR (virtual reality) headgear and doing almost anything you can imagine.
    • With The TAP Arts, 'you' will be able to go to virtual art galleries where 'you' can explore showing of some of the most extraordinary virtual creations 'your' mind has never even imagined. Even the gallery venues themselves will blow 'your' mind. Imagine long dark corridors of doorway after doorway on both sides - any can be entered to explore traditional to futuristic works of art and art experience. Talk to painting. Explore sculptures from their insides. Interact with dynamic artwork that morphs in your hands or before your eyes.

Smart Question 00328:

    • What's an example of TAP Art that solves an unrelated world problem?

TAP Response 00328:

    • Imagine art that is created by the inspiration provided by a single trash clean-up session. Imagine artists who seek out this form of media for both inspiration and content. The artworks can be both analog and digital. Traditional analog 3D sculptures or 2D 'paintings' made from a single constrained clean-up session or after many sessions of seeking out certain shapes or colors. But thinking even more TAP-virtual-world like - imagine 3D scanning the trash objects and creating dynamic works of art that before your eyes fly toward the space that will contain the final static or dynamic work of art piece. It's very TAP-like to take something so unsightly and to transform it into something beautiful.

Smart Question 00329:

    • What's the simplest and easiest form of TAP Art?

TAP Response 00329:

    • It's storytelling.
    • TAP encourages everyone to focus on 'Real Fiction' in this particular artform. Real fiction is fiction of the moment which is intended to become the reality of tomorrow. Real fiction is what will accelerate world improvement.
    • Of course real fiction can as easily lead to more harm than good, so TAP encourages all storytellers to create stories that feature both sides of possibility. Put both sides front and center for everyone to consider.
    • But here's a fascinating observation about TAP. So far the specific new solutions that 'TAP thinking' has lead to - appears to make possible solutions that do more good than harm. But admittedly this is from very TAP biased minds. Time will tell what a majority of humanity concludes.

Smart Question 00423:

    • What's an example of TAP Art that you can show us in graphic form?

TAP Response 00423:

    • Below is a project created from objects gathered on a single beach over a relatively period of time, a few months.
    • Imagine a mediation video of a walk on this beach. The surf crashing is the only sound. In the corner of the video screen is an artwork frame. It starts empty at the beginning of the beach walk and video. As the walker passes each length of beach where each object was picked up - the objects fly into place in the frame. By the time the walk and video is over this image is revealed.
    • TAP encourages you to do similar projects and to actually create the full video solution with your project.