TAP Tool (Game)

Smart Question 00106:

    • What’s the TAP Tool?

TAP Response 00106:

    • The TAP Tool is software that provides all people and all unique minds of the world a new daily-use set of tools in a new type of social media type platform that plays more like a game. The TAP Tool and the TAP Game are one in the same things.

Smart Question 00107:

    • Why’s the TAP Tool so important?

TAP Response 00107:

    • The TAP Tool will demonstrate new possibility for how our world might actually bring about future improvement. And not just slight improvement - instead significant improvement. And not just improvement for the few who are already better than average. TAP was designed especially for helping the less fortunate of the world - to make their daily lives significantly better.

Smart Question 00108:

    • How quickly or slowly will this world improvement happen with TAP?

TAP Response 00108:

    • We are not 100% sure. It all depends on people like you - deciding to participate and taking the time to learn by actually playing. It all begins as just a fun game, but our hopes are that you and many others will transition the TAP Tool into helping improve your real life. And what we hope to start with is simply adding lots more happiness to your real daily life world.

Smart Question 00109:

    • Is there any new technology TAP brings to the world?

TAP Response 00109:

    • Not really. It can all be created with the common digital technologies of today.

Smart Question 00110:

    • How’s the TAP Tool different?

TAP Response 00110:

    • It tackles perhaps the greatest problem in today’s world: disinformation and misinformation. Imagine a whole new way to assure that the important information ‘you’ seek is much more honest and truthful, so once again everyone can start trusting most things in the world again.

Smart Question 00111:

    • What was the main discovery or epiphany that made the TAP Tool possible?

TAP Response 00111:

    • Actually several things: 1) Put the info seeker in control of who generates the important info s/he seeks; 2) Create a solution for establishing guaranteed participation of all members of any type of group; 3) Create a solution that adds no more work required by participants, but rather taken care of by a personal virtual assistant; 4) Automate the group collaboration process; 5) Eliminate the need for traditional hierarchical leadership in the group; 6) Create better identity - of individuals and groups; 7) create a better grouping structure and participation framework; 8) solve the language difference comm problem of our diverse world; 9) [more may be coming - then to reorder the listing]

Smart Question 00112:

    • How long has the TAP Tool been in development?

TAP Response 00112:

    • For more than two decades.

Smart Question 00113:

    • Can the TAP Tool be used by everyone in our world?

TAP Response 00113:

    • Yes. Everyone playing together in the same sandbox - without fighting. Language, culture, belief, understanding, accessibility, etc - no longer a problem with the TAP tool. Once a TAPPER ‘your’ avatar plays 99.99% of the game for you.

Smart Question 00114:

    • How does the TAP Tool solve the language barrier problem?

TAP Response 00114:

    • With a solution TAP calls the morph. The morph allows every unique mind of the world to communicate in its preferred way while keeping everyone on the same page.

Smart Question 00115:

    • What’s the primary objective of the game?

TAP Response 00115:

    • For ‘you’, it’s creating more help and happiness in your daily life. For the world, it’s creating a better reference resource place to go for improved important information. For groups, it’s collaborating more harmoniously - together as equals. All group work gets done by automatically co-creating a single voice for the group. A voice which is the balance of all member voices. No winners or losers - instead simply balance (compromise) established - automatically without debate or conflict. All generated with honesty as the basis.

Smart Question 00116:

    • What do ‘I’ have to do to get started?

TAP Response 00116:

    • ‘You’ need to register and provide a minimal set of psychographic attribute data - plus your preferred notification method. TAP is NOT so interested in your today’s world model identity. Instead TAP is mostly interested in what and how you think.

Smart Question 00117:

    • What’s psychographic attribute data?

TAP Response 00117:

    • This is all the different ways you think, understand and believe. It’s your preferences, interests and opinions. It’s your likes and dislikes. It’s your imagination, dreams and creativity.

Smart Question 00118:

    • Does TAP NOT care about demographic data?

TAP Response 00118:

    • TAP is also interested in your demographic data, but more for helping minds to slowly transition from this old way of thinking about identity to the new and improved way TAP recommends identity be handled moving forward into an improved type of world. Providing your demographic data helps you and others better understand important information. But it’s optional to provide your demographic data when you first register in the game. This is something ‘you’ can add at any time in the future. But know until ‘you’ do some features of the TAP Tool will NOT be available to ‘you.’ E.g. until ‘you’ specify ‘your’ age - ‘you’ will NOT be able to look at important information be the age demographic option. So the general rule with TAP is you are in control but also incentivized to provide more and more personal data by restricting what you can do with the tool until you enter the game the same way. But ‘you’ are free to pick and choose what ‘you’ what you will and will NOT provide for personal data.

Smart Question 00119:

    • Does TAP utilize target marketing or sell your personal data?

TAP Response 00119:

    • Absolutely NOT! TAP does NOT generate revenue this way. Instead TAP generates revenue by selling particular types of group voice data. NEVER the data of a single TAPPER. Think of TAP more as a data source for important information ‘you’ seek vs. the info business needs to get into your mind and ‘your’ decision-making. ‘You’ (anyone) can purchase much the same important info as what businesses will purchase from TAP. But ‘you’ can use the TAP Points you earn playing the game vs. with real money only. TAP readily compensates TAPPERS for providing all the data used to create the TAP commodity: important group voice data.

Smart Question 00120:

    • Why is group voice data valuable?

TAP Response 00120:

    • Everyone in the world in one way or another - is an important information seeker. We all want the very best, honest and truthful information - so we can make the very best daily decisions in life. The problem in today’s world is most important information contains some amount of misinformation. Most of us don’t know for sure what pieces are misinfo vs. honest and truthful info. So what TAP does is allow the info seeker to specify who gets to author the info we seek. No longer do corporations, news media, political leaders, billionaires, powerful influencers, celebrities, etc. control what is important information. With TAP ‘you’ get to specify who has the expertise and the ‘no bias’ and ‘no special interest’ within what they think, And perhaps more importantly, provide the actual data that goes into generating and communicating this important info ‘you’ seek. TAP believes everyone of the world, in time, will prefer to better control who authors the info they consume - on a unique mind by unique mind basis. And this tool for making all this a real world possibility and the data this tool generates is how TAP will ultimately become financially sustainable in whatever type of world exists. Also this whole system and approach is valuable because simultaneously it has the potential to make individual minds happier. And TAP believes selling the potential to make people happier in life is also of great value.

Smart Question 00121:

    • What to do in case of an attack on TAP information?

TAP Response 00121:

    • Consider today’s world. Consider the attacks of almost all systems, but one, that never seems to be attacked - the money system. There are no attacks of the money system because the technology already exists to prevent attacks. It’s just that with everything except the money system, attacks are a profitable possibility. They are allowed to exist. TAP will utilize technology in its design that prevent attacks. Similar to, but even better than today's money system.

Smart Question 00122:

    • What’s the enhanced protection built into TAP technology?

TAP Response 00122:

    • TAP is designed so that almost everything is open and transparent. ALL TAPPERS have access to almost almost all data - at least at the uppermost level. Because of this anyone can check the accuracy of almost all data. Not only the data but the data change history - stepping back through time to see exactly what activity happened to create the various momentary changes in group voice. Who engaged that created the notable ‘odd’ change? Everyone can see every detail within their own group(s.) Everyone can see most detail of the Adul voice. And of course everyone can see every fine detail of their own data. One of the big features of TAP is tracking change in voice data over time. Correlating data change with world events. This naturally has many people constantly aware of past and present voices. TAP encourages all TAPPERS to report any suspicious inconsistent data change. This aspect of TAP greatly enhances the overall protections of TAP data. And because avatars actually provide the great majority of data, real TAPPERS continuously check to see how their avatars are responding. More chance to assure all the data is consistent with what is expected. And when off the mark it naturally triggers deeper investigation.

Smart Question 00348:

    • What's a typical User Experience (UX) like?

TAP Response 00348:

    • The TAP Tool is played as a game by the typical TAPPER. But a game like no game before it. Because with the TAP Tool 'you' do actively not play most of the game play. Instead 'your' TAP avatar plays most of the game for you. Actually, after a brief initial setup, a typical player rarely needs to directly engage again. Instead what the typical player does is simply sits back and checks in from time to time to see what their avatar has done for them in the game. This design solution was critically important because TAP fully understands how challenging day-to-day life is for so many citizens of the world.
    • This low direct engagement design does NOT mean that TAP does NOT want TAPPERS to directly engage when they can. On the contrary, with every direct engagement the very important output data and stories (news) TAP generates - only get better. TAP is NOT a version of today's AI. TAP thrives when TAPPERS share real honest thought and opinion. So TAP encourages everyone to get in the game as much as they can.
    • The TAP world continuously grows and changes all the time. So maybe the biggest thing to focus on is: 1) 'your' ID in the game; 2) 'your' positioning and membership in groups. Each day more and more ID content gets added. Also the structure of the world changes with new groups emerging and some old groups shrinking and disappearing. So every TAPPER is encouraged to move into better places with improved identity. If this is all 'you' ever do then great. 'Your' avatar will do all the rest - if you do nothing else.
    • But TAP always encourages every TAPPER to dig deeper into case-lists and the work of any groups 'you' claim membership in. This play activity is all about prioritizing logical possibility. What do 'you' think and feel is best and worst? Then once 'you' contribute 'your' lists to those cases 'you' find interesting - to then check out how 'you' compare to others - 'your' friends, your' family members and 'your' groups.' And TAP ALWAYS wants 'you' to check out how 'you' compare to the Adul voice, of humanity as a single mind. Learn who we ALL combine to be and say.
    • The TAP Tool also becomes the new barometer for how well humanity is doing as a whole civilization. It relies on every TAPPER reporting in on how they feel about two things: 1) personal life; 2) the whole world as one. This is done with the TAP Clock tool that is part of the game. With the TAP Clock the story of the health of ALL humanity can continuously be reported and recorded for historical record. So everyone has a better idea of what the probable future might be.