
Smart Question 00020:

    • What does TAP have to say about happiness?

TAP Response 00020:

    • Happiness is one of those things of the universe that span the two realms. It’s a concept within the non-physical, but also something that directly affects the physical being that possesses it. It’s created ONLY by and within one’s self. It’s a temporary state of being that rises and falls about a neutral assessment absolute, that makes up the great majority of one’s time during life.

Smart Question 00021:

    • Are there different types of happiness?

TAP Response 00021:

    • Yes. But TAP discovered what is perhaps the most important type, that directing connects to what might be the purpose of everything in the universe.

Smart Question 00022:

    • What’s the most important form of happiness?

TAP Response 00022:

    • Think of happiness as the primary reward for doing what is positive toward the primary objective. TAP believes this primary reward the most important type of happiness anyone can achieve. Best of all, it’s a reward that an individual can obtain continually throughout the day and all of one’s lifetime.

Smart Question 00023:

    • Can anyone focus on and generate more of this special happiness?

TAP Response 00023:

    • Yes. It’s naturally something everyone does daily - mostly NOT knowing they are doing it. With better understanding of this subconscious activity, anyone can bring about much more meaningful happiness in their lives.

Smart Question 00024:

    • How do we create more of this type of happiness?

TAP Response 00024:

    • The short response is - it’s rather easy to work toward creating this type of happiness - once it’s better understood. But it requires some investment of time and focus to understand all its components. This special type of happiness, first requires ‘you’ have at least one good (empathetic) relationship with some other being with preceded intelligence. This intelligent being need not be human. This intelligent being can exist anywhere in the world or universe. There must exist a balance (an equality) of give and take - listening and honest feedback, both directions. It’s the honest feedback that’s the key to being able to generate this special form of happiness within oneself. A particular type of feedback to a particular initiated objective is also required. The objective is testing what may or may not be truth in the world and in the universe. It does not matter if the feedback is positive or negative - either can spur on increased happiness.

Smart Question 00025:

    • What is happiness exactly - as TAP understands it?

TAP Response 00025:

    • Happiness is primarily a reward in the being with evolved intelligence. As mentioned before, there are different types of happiness. TAP will hereafter refer to this one special type as TAP happiness. TAP happiness is the reward for pursuing that which might be the universal truth.

Smart Question 00026:

    • Why does happiness seem to come and go so quickly?

TAP Response 00026:

    • Happiness is a state of being or state of mind. It’s best understood as being of a neutral level or value most of our lives. There are moments, due to events, when it temporarily increases and moments when it decreases (unhappy or sad.) The level or value is variable too. There can be happier or sadder moments when comparing particular moments. But most of the time it is balanced and in a neutral state - where we are neither measurably happy nor unhappy. But built into our subconscious intelligence is the innate drive to seek the truth and create this TAP happiness whenever we get valuable feedback from others toward this objective.

Smart Question 00027:

    • Are people who get more feedback - happier?

TAP Response 00027:

    • Yes. This is the primary reason why so many seek fame and celebrity status.