TAP Covid Clock

Smart Question 00360:

    • What's the TAP Covid Clock?

TAP Response 00360:

    • If 'you' not yet explored the TAP Clock, please get a basic understanding of it before exploring herein.
    • The TAP Covid Clock is similar to the TAP Clock, but its windings and gearing is all about helping with the Covid-19 pandemic that is greatly negatively impacting our world - right now as this is being written. It's what TAP believes is the best tool at the lowest cost to our kids and THEM. Have you noticed that almost no one is talking about the cost of all this testing and PPE equipment - let alone the economic relief money. Once again, the present world, ignores and justifies stealing from our kids world.
    • If the TAP Tool were already in existence then the TAP Covid Clock could be quickly added at no cost to our kids.
    • This clock has TAPPERS helping to co-create a more accurate story of what is really going on with this pandemic. Not only present, but predictive of the near future to soon enough come. The clock provides way more important detail of the reality of possibility with this pandemic.
    • The covid clock digs in deeper to the details of the truth of the story - way better than what all this testing can ever do. BTW - at best this testing is telling a very misleading story of the pandemic - present and future.

Smart Question 00361:

    • How's the TAP Covid Clock work?

TAP Response 00361:

    • The clock assumes nothing for sure. It does NOT know if people:
        • 1) have or have not been exposed yet;
        • 2) have natural immunity or not;
        • 3) if not 100% sure, really have Covid-19 or something else;
        • 4) who have had an antibody test, got test results that are both accurate and
          • if positive - have antibodies due to Covid-19 - NOT something else;
        • 5) who have had Covid-19 symptoms or serious illness will or will NOT get it again;
        • 6) can attain long-term immunity by natural exposure;
        • 7) if a vaccine is even created, that it is reliable and does not cause even worse side effects.
      • With this more accurate understanding of possibility, the covid clock allows TAPPERS to keep the clock updated with their personal self-assessment stories - often quite complicated. The TAP Covid Clock does not care if one's self-assessment is 100% accurate or NOT. It more relies on everyone knowing our own health better than any testing or so-called professional assessor might.
      • This solution naturally produces stories that are more conversative and more helpful at communicating a story of the disease. Worst case it makes things appear a little worse than they really are, but this is a good thing. What's happening today with not enough and bad testing is the story is the opposite. That the world is better (less sick) than the truth would tell. So way better to tell a story of more possible danger than less real danger.

Smart Question 00362:

    • What's a TAPPER do to provide data to the covid clock?

TAP Response 00362:

    • Whenever a TAPPER believes their personal story with the covid has changed then they are encouraged to update their personal story. This includes:
      • Thinking 'you' might have been exposed.
      • Starting to detect symptoms within 'yourself.'
      • Learning that someone 'you' had recent contact with was tested positive or now has symptoms.
      • Family members with symptoms or confirmed illness.
      • Were sick before but feeling it is coming back again.
    • There's really no limit or constraint to how you can create your personal story.
    • What the clock does is report to the whole world by specified time period and region of the world the number of different types similar stories - of both sicknesses and non-illness or mild illness cases.
    • Much better than the very limited story that testing actually provides us all.

Smart Question 00363:

    • Is TAP suggesting to eliminate testing?

TAP Response 00363:

    • Absolutely NOT! But perhaps the very limited accurate Covid testing gets used much more smartly in conjunction with the TAP Covid Clock stories. NOT so willy nilly and political and wasteful of the very very limited tests, analysis chemicals, personnel and PPE.

Smart Question 00364:

    • How does the clock keep similar stories together to be counted together?

TAP Response 00364:

    • By taking each TAPPER on a story creation-journey along paths of logical possibility. With simple question and multiple answer paths. The story starts with the present but takes each TAPPER back in time to get all the details that have lead up to the present moment. The present alone is NOT good enough. It's NOT good enough to ask how you feel right now or whether you are presently recovering. Because you could get it for the first time tomorrow or maybe even get it again tomorrow.
    • The TAP Covid Clock will measure your past, present and future exposure potential - if you have shown no symptoms yet. It will tell the true story of self-isolation adherence vs. the percentage that are bending or breaking the rules. All these numbers will GREATLY help future prediction models.
    • With all these different questions different TAPPERS will be temporarily positioned at a spot on a path. All the clock does is count up how many are at all the different places in the overall story possibility.
    • Being back to work in the economy vs. still isolating is hugely valuable predictive data. And sharing your future plans is even more valuable.
    • So just imagine a whole bunch of different story paths that best match your personal story. You will move ahead differently than some or you will remain put longer than others on the same path.
    • Eventually we hope all paths lead to the exact same story point - the Covid-19 is over and there's no more threat to anyone - no matter what path they traveled on to get to the one story point.