TAp Economy

Smart Question 00056:

    • Is the TAP Economy sustainable?

TAP Response 00056:

    • Absolutely. Across all time. Independent of what happens next.

Smart Question 00057:

    • What’s the primary resource fueling the TAP Economy?

TAP Response 00057:

    • It’s imagination and creativity! Unlimited resources found primarily in the non-physical realm of the universe.

Smart Question 00058:

    • What’s the primary objectives of the TAP Economy?

TAP Response 00058:

    • Maximizing efficiency & minimizing wastefulness.

Smart Question 00059:

    • What do people do in this economy?

TAP Response 00059:

    • Many things done in today’s world, but many more things that are not emphasized as important in today’s world. E.g. often inactivity and NOT doing something possible - is more highly valued than the activity of doing it. It’s better for long-term sustainability NOT to do it.

Smart Question 00060:

    • Who decides what’s ‘highly valued’ vs. ‘lesser valued’?

TAP Response 00060:

    • Everyone does. Everyone has a say in this by accepting or rejecting ALL the possibility the economy creates. But given a whole new constraint factor - the global understanding that there exist limitations to everything of the physical realm. Meaning: if ‘this’ is to exist in our world than ‘that’ might have to not exist. All this is figured out by prioritizing everything.

Smart Question 00061:

    • Is there money in the TAP world?

TAP Response 00061:

    • Yes. But a very different type of money or currency. A form that is very very controlled across all time.

Smart Question 00062:

    • What does money look like?

TAP Response 00062:

    • It’s 100% digital in form. No more paper or metal money in the TAP world.

Smart Question 00063:

    • How’s the money controlled?

TAP Response 00063:

    • There’s a maximum amount of total currency at any moment in time - totally based on the total population of living human beings. Also, periodically every bit of currency gets regenerated. Plus, every bit of currency is 100% trackable. Anyone can view the history of any piece of currency.

Smart Question 00064:

    • Does TAP Economic activities fight one another, like in today’s economy?

TAP Response 00064:

    • No. Instead most everything aligns to co-create more positivity than negativity. See Alignment positivity.

Smart Question 00065:

    • Are ‘jobs’ critically important within the TAP economy?

TAP Response 00065:

    • If you are defining jobs as work activity by real human beings - then NO! In the TAP economy it’s actually a primary objective to eliminate jobs done by real people. The TAP economy looks to shift humans over to ‘creativity work’ vs. the less creative work that many of today’s jobs require of the human.

Smart Question 00066:

    • What’s this TAP creativity work?

TAP Response 00066:

    • Creativity work involves using much more imagination and lateral thinking - toward the primary objectives of both the TAP economy and TAP overall. It asks the mind of the human to continuously monitor what present civilization most highly priorities as ‘valued work’ or ‘valued activity’ (often times inactivity or low activity.)

Smart Question 00067:

    • Who pays people for doing creativity work?

TAP Response 00067:

    • The TAP economic model includes the concept of “universal basic income” which guarantees everyone a base stipend with which to economically base a life with. The ‘who’ of this above question, in the TAP world is THEM. THEM is the future group that owns everything and provides everything of physical composition in the TAP world. No one of the present owns anything in the TAP world. Everything physical is understood to be temporarily used or leased. All money of the TAP world is provided by and controlled by a group of future people who will occupy the planet Earth and all other human habitable locations.

Smart Question 00068:

    • Is creativity work the only work?

TAP Response 00068:

    • No. There are still many human-based jobs in society too. Every one of these types of jobs are handled by co-ops and the co-ops pay the people who perform these types of jobs. There’s also other types of work and activity that does not directly provide extra income, but it’s understood by ALL of the TAP world to be a daily obligation. It’s the ongoing, almost daily, governance work of one’s group(s.) In the TAP world, everyone spends some bit of time working on their avatar instruction, which does 99.9999% of the governance work of community, society and all of civilization. It’s understood that this governance work by ALL is compensated with a portion of the TAP stipend that everyone is given. In the TAP world, governance is NOT done by a few for the many - instead by ALL for all - present and future.

Smart Question 00069:

    • Is there much ‘free time’ in the TAP world?

TAP Response 00069:

    • Everyone in the TAP world has much more ‘free time’ than the majority of people in today’s world. Free time being defined as time to do nothing or things that are thought not to be obligatory. E.g. resting, relaxing, free learning, experiencing entertainment, eating, exercising, social activities, etc. Primarily because most people do NOT have regular jobs. In the TAP world many jobs are ‘shared jobs.’ Meaning two or more people take turns doing the human-required work. Keep in mind that most routine work is done by machines and computers. The TAP world is way less stressful and fearful.

Smart Question 00070:

    • OK, more ‘free time’, but what about freedom?

TAP Response 00070:

    • In the TAP world ‘freedom’ is somewhat different than what it is in today’s world. Mainly because, in the TAP world, there’s a much improved reference of purpose and objectives - ALL throughout civilization. So some things that some of today’s world feel should NOT be so regulated and ruled - are more regulated and rules in the TAP world. E.g. freedom of speech. In the TAP world, speech is utilized for more social interaction and far less for politicizing issues. Important information is handled with TAP case-lists. Not too many people care what any individual mind thinks. In the TAP world it’s all about the group voice. Net, the TAP world has much more equality and creative freedom. New possibility focus naturally creates as much negative creativity as positive. It’s very important to allow people to go there in the minds, so ALL of civilization is then free to assess the creativity as negative or positive.

Smart Question 00071:

    • Can ‘I’ sell my creativity and make extra money?

TAP Response 00071:

    • First you need to understand that generally, no one owns anything - NOT even their own creativity. In the TAP world everything discovered, even within one’s own mind, is understood to pre-exist in the realm of possibility. So when we imagine new things - all we really have done is discover its preexisting possibility. So in the TAP world we are more discoverers than creators. And the question of who discovers things first becomes less problematic because there’s no ownership issue and concern. The most the ego can look for is to go down in the history books - as the first human being to discover the new possibility. Just imagine the conflict that would ensue if we made contact with aliens who claim to have created the possible before we humans did. And that they own it. And that we must pay them something for now using it without their permission. A bit of an aside, but just some of the rationale for why the TAP world is designed the way it is. To look at the whole picture and avoid as much conflict in the model design as possible - long term. But back to the question. Can anyone sell anything they create? Many things no, but some things yes. E.g. physical works of art. But also food and clothing items. Furniture. Etc. But it’s very important to understand how physical resources and materials are dealt with in the TAP economy - because THEM own all that is physical.

Smart Question 00072:

    • So, how are physical resources handled in the TAP economy?

TAP Response 00072:

    • Temporarily, until others show up in the reality of the universe, THEM owns everything physical re planet Earth and ALL its resources and offerings. THEM also own the energy that comes from the sun. THEM also own the resources of the moon, Mars, Venus and all other planets and asteroids. In the TAP world, no one of the present can ever claim ownership of ALL these types of physical realm materials and resources. This being the case, and THEM also creating and controlling all the money of human civilization - so is established a much simpler economic foundation. We of the present, MUST think and act for the wellbeing of THEM. And this solution provides THEM much more of a chance to actually become reality. This is long-term planning of long-term sustainability.

Smart Question 00073:

    • Who gets what?

TAP Response 00073:

    • This question needs to be divided into two pieces: 1) Who gets what of the present?; 2) Who gets what across all the various generations of humanity - present, near-future and distant-future? Today’s world does not worry about the future. It’s simple solution of - the most powerful simply claim ownership and then they decide who gets what - has brought us to this pivotal time in human history - where almost all the easy picking are picked, the population is too large and just about everything in life is teetering on the edge of the cliff. It was all a very short-term set of model solutions. But TAP is here to try to save the day, the planet and humanity. Given the primary objectives of TAP and given the new TAP Tool, humanity will now, together, establish who will get what - both in the present and across all future time. The mission is to establish indefinite long-term sustainability, but imagining just 10,000 years into the future to somewhat constrain the imagination. Providing a definite number of years also allows for doing actual calculations. In the TAP world there is a group who focus on the question of who gets what? They keep an eye on all physical resources and physical things of humanity. All technologies, all solutions, all methods and processes re adding efficiencies and reducing wasteful consumption. They analyze both the present and the future. They establish known inventory counts, reserves and predicted new discoveries of unknown reserves. They provide the whole world the important information that’s the basis for who will be given what. Perhaps more important, they establish focus areas for new creativity. They tell everyone what MUST be created to help establish better balance within the present and across the future.

Smart Question 00074:

    • How does a civilization’s model divide up nonrenewable resources?

TAP Response 00074:

    • This is exactly the tough kind of question TAP was designed to tackle. No one person, no one nation, no small self-interest group, no government, no corporation, etc. should ever be given this kind of authority to make these kinds of final static decisions. Decisions and actions should instead be made as very fluid and dynamic decisions and actions - understood to be changable at any moment in time - when new discovery impacts any previous decision. Decisions that were made without the latest and greatest important info. TAP’s important info reference objects do allow for new discovery and new possibility to quickly impact previous thought and understanding. And most importantly, the better understanding is NOT biased by self-interest. When everyone is encouraged to provide input - direct or indirect - results and reality improve. This specific question finds better understanding, finds better solution possibility, finds better group decision-making and better next step action with the TAP Tool. The details of the solution are less important than society accepting more as a whole group whatever the solution emerges as for the moment in time - with the present more truthful understanding.

Smart Question 00075:

    • What do available physical realm things cost?

TAP Response 00075:

    • Very important to understand that everything of the physical realm includes limits. TAP continuously reminds everyone - everyone cannot have the same of everything possible. So reality is that some will get this and some will get that. There can be no perfect equality with this aspect of life. The TAP model thus looks to its economic system to determine who gets what and what everything costs. Then everyone given their limited money and freedom of choice of what priority to them - gets what’s available and limited at any moment in time. The actual cost is set by free market forces and supply and demand. But all within a much improved context of understanding what society values more highly than what else - everything being established in a relative value info system. And because currency is far more stable than in today’s world, pricing tends to be very stable too. What things cost today will mostly be what they cost tomorrow. So everyone can plan and budget much better.

Smart Question 00076:

    • What do non-physical realm or crossover realm things cost?

TAP Response 00076:

    • First a ‘crossover realm thing’ is something like a software or digital content, like a movie or song that exists as code within some physical medium. Whereas things like ideas and concepts can be housed within the mind alone. But can also be written down or recorded to become a crossover thing in the world. New discoveries, ideas, concepts, etc. cannot be owned in the TAP world. These aren’t even owned by THEM. Instead they are owned by the universe. And TAP establishes NO owner of the universe. TAP speaks of everything possible of the non-physical realm being free domain for all intelligence of the universe to utilize at will. The moment anything leaves the confines of the mind - spoken or in writing - it becomes something that all can adopt or modify with no worry of owing anyone anything. But these crossover things are a whole different matter. Most are provided for free to ALL. But some can be commercialized and controlled and sold.

Smart Question 00077:

    • What crossover things of the TAP world are free?

TAP Response 00077:

    • Very important to understand that almost all things educational based are separated from the TAP economic system. All basic education provided every citizen of the world is always free. And the TAP world has no public education schools or teachers or admin. Instead, in the TAP world, all basic education is self-driven or done with only the guidance or others - all voluntarily provided. Lot’s of creativity is also provided for free: music; video; literature; etc. Many creators freely share for the happiness reward vs. for any possible financial reward.

Smart Question 00078:

    • Is the economic system separated from the free ed content system?

TAP Response 00078:

    • Yes. Imagine the TAP world with two separate Internets existing at the highest level of all digital infrastructure. Imagine the highest level decision all users must make, each time they consider entering the digital virtual world - is which of the two Internets to enter - to fulfill the informational want or need they presently have. The TAP digital world includes this divide for the good of all humanity. TAP wants zero confusion and no deception - at least at this highest entrance level. ‘You’ either enter where you know everything is open and free for the taking or you enter knowing that most everything within has some sort of financial gain motivation behind it all. The mind games that MUST be played in each are very different. But TAP helps everyone be better prepared for each. In neither digital world can anyone trust that the information being presented is truth, but with the aid of the TAP Tool working within both - TAP predicts there will be much more truth being co-created in each realm.

Smart Question 00079:

    • How does the free ed digital side keep commerce out of its side?

TAP Response 00079:

    • It has none of the digital infrastructure for allowing any commerce to present itself as possibility. Users can do nothing more than mention possibility that exists over in the other system, but this is against the rules. The free side is NOT an advertising and marketing vehicle to lure users over to the other side. It’s all policed by ALL TAPPERS with TAP points awarded to those who first mention the inappropriate usage.

Smart Question 00080:

    • What are TAP Points?

TAP Response 00080:

    • Within the solution design of the TAP Tool is the concept of TAP Points. These points have real-world monetary value on the commerce side. With TAP points can be either earned or purchased as future credit. They exist to incentivize positive behavior within the Tool and to deter negative behavior - as there are also point penalties that can result from discouraged use and behavior. Some advanced features of the TAP Tool require redeeming points to use the features. TAP points have pretty consistent real-world monetary value, but this is established by TAPPERS - as most everything of monetary cost, like TAP points, is established by everyone - all the time.

Smart Question 00081:

    • So then, does the TAP Tool exist separately in both digital systems?

TAP Response 00081:

    • Yes. Even with the TAP Tool, TAP wants the TAPPER to be clear about what they want to do. Most of TAP is free access, so it’s played on the free side. ‘You’ can even earn points on the free side. But to redeem points or purchase more points, TAPPERS must move over to the commerce side system. It’s really easy to do this in the TAP world - because built into the user interface (UI) design is a shift ‘key’ that is the same for everyone, developers and users. It’s the way one simply shifts realms between free and $$$. So in the TAP world developers MUST always design in what happens when anyone at anytime selects the shift ‘key.’ Where does the user exactly land within the two worlds? This question is left up to the developers.

Smart Question 00082:

    • So then, can free content exist on the commerce side?

TAP Response 00082:

    • Yes. But what is free is usually just important information that surrounds the possible commerce purchase. On this side the structure of information can be almost anything - as it is in today’s world - often containing disinformation. Whereas on the free side it’s all TAP organized information - in the form of case-lists.

Smart Question 00083:

    • Are there taxes?

TAP Response 00083:

    • No. None at any level of organizational structuring or grouping.

Smart Question 00084:

    • Then how do real physical civic type things get done in the TAP world?

TAP Response 00084:

    • In the TAP world unnecessary things or low-valued things do not exist. The TAP economy does not require things to exist for the purpose of ‘jobs’ or profit. Most everything that exists and is done somehow helps THEM. Future money and taxes attempt to solve the wants and needs of the present. Not everyone gets or has everything in the TAP world. Everyone makes choices between everything - partaking in some things and freely choosing NOT to partake in others. In the TAP world everyone clearly understands that limitations of almost everything exist in reality. With the limited currency and limited supply of everything pitted against free will and free choice and the need for certain things to exist to keep civilization going - the TAP economy replaces taxes with usage fees.

Smart Question 00085:

    • How do TAP usage fees work?

TAP Response 00085:

    • Almost everything physical in the TAP world has a usage fee. One of the things that does not is the air one breathes when out in the natural environment. But most everything else will cost you - even if you want to take a walk on a road. That road has to be maintained and even walking on it incurs a usage fee. Don’t ever walk on that particular road and you will never need to pay its fee.

Smart Question 00086:

    • What determines the usage fee?

TAP Response 00086:

    • Every usage fee has two components that set it: 1) materials cost; 2) creation cost. The former involves all the physical materials used or consumed to provide the thing. The latter involves all the machine/energy and/or human labor required to provide the thing.

Smart Question 00087:

    • How are the actual fee amounts set?

TAP Response 00087:

    • In the TAP model, THEM are the owners of everything physical that we humans gather and use - including the energy from the sun and resources from other objects in our solar system. Everything consumed or used has a relative value - given the very stable currency solution. Even over long periods of time these relative costs do not greatly vary. The actual absolute values are set when the TAP model is adopted. And they are all set with the Adul group voice. But physical material and energy is only half the equation. The other half is the work done by the creatures and their machines. Not just human beings but all the work creatures. E.g. draft animals do some useful work still in the TAP world. Robots do. Computers do too. These also must enter the equation and be balanced with the limited stable currency. So TAPPERS also establish all these relative costs given the absolute currency that exists.

Smart Question 00088:

    • Isn’t this next to impossible?

TAP Response 00088:

    • It seems extremely difficult, but given the TAP Tool - it automatically works itself out. But not any static solution. Instead, it is always dynamic and changeable with every new discovery. TAP naturally has everyone prioritizing and ranking, relatively, all possibility to all other possibility. So understand most everything needed to do this relative costing already exists. The only thing that then needs to be set is the unit of currency and the randomly selected stipend amount. With just these two numbers then the total available currency is set in stone. Then it’s just apportioning all the other possibility.

Smart Question 00089:

    • Does everything possible get assigned a usage fee?

TAP Response 00089:

    • No. Many old possibilities dissolve away given their relative lowly valuation. Think of things that get replaced as new technology emerges. No one, other than historical collectors or storytellers, need the things to exist in the world.

Smart Question 00090:

    • So we will all know what a potato costs relative to a smartphone to the cost of electricity?

TAP Response 00090:

    • Yes. Maybe even how people rank them if life relative to one another. Which is above the two others without the consideration of usage fee cost. Just on usefulness and merit alone.

Smart Question 00091:

    • Do things exist that have no usage fee cost?

TAP Response 00091:

    • Yes. In the TAP world many individuals provide things to others that have no associated cost. E.g. many individuals create many virtual things that they provide to the world for free. Free for the taking by experience and/or awareness alone. Then these others are free to share with others - as is or in modified form. All with NO expectation of financial reward. But perhaps with the hope of a ‘gift’ - one day in the future by someone moved to ‘gift’ to the creative originator. See TAP Gifting.

Smart Question 00092:

    • How does TAP usage fee deal with all the different levels of civilization and society?

TAP Response 00092:

    • The TAP world and TAP economy do recognize that in reality there are different levels, especially with respect to the physical world. TAP recommends everyone focus on two levels: 1) global - or whole world as one entity; 2) local - or that which surrounds you where you stand in the physical world. These same two levels exist in the virtual realm too, but there are far less complex concerns within the TAP virtual world structure and game. The physical world is where life is far more complex. But always think of yourself as an equal with all others across all time - as a whole being in a whole world. But ‘you’ MUST focus on yourself as being an equal among those you physically stand. Free to believe. Free to value certain things more highly than other possibility. Free to use whatever you choose within the limits of cost, budget and availability - at the local level.

Smart Question 00093:

    • What about the levels of city > state > region > country > continent in the TAP world?

TAP Response 00093:

    • At least in the long beginning of transition - not much will change re all this past structuring of our world. TAP is designed to transition from what is reality to a better reality. All TAP hopes for, in the beginning, is the adoption of belief in what TAP makes possible. From the individual mind next comes the business mind. If TAP works well for the business then soon it will be adopted into local governance matters. Then it will slowly find its way into higher level governance matters. It may actually grow from the other direction too. E.g. the United Nations could adopt TAP solutions even before nations adopt them. See TAP GG.

Smart Question 00094:

    • What dissolves and what stays in the TAP economy and world?

TAP Response 00094:

    • What dissolves away is all things that harm the world, its ecosystems and people. What dissolves in needless things that only exist for jobs and profit. Wastefulness, inefficiency, bad design and short-term thinking and design dissolve away. What stays is all the essentials of life and civilization, but much modified by the new objectives of balance and long-term sustainability. What emerges is better information and better understanding.

Smart Question 00426:

    • Does the amount of currency stay the same in any economic cycle period?

TAP Response 00426:

    • No. There's always a natural decay of available currency.
    • The total amount continuously gets smaller and smaller because the physical material and/or energy component costs, paid to THEM, simply gets removed or deleted.
    • What stays in circulation is the human labor cost component.
    • So say a new smartphone costs 'you' 100 TAP $s. Let's say the material/energy component is 20 TAP $s and the human labor component is 80 TAP $s. The 20 is deleted but the 80 stays in circulation being transferred to CoTAP that produced the smartphone. That 80 then pays the bills and some gets divided up among the members of the CoTAP.
    • This natural eroding of currency helps regulate what any present society can do to solve its most pressing problems. This helps reduce the negative impact to future generations.