TAP AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Smart Question 00095:

    • How’s TAP AI different than other forms of AI?

TAP Response 00095:

    • TAP AI is all about generating more balance & happiness in the world. Whereas today’s world AI is mostly about generating profit and wealth. Also, TAP AI does NOT create new perfected intelligence. Instead it ONLY replicates the intelligence that presently exists within each unique mind.

Smart Question 00096:

    • How does TAP AI replicate a human mind?

TAP Response 00096:

    • First, it does NOT replicate the entire mind. Instead just a few very important ‘Response ONLY’ aspects of the human mind. For these particular responses, TAP AI simply does what it’s instructed to do for response. The specific response instruction is 100% controlled by the TAPPER.

Smart Question 00097:

    • What exactly does TAP AI do?

TAP Response 00097:

    • The primary purpose of TAP AI is to provide a personalized priority list of possibility items - to any and all TAP cases with which any group decides is ‘fitting’ for the group. Fitting meaning: acceptable and helpful in establishing group identity and group objectives. TAP AI provides indirect response when the TAPPER has not.

Smart Question 00098:

    • When exactly does TAP AI happen?

TAP Response 00098:

    • It’s only ever implemented at a time when the real-world tapper cannot or does not respond when called upon to respond. Think of being asleep, away on vacation or just too busy doing other activities of life. Or better yet - prioritizing other aspects of life higher than providing more thoughtful response. Imagine a world where the work of the AI is so good that the tapper trusts the response work almost as much as they trust their own personal engagement response. So it comes down to trusting one’s own previous instruction building work.

Smart Question 00099:

    • What does TAP AI look like?

TAP Response 00099:

    • Within the TAP Game/ Tool, TAP AI is the TAP avatars in the game. The avatars themselves possess the TAP AI functionality and capability. The avatar exists only to respond when called upon to provide personal opinion response data.TAP AI is the instruction for how exactly to respond.

Smart Question 00100:

    • What specifically does the TAP AI instruction look like?

TAP Response 00100:

    • With TAP AI the instruction is quite simple. All it is - is the specification of a particular set of TAPPERS and/or TAP groups. Almost any conceivable subset of possibility - based on many different factors and attributes TAP makes possible.

Smart Question 00101:

    • What’s the result of the TAP AI instruction look like after its executed?

TAP Response 00101:

    • The result of implementation is a TAP case list that has been automatically generated by combining the voices of each specified TAPPER and/or group. This specific list is then considered the voice of the real person behind the avatar.

Smart Question 00102:

    • When exactly does the instruction get executed?

TAP Response 00102:

    • Imagine any typical TAP group. Imagine a standard process in place that allows any group member to suggest to all other group members, that the group engage in a particular case - so that the group has a voice for the case. Imagine that the group has together co-created and specified a standard time duration for both considering the case and completing the voice. Maybe the duration is 3 days or 72 hours. But it can be anything the group together specifies. And it can always change due to a single member changing their input. So step one in the process is accepting or rejecting the proposed case. Step two, if step one is ‘accept’, is providing personal list data. Understand with TAP, that EVERY member DOES provide input to ALL group decisions and activities - whether directly, with personal thoughtful input, or indirectly via their avatar. The avatar holds instruction of when exactly to respond. By default it’s always at the last possible moment in the process step. But TAPPERS can override the default and specify some other moment in time. Possibility is any time from the start to the end of the process step.

Smart Question 00103:

    • What happens when, as avatar instruction, I specify a subgroup and time, but some or all of the specified TAPPERS have not yet responded?

TAP Response 00103:

    • At first thought, this appears to be a major problem with the TAP solution. But TAP includes a logical solution for this issue too. When called upon by other TAPPERS to generate their own response - then that TAPPER’s avatar will respond - as best it can, at that moment in time. So then, the called upon TAPPER’s avatar will execute its instruction. Instruction can alternatively specify to skip anyone who: 1) has not directly responded yet; 2) has not yet executed their avatar response. What’s critically important, within the solution, is that the original group event initiator MUST, with the proposal to have the group engage the case - to also submit a direct-input personal list. So there’s always at least one group member who has provided real thoughtful input to trigger all the other member’s avatars. Actually, groups specify in their personal group governance articles case-lists the minimum number of group member direct-input response required to accept any proposed case. E.g. it might be a number, like 10, or a percentage of total count, like 1%.

Smart Question 00104:

    • So then, does TAP include automated processes for all possible group activity and concerns?

TAP Response 00104:

    • Yes. TAP helps all groups automate and speed up all important work a group must deal with to self organize and work toward group objectives. TAP’s especially useful for group decision-making. And no leadership every needs to exist to assure things get done. With TAP never again can any group member become an obstacle toward moving things along in an acceptable manner.

Smart Question 00105:

    • Do all group members have equal power within the group?

TAP Response 00105:

    • Yes. Equal power to impact: 1) the group’s identity; 2) all decisions; 3) every group voice case-list. And guaranteed 100% participation - either directly or toward their personal avatar.