TAP Fund

Smart Question 00321:

    • What's the TAP Fund?

TAP Response 00321:

    • It's a money fund that provides a whole new way of tackling monetary charitable giving.

Smart Question 00322:

    • How's it different?

TAP Response 00322:

    • The TAP Fund is a single pot of money that TAPPERS, all together, find their one voice - for how best to distribute the available funds. Today's world has much need. There's way too many problems. There's far more problems and need than money. So all the need should be compared and prioritized - so smarter and improved giving can be done. Need is also quite dynamic in nature. Our world continually changes. Catastrophic events happen from time to time that require shifting priorities and often even values. Old problems sometimes even become less important as new discovery and new technologies emerge.
    • In today's world the media mostly controls what they want everyone to focus on at any particular moment in time. Whatever they think is best for the world often gets the attention. Often times it's the latest and greatest tragedy or feel-bad/good story. There's really no fixing anything in today's world, so it's much like a lottery - to be picked for the attention and funding. It often makes little logical sense - unless we consider the primary objective as - simply getting better ratings.
    • TAP encourages everyone to keep their eyes and minds on the overall primary objectives. But what are these? TAP helps the whole world find their one voice with this question. Who are we as one humanity? From this place, we then are ALL in a better place of mind to make these charitable giving decisions with the very limited funds.
    • Most important is that the important information we reference in making these decisions is honest and factual information. How can we make the best decisions with misinformation?
    • The TAP Fund financials are 100% transparent. Everyone can see where every dime goes - mainly because everyone is involved in allocating ALL funds. This includes all overhead expenditures too. Imagine a charitable-giving solution that hides nothing from the public.

Smart Question 00323:

    • How's it work?

TAP Response 00323:

    • Using the standard TAP Case-Lists - first TAPPERS prioritize all the possible needs for monetary assistance, in one specific case-list. Then in a separate case-list they specify how exactly the 'available funds' will be distributed across the entire list. Understanding that disagreement exists in the middle of a group's voice case-list and negative agreement at the bottom - actual funding only happens with the uppermost part of the group voice list. But where it ceases to fund possibility, is up to the TAPPERS. It's determined much the same way as Co-TAP compensation is done - working from the top of the list downward - until the money runs out.
    • At some point the funds run out. This is all very much in keeping with the TAP recognition that our world and civilization MUST always deal with this reality: NOT everyone can have everything possible.

Smart Question 00324:

    • Is the TAP Fund a permanent feature of the TAP world?

TAP Response 00324:

    • The TAP Fund is an especially important possibility, right now, as TAP first gets introduced to our world. It exists not only to help the needy, but also to make everyone aware of a whole different way to approach charitable giving in the world. Given the new awareness of TAP and its tools - and especially given this new important info reference called the 'group voice' - the TAP Fund will actually demonstrate how it works using real money.
    • If and when more TAP solutions get adopted into our civilization's reality - the fund becomes less important because individuals, within their own personal budgeting each economic cycle, allocate their own money to charitable giving they think best.