TRANSCRIPT TO An Agenda To Kill’ Dr. Shankara Chetty On Why He Believes COVID Shots Were MEANT To Depopulate the shannon joy show april2024

Hello, world, and welcome to the Shannon Joy Show. We're broadcasting live from Rumble, from Twitter, from all of our podcast platforms. It is Wednesday, the epicenter of a very, very busy broadcast week. We're broadcasting obviously from the Joy virtual studio right here in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State. Today, we have an amazing guest on the Shannon Joy Show.

I want to go right to doctor Shankara Chetty out of South Africa, a village doctor who treated 14,000 patients, over throughout the course of COVID 19, all of them successfully. None, 0% required hospitalization and, has been an advocate for truth, for medical freedom, and for vaccine truth in Africa and South Africa since the beginning of the the horrible, horrible COVID 19 lockdowns and the rollout of the vaccines. He is a medical doctor. He is practicing in South Africa. He is a natural science biologist.

He has degrees in microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, and advanced biology, and is one of the truth telling doctors out of Africa. He is now being persecuted, which we will get to in a moment by the Health Professional Council of South Africa, another medical professional board that is coming after him for the crime of successfully treating so many of his fellow fellow citizens as a small village doctor during the dark days of COVID 19 lockdown and through the rollout of the COVID 19 vaccine. He has researched every angle of COVID, the lockdown, the nature of the virus, what we're dealing with, and also the destructive nature of the vaccine, and he is here today to, give us his expertise and talk about what is happening in Africa as we move towards the World Health Organization Treaty as they seek to gain more power, establish more power over pandemics, and, essentially, the the the response to pandemics by every major country throughout the world. And it's a a very, very, dangerous, dangerous proposition. We're gonna talk about all of those things today on the Shannon Joy Show.

But first, your story. Doctor Shankara, welcome to the Shannon Joy Show. I'm so glad that you're here. Thank you for having me, Shannon, and the ability to spread some truth. Well, I'm so sorry that you are dealing with your medical boards in South Africa.

It goes to show how similar the atrocities and the attacks and the censorship has been throughout the globe, whether it's Canada, the United States, or South Africa. We have our own persecuted medical doctors here in the States. We have our persecuted medical doctors in Canada as well, and it's no different in South Africa. Let's start first with you. I'd like to to devote most of the 40 or so minutes that we have with you today to you, and I'd like to speak last.

I have a very big mouth, and I can talk and talk and talk. I'm gonna really try to condition myself to not do that because I really I know the audience wants to hear from you and your perspective, everything what you witnessed, during the rollout of the COVID pandemic and then the vaccines and then fast forward to your persecution. But let's start there. Can you tell us about your COVID experience going back to 2020, and then just kind of walk us forward? Yeah.

In, 2020. Well, late 2019, we heard about this new virus in Nuon. And, of course, with my background, fascinated me, and I needed to know everything about it. Mhmm. And so I knew it was an RNA virus, coronavirus.

We knew from 1 that it seemed to be very contagious. And, of course, we got reports of people getting breathless. It seemed to affect the lungs and people got breathless, their saturations dropped and that's what led to the demises. It I found it strange that people were collapsing on the street. I guess, you know, when you're sick and you tend not to leave home and collapse on the street somewhere.

So I found that strange, you know. So it seemed that there was something very sudden, very unpredictable going on. So I knew. I I wanted to see this. And, then the virus moved on to, Italy, and I knew from Italy that I'd get a more reliable information.

They were talking about ventilations and, the saturation suddenly dropping, happy hypoxia where people had low sats but weren't breathless, those kind of nuances to the clinical picture of the illness. And at that point, they started looking at the development of the PCR test. And at that point, they started looking at the development of the PCR test. And, of course, that's when the viral genome came out. And when they published that viral genome, I looked at it, compared it to its ancestry, other coronaviruses.

And, of course, I noticed an insert in it. There was something put into this genome that wasn't supposed to be there. It was not natural. There are mutations that occur, random mutations, and that leads to, evolution. Those mutations, if you if I had to put context to that, Shannon, your DNA is like a chapter in a book that gives you a very specific recipe, and every word in that chapter has some meaning.

When that chapter is transcribed to make a new individual or a new cell, your body tries to transcribe it transcribe it exactly. Right. If there's a mistake, you'll get one alphabet in a word being misspelled. And you do have mechanisms to read through that sentence and correct those mistakes. And if it's just one word that has one alphabet misspelled, it tends not to change the meaning of the sentence.

Now when I looked at this chapter, someone had stuck in a complete sentence. Mhmm. And the complete sentence made sense, which is unusual for a mutation. And the sense of that sentence changed the meaning of the chapter. And so, clearly, this was not a random event from nature.

So understanding that that I'm gonna deal with the virus that seems to be lab manipulated, I had to now consider seeing patients. Because if you got a new virus, you're gonna get a unique pathology. That unique pathology is gonna lead to, disabilities and death. If you understand the underlying possible of the pathophysiology, then you'd have the ability to negate those, those, injuries and deaths. Can I can I stop you for one moment?

So you right around the time of the PCR test, when you looked at the the nature of what what they were isolating, right, you saw that it was you knew from very early on that it was unnatural, that this was not some yeah. Wow. Okay. For the first case. And, of course, at that time, they were telling doctors to stay home, not see patients, not treat patients, send them to the hospital.

And I thought that would be strange. If you're dealing with a novel pathogen and you don't know how it's going to create illness, surely, you'd want to see how that illness evolves. Right. Because it's the it's the progression of illness to the point of death that will give us all the information we need to save the lives. Right.

I mean, if you don't examine how someone died, how the hell do you expect to save those those that are still alive? Right. Right. You know? And so the way they were we weren't allowed to do, autopsies and that kind of thing.

And I thought, well, there's someone here trying to hide an agenda. But, of course, understanding that this was a lab engineered virus, there was the possibility of a lab leak. And so I thought, well, if it's a lab leak, then, I'd expect certain things to happen that they try and curb it, keep it quiet. Don't make a big deal about it. Right.

Right. Know that we messed up. You know? But if you had intent, to fear monger and get the world into lockstep, then you'd overplay it. You'd, you'd overplay the death rate.

You'd overplay the cases. Right. You'd change things just to heighten the fear. And so when I saw that happening, I knew there's an agenda. You knew there was an agenda.

Yeah. Did it frighten you at all? I mean, I've just you know, your mindset at that time, was this something that that that was this an area that you had been looking at, the medical industrial complex and and the creation of vaccines or or the creation of, you know, or gain of function research, for example? You know, had you been poking around in that area, or did this just gobsmacked you? Like, some doctors I mean, there were some medical doctors that were just gobsmacked by this.

Look. I think I knew for a long time that the medical industry is being captured by corporate, and they're dictating in which direction we go. Mhmm. I was already very controversial on my views on diet and exercise and, different things, the way we eat, breakfast. So I knew there's there's stuff out there that didn't make sense, scientific sense.

Sure. And scientific sense not from a medical perspective, from a complete natural science perspective. The entirety of nature and how it's meant to work. Nature has rhythms, cycles. It has rules and regulations that can't be broken.

Right? They are a stone. Try planting in winter and you realize. So, so, yeah, I had this background of knowledge and I thought I wanna see this. I wanna try and figure it out.

And for me to do that, I have to see patients. I have to physically examine patients and understand the progression of the illness. How did they go from the first day to ventilation? Right. What happened in that time?

And so I knew that it's going to be controversial. So I moved out of my home. My home and my practice are in the same premises. So I moved out of my home to protect my family into a little bachelor flat. And I came to work every day and saw COVID and went back to my flat.

Kept away from everyone. Just made sure it was only COVID that I'd I was I was exposed to everyone. So I think the most person in my community at that time. Word. That's right.

COVID all the time. I had the best immune system, though, too, man. I was exercising that immune system very well. Right? Did I did I read right that you had a you had a tent, that you there was a tent erected outside of the I thought, I thought, look, I I trust my knowledge.

And, of course, sunlight, ventilation, is the best, sanitizers. And so I thought if I pitch a tent out in my parking lot and triage patients at my gate so that those suspects can stay outside and use the tent and everyone else can go into the practice. So my practice never closed. Mhmm. I was seeing all my regular patients, but triaging the COVID patients and keeping them outside separated from those that were there for other reasons.

That between the consulting in my practice and outside, I sanitized properly and wasn't going to transmit anything to anyone else. And through the pandemic, I never infected anyone. I never had a patient come to me for a non COVID illness that picked up COVID for one of us. Right. So I started seeing patients in this tent outside my house while I was living away in isolation.

And everyone that came to me had a sore throat, loss of smell and taste, the usual symptoms we were aware of with this virus, but none of them had any chest pathology. Mhmm. No one was coughing. No one was breathless. Mhmm.

No one was having difficulty breathing. They just had body aches and pains. Like, they picked up a little viral inflammation. And, of course, I couldn't trust the PCR test. I knew that they were using 2 high cycles with it.

So I needed a more effective way of determining whether the patient had COVID or not. And I wanted to negate all these false positives and the fear that was going around. Part of the fear went away when people realized I'm going to be open for this pandemic and make sure I'm there for them. Yeah. And so I I realized that the one unique symptom was the loss of smell and taste that usually doesn't occur with the flu.

I, examined it closer, and what I found that was the loss of, taste was too bitter was too sweet and salty, So I kept a little container of salt and sugar and lime on my desk, and I tested patients with that. And I think it was more effective in telling me who had COVID than the PCR test. Right. Yeah. Of course, I didn't.

I live in a community where there's a of finance, and so I couldn't test everyone. Yeah. And so if one person in the family had COVID, they had loss of smell and taste and the rest, and then everyone he had a test and it came out positive. Surely, the rest of his family that are ill with the same symptoms have the same illness, and there's no reason for me to go test all of them. That's way too common way too much common sense there, doctor Chaney.

Yeah. But, common sense practice in a medical practice. It's just I don't know. And then, yeah. And then I wanted to understand the breathlessness.

Mhmm. I wasn't seeing breathlessness in those first twenty patients. And so I educated every patient to say, look. We need information. We need to understand the illness.

So if you do get breathless, I need to know on the very same day. Yeah. Because it seems that the breathlessness spirals out of control very quickly. Mhmm. And so I don't think you're gonna wait this out.

Make sure I know about your breathlessness the day it happens. Okay. And so into the first few, week or 2, I got the first 5 patients that came in breathless, returned breathless. And, well, the other of those 20, the other 15 seem to have recovered and stayed recovered. It was an eventful illness.

Yeah. And so I looked and thought, well, there's a small percentage of people that are getting breathless. These 5 that came in breathless presented very unusually in that the day before they came to see me, they were completely fine. They thought they recovered. They thought they recovered.

Some of them were jogging, playing squash. They were back to their routines. Right. And suddenly took a turn for the worse. Wow.

Now that turn seemed to when I examine those 5 patients and look back at the histories and when they presented to me first, it seems strange that all of them were presenting back to me exactly a week later. Exactly. So if they came to me on the 1st day of symptoms, which I had to interrogate to make sure it was the 1st day of symptoms, because patients sometimes think a cough is the 1st day, but not the fever that was yesterday. It was the 1st day. So I interrogated that.

And I found that every single patient recovered, but recovered, but those that worsened worsened exactly to the day a week later. So if you got sick on Monday, you got better by the Friday and then suddenly on the next Monday, you got off feeling tired. By lunchtime, you were breathless and by evening you needed oxygen. Wow. Wow.

The day before you were fine. How come? Now when you look at the progressive nature of illness, there's only 2 things that progress in that rapid fashion. One is a severe allergic reaction to something you're highly allergic to. Mhmm.

And the second is an exposure to a venom. Oh, wow. And both these need to be addressed aggressively and timelessly to save the patient. You can't wait it out. Mhmm.

So I looked at this, and I thought, well, I must be dealing with an allergy because I've got, insert into this virus, and we've been, affected by coronaviruses for many generations, and we've never had this kind of allergic process. Right. Well, it's likely this new thing that they slipped into this virus that's triggering an allergic process in some people. It's new to us. And so I looked at it.

Well, on the 8th day, it looks like we're triggering an allergy. Yeah. Analogy to whatever's in that insert, to whatever that insert programs us to make. So this all starts, though, from your first understanding that you are not dealing with something natural. You were dealing with something created, and that allowed you to to identify this 8th day phenomenon and then actively and effectively treat patients.

Is that correct? Yeah. Great, Karen. I realized that, this was an agenda, and there was a there was scientific manipulation behind it. Mhmm.

So I wasn't gonna find anything in the box. I had to look at it outside box. Oh, right. To the side. So I was outside the box from day 1 Yeah.

Trying to figure out what's going on around me. And, of course, with these, 5 patients that came in, the day before they were perfectly fine, there was this sudden deterioration. And when I examined them, they had none of the symptoms of a pneumonia. Well, first of all, I didn't think it's a pneumonia because it wasn't progressive. It got better and then got worse.

It was biphasic. And some patients who in the first few days were very sick and got better from the virus and never had any reaction to it. And I had some people where they'd have a sore throat for half a day and recover and spend the rest of the week perfectly fine and suddenly on the 8th day, nearly die. Wow. Wow.

So there was no correlation between the severity of the first phase and the severity of the second phase. They seem to be completely nonlinear, non correlated with each other. So I was dealing with a separate illness in that second phase, and it seemed an allergic trigger that set the body on this path to a cytokine storm. Okay. Once you got into that cytokine storm, everything everything went bad.

You went from Was there any rhyme or was there any rhyme or reason to who was allergic? Shape, size, like That's that's something very, very pertinent in the in the pandemic. In the first wave, we found older patients getting COVID above 50, 55. I think in the first wave, they drew the saline through the pandemic and said people over 55 are at risk. Now when I looked at it, I thought, well, if I'm dealing with an allergy, then everyone should be at risk.

Right. I think the only people that would be safe are children with an immature immune system. They wouldn't have a severe reaction, but the rest should be fair game. So why would people over 55 be at risk and not those below 55 in a very neat line at 55? Not 54 and not 53 and not 57, 55.

Mhmm. And when I looked at that, if you if you look at the way allergy actually works, we're dealing with something completely new. Now say you're allergic to a bee sting. Mhmm. Other people are not.

The first time you get stung with the bee, nothing will happen because you don't have the antibodies to react. Okay. But when you get stung with that first bee, your body realizes I'm allergic to this, and it makes IgE antibodies. Now when you have those IgE antibodies, you are considered sensitized. The next time a bee stings you, you'll react.

So the first thing is always and then I would know no clinical manifestation of it. Mhmm. Right? It's a sensitization sting. Now putting that into context in that first wave, that means that people over 55 were exposed to something 55 years and longer ago that sensitize them to something.

People born in the last 55 years didn't experience it. And so they were naive. So I explained in my article that people over 55 were dying because they were sensitized. But the first wave of the pandemic would provide sensitization to those below 55. Right.

And now they would be sensitized. And from the 2nd wave, you're going to see younger people die simply because they were now sensitized. I even went back 55 years to try and figure out what was it that on a global scale exposed people to something and it stopped almost dead 55 years ago. And the only thing that I can see, Shannon, is DDT and its liberal use around the world. They sprayed schools.

They they went crazy with DDT. And exactly 55 years ago, it stopped in 1970 something. They stopped using it. Did that sensitize the world to a new pathogen? Yeah.

Makes you wonder. And the videos of them spraying schoolchildren down with straight up DDT is insane from I mean, it's it's it's an unbelievable fascinating discussion. I love the way that you are walking us through, your discovery. And as you are treating patients in a tent outside of your practice as a village doctor in the dark days of COVID 19 lockdowns. Today, we're talking to doctor Shankara Chetty.

He is a practicing medical doctor out of South Africa, currently being persecuted by a governing medical board in South Africa for the crime. It's kind of ridiculous. We'll go into that a little bit later is what they're coming after where they're coming after you for. Very similar than the chicanery that we're seeing here in the United States of America with our friend doctor Mary Talley Bowden and doctor Peter McCullough and all of the great docs that are being persecuted. Absolutely crazy.

But when we come back, I want to go into so you, you know, have identified this that this is a, in fact, a created bioweapon or a a created virus. It is not natural. That informed all of your treatment plans for your patients and led to the treatment of of 14,000 patients set up suffering from COVID, none of them requiring hospitalization, no oxygen, no deaths, no need for COVID in in injections. People came from all over the world to cons or all over the country to consult with you, because you were saving people, and that is now leading to your persecution. So we're gonna talk about that, your continued treatment, and the rollout of the vaccines and and what you discovered.

And then a little later in the program, we'll talk about what's happening with you in South Africa and also the the movement, the medical freedom movement in Africa as we gear up for the World Health Organization. They are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on all the terrible things that they've already done to us, and they wanna suck up and seize even more power. We have to stop them. And I think that it's COVID 19 that is bringing so many people from around the world, Japan and Africa, Canada, United States of America, to fight this. And so I'm just so so blessed and honored to have you in the Joy virtual studio today.

When we come back, we're going to continue our discussion with doctor Shankara Chetty. You can find him on Twitter at Shankara Chetty. You can find his website. Everything is listed in the show notes underneath the show today,, and we're also we have they they have set it up a give send go to support his legal battle as well, so you guys can help support him there. We'll tell you all about that in just a moment on the Shannon Joy Show.

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Today, we are talking to doctor Shankara Chetty of South Africa. He is the village doctor that treated over 10,000 patients. Every one of them survived. No one needed hospitalization. He is a medical freedom doc representing South Africa and the nations of Africa fighting for medical freedom in 2024.

We still haven't gotten a reckoning. We still haven't gotten an acknowledgment. We still haven't gotten justice for what was done to so many 100 of millions of innocent human beings with the rollout of the the bioweapon that was a COVID 19 disease and then even worse, injecting the mRNA platform, the spike protein directly into human bodies as mitigation. Absolutely tragic. And, he is fighting with his fellow medical doctors and scientists your observation, looking for patterns, drawing on past experience, your observation, looking for patterns, drawing on past experiences, and your knowledge of, you know, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, advanced biology as a as a medical doctor to figure out how to treat patients and save them when the whole world was going crazy telling everyone to stay home, wait until you're blue in the face, then go to the hospital.

They'll stick you on remdesivir, put you on a ventilator, and then you die. Like, that was the government protocol throughout the world, and yet here you are treating patients and saving patients. You must have been well, let's go back to your story. Let's continue. So you are into the early days of COVID 19.

You've determined that this is not naturally occurring, and so you alter your course of treatment understanding that you might not be, you know, dealing with something natural. You realize that on the 8th day, this is when the respiratory problems set in and people get very, very sick, likely from some type of allergic reaction that occurred, that potentially could be connected to, the the mass spraying of DDT 55 years ago, which is an interesting side story here. You know, that is a fascinating correlation that you've drawn. But so here you are. Let's go back to your story and let you tell it in your own words, and I'll shut up because no one wants to hear from me.

They wanna hear from you. Did I overview that that alright, though? So now we're moving into That's fine. Yeah. That's perfect.

So go for it. Yeah. So I was having these, first five patients came back in the second phase, and the second phase of the illness is what I classify as severe COVID. Okay. That's those are the patients that we'd say got severely ill.

Now with those 5 patients, when I examined them, we found the correlation with the 8th day. But, clinically, none of them were wheezing. None of them were having difficulty breathing. They could breathe in and out unrestricted, unlike asthma where there's a restriction to flow. Mhmm.

There was no sounds in their lungs like crepitations. When you deal with the viral pneumonia, you'd expect to hear crepitations in the lung. There was none of that. Mhmm. These patients were just hypoxic.

And the one strange thing was that they couldn't take a deep breath. When you ask them to breathe, breathing was very shallow, but it was not labored in any way. It was fast. Okay. Right?

Labored. No restriction. So then I looked at that and I thought, well, this is definitely not a pneumonia. There's definitely no restriction to flow, so it's not an asthma. So what could it be?

And I looked at it and thought, well, we're dealing with a hypersensitivity in pneumonitis affecting the lungs, an allergic reaction in the lung itself. Wow. So I put patients on steroids. We knew that it was a steroid response of the illness early on. So steroids are, a dangerous thing.

If you give a patient a steroid while they have an infection, it will suppress the immunity and allow the infection to spread. So you shouldn't give a patient with an infection, a steroid. But a steroid can suppress an inappropriate immune response. Okay. And so from the 8th day, I considered we having an inappropriate immune response.

So I put patients on steroids. And of course, I played around with the dose a little bit just to make sure I'm getting recovery. Those those few patients recovered took 4 days, 4 to 5 days to see their saturations back to the close to a 100%. So I knew that my speed to recovery was taking about 4 or 5 days. Okay.

Then with with the understanding that I might be dealing with hypersensitivity and an allergic trigger, one patient that came in, the 5th I think it was the 5th or 6th patient. She had an 80% saturation. She had come in on day 8, critically ill. And so I put on the steroid. She was diabetic.

So I was a bit concerned about using too high a dose steroid on her, but I thought it should be the ideal case to try an antihistamine. An antihistamine. Okay. Yeah. See if I can improve the speed to recovery.

Okay. And I gave her a kiddie's dose of Phenergan promethazine, 10 milligrams. I gave her 3 tablets, and I said you take one now and the other at lunch and the other this evening. Okay. And when you give a patient a steroid and if it works for an allergy, you gotta continue it for a while.

If you withdraw it too early, the rash comes back, the allergy resurfaces. So it's almost like putting a lid onto a pot with oil that's on fire. Okay. The lid puts the fire off very quickly, but you can't take the lid off while the oil is hot. The fire start again.

Mhmm. And so I had to keep antihistamines estamines going, steroids going. So I just gave her this one day and I phoned her the next day to find out how she's doing. And she was busy washing the dishes. She was perfectly fine.

Oh my gosh. So I knew that the antihistamine did wonders. Okay. But I explained to her, I said, look, I've only given you a day of antihistamine. And today, you might be fine, but tomorrow, I expect the breathlessness to come back because you're not in an antihistamine anymore.

Mhmm. And the breath came back. Wow. She came back to me. Okay.

She came back to me immediately, put her back on the antihistamines and a full course, and she promptly recovered the very next day. Amazing. And she stayed on it for a while and I would drew it slowly, but she remained recovered. Now that is the ideal way to test the efficacy of a drug. I don't see why I should be randomized clinical trials.

I gave the patient a drug. I saw that it improved. I withdrew it and saw that she worsened. I instituted it again. So that she'd.

What more proof do I need that it works? And with seeing that miraculous recovery, how could I withhold it from the next patient? Well, sure. Makes a lot of sense, doctor Chen. Yeah.

And so when I realized that it worked, I realized that I'm dealing I clarified my perspective. And so I knew I'm dealing with the hypersensitivity trigger call causing a flood of mediators to be released. And if these mediators were not timeously and aggressively addressed, it would spiral out of control into a cytokine storm. Mhmm. You'll catch it early.

If you didn't, you are dealing with a critically ill patient. And to reverse these processes is almost impossible once it's gone too far down the line. So on the 14th day, when you present to hospital, you are now in multisystem organ failure because you've left too long. Right. The doctor in hospital is trying to save your life, prevent that organ failure.

But nobody's told him that on the 8th day you were stung with a B, and that triggered the entire problem. And that triggered the entire problem. Entire problem. So he's chasing his tail trying to figure out what happened. Right.

Right. That was the big issue. When a bee stings you, it was almost like a pandemic where the bee stung you. You were allergic. Everyone said there's no treatment, and the world spent its time chasing the bee.

Like a difference to anything. Yeah. It doesn't matter. Right? Yeah.

So the the vaccine ties in with that, Shannon. I knew that I'm dealing with something new. Yeah. And with the second wave, here in South Africa, we have the beta variant. K.

The beta variant was a mutation from the original wild type that only influenced the spike protein. Everything else on the virus remained the same. There were the mutation was only in the domain of spike protein. So I thought, well, if it is Can you explain can you explain how that happens? So, like, I'm a little confused about the variance and where they came from and how like, so this still is not a naturally occurring thing.

Correct? Like, you have the original unnatural thing. Yeah. And then you have the emergence of the b two variant, which is still an unnatural natural, but it might follow natural process in variants. So it will evolve naturally, or it can be released.

Okay. Naturally, or it can be released. Okay. So you're saying that the the next variant could have been pre like, baked into the cookie kinda thing? Yep.

You can program viruses to mutate in a very definite way. That's that's nasty. That is nasty. That is I mean, if that is the case, that's, I mean, that's diabolical. Right?

And and I think there's there's there's more to it. When you look at the full 4 variants that came out, what they did and and how they affected the human body. It looks like there was an agenda there. I'll never forget Delta. I will never forget Delta.

Delta, what was the Delta was one of the worst. We had we had beta, which was actually a little worse than delta. It's all that. Yeah. Yeah.

Go ahead. I'm sorry. So b two variant. Yep. So when we had the b two variant, I thought, well, we got this mutation.

I need to figure out what debris is causing the allergic reaction. What in this virus? I needed to prove that it was that insert triggering the problem. And so I reexamine patients again. I think it's clinical picture that will draw my attention.

And what we found with the beta variant, you remember we got a change in spike protein, which is the receptor. It binds the virus to its host. Now if you've got a change in spike protein, you'd expect certain things to change. We had a more contagious variant. That means the glue was stickier.

We had gastroangistinal symptoms now. So it's it it looked like the glue had a propensity for ACE receptors in the gut suddenly. And, of course, when patients turned on the 8th day, it was now a presentation of gastrointestinal symptoms, but I needed a far higher dose of steroid to stop the problem. So that showed clearly that spike protein was the problem. Right.

Right. Problem changed when spike protein changed. Changed. So the only difference was in the spike protein. Yep.

And that clearly showed me there's the pathogen, spike protein. Right. Right. So I started speaking out and saying that spike protein is the primary pathogen of COVID illness. It's not the virus.

Wow. Okay. Did the mortality and morbidity of COVID illness was due to an, inappropriate immune response to spike protein. Okay. So they've released spike Let me like, just layman's term.

I'm so sorry. I don't wanna inter I but people Okay. They get so angry with me when I interrupt, but I only do it because I wanna further understanding. So the virus is released or leaked from Wuhan. Okay?

You have the original version of it. We're treating a virus. Everyone's trying to treat a virus. We're thinking we're treating a virus. You know that it was lab created.

This is not naturally occurring. It wasn't until the the b two variant, where there was a change only in the spike protein, and then you saw a change in the symptoms that made you realize it is not the virus that's a problem. It is the spike protein that is the the problem, and it's allergic response or a a, some kind of response to this foreign element that is the spike protein in a unnaturally occurring virus, which is crazy. Crazy. Yes.

Okay. And when I realized it's spike protein, at that point in time, they were planning the vaccine campaign. Mhmm. I understood the mRNA technology they were using. I knew that it wasn't a vaccine.

It was gene therapy. Yep. It didn't follow the traditional, physiology of how a vaccine would trigger an immune response. Right. And, of course, they were using spike protein as the base.

So the messenger RNA was gonna get the host to make spike protein. So I thought, well, if spike proteins are the toxin causing all the problems, why would you make a vaccine that gets your body to make spike protein? I fought all the problems that I'd seen with COVID worsening with the vaccine. Right. It's an exposure to the same toxin.

Right. And so I started speaking out against the vaccine to say this is the wrong way to be doing the science. And as well, as much as, you'll be using the wrong protein to trigger an immune response, I didn't see the necessity for an immune response because you can't vaccinate against an allergy. Right. And it's not sensible.

Why are you vaccinating against the virus when it's not killing anyone? Right. The virus isn't killing anyone. It is the spike protein. But now instead of instead of inhaling the spike protein or it being passed via aerosolizer or, you know, an airborne virus, you are injecting it into blood vessels and capillaries and distributing it to every organ system.

And you're not sure you're not sure how long it's gonna make it for. So you might you don't know how long it's gonna take you to clear this. Right? And the best you're gonna get with that is that those patients that are allergic to spike protein, when you repeatedly vaccinate them, the best you'll do if you don't kill them is to desensitize. And if you desensitize them to the allergen, then when they get COVID, they won't get severely ill or die.

And that's the beauty of the vaccine. They said it prevents severe illness and death. It prevented the severe illness and death by desensitizing people to the spike protein. And that would last a very long time and is a very dangerous way to actually solve the problem. Right.

So the vaccine was very, very poorly conceived from the start. It it it had written all over its problems before it even was brought out into the public domain. Yeah. I did have a friend at the CDC who arranged for me to present my work late 2020. That fell away.

They seem to be very tentative about hearing me. I wondered why. When you find a way to indicate the pandemic, why would people not listen to you? Mhmm. Then they contacted me in January to say they want me to present again.

But by now, I was talking out against spike protein. And so that fell away. Oh, sure. Repodize their campaign. Well, because that's the main ingredient in their vaccines.

I mean, so come on. You can't talk bad about the spike protein. And then the way the way there was a lot of cover up of information. I felt that the scientific community wasn't really looking at this in scientific terms. The initial article I wrote, Shannon, tried to cover all the science.

What we know, what we don't know, how do we use what we know to figure out what we don't know, the treatment of it, the pathophysiology, the treatment, the latitudes in that treatment. My article in the May 2020, it's described hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline and ivermectin as possible means of, prophylaxis. I discussed all the different treatment that I've used. Antehistamines, montelukast, aspirin, high dose steroids. Yeah.

I even went into discussing for those particularly ill patients how you could nebulize them with adrenaline that article, but there were a few nuances that, I think people missed. One of the points in that article was that the Chinese had found a positive PCR rectal swab. That means it was in your poop. Oh. And if it your poop, then why aren't we considering a fecal oral route of transmission?

That was one question I asked. Sure. And if we have a feco oral route of transmission, then you can pick it up in a public toilet without anyone else being there and a mask to solve that problem. Masks won't well, certainly will not solve that problem. Yeah.

It asked it asked a lot of questions about why, why are we narrowing down to a aerosol spread when you're dealing with virus that was found in your stool. And, of course, a few a year later, they found it in sewage. Yep. Yep. Yep.

I couldn't understand why you found it in sewage and didn't go look at poop. You you're looking at sewage and you're looking at variants, but you're not looking at a fecal or a route of transmission. Right. Right. Makes sense.

And, of course, later on in the pandemic, we found the work of Carlo Brogna who found that it actually infects your your gut. And people had viral titers in their gut 7 months after they had COVID. Oh, gosh. So we we we missed a lot, but I think we missed a lot could direct the narrative in the way they wanted it to be directed. If we said it's found in poop, what are they gonna do about the masks?

Well, exactly. Right. Then the masks aren't necessary, but they need the masks to have, like, maximum fear. Maximum fear, maximum control, and that conditioned response to obey the health authorities no matter how insane or ridiculous their protocols are. Right?

Wait until you're blue in the face before you come to the don't take vitamin d or vitamin c. Yeah. Don't get into sunlight. Don't exercise. Ice is like all of the worst insights you can ever imagine.

And and and and, you know, when I wrote the article, it was about sharing knowledge. Yes. It was about sharing, understanding, directing research. So it wasn't about acknowledgment and publication and that kind of thing. So I sent it to every single person I could think of who could make a difference.

From our minister of health in South Africa to our council to every other doctor I knew. I even sent it to my principal in my medical college in India Mhmm. For him to peruse it. And, I wanted people to know about this. I got dead silence.

Wow. The only person that wrote back to me was the principal of my college in India to say this is the most meticulous piece of science I've seen in my life, and I'll share it with my husband. Wow. I had a group, my my group of friends from my final year medical school in India. They have a WhatsApp group.

I've not contributed to it in 20 years. I've lived away from it. Yeah. But someone had died on the group with COVID, and they asked if there's any information. I posted the article there, and we had a robust discussion for the next 3 weeks with a 100 specialists interrogating me about what I found.

Sure. Sure. And, of course, everything got cleared. India knew how to treat COVID from the start. They came out with a pack called, I can't remember the exact name, but it had doxycycline.

And they distributed it widely throughout the first can the country in that first wave. We reported that, and it was in Africa. Correct? Yeah. That that or was it India where they sent out the pack?

It was India Yeah. They sent out the pack to everyone. Amazing. Africa Africa remained in a bit in the doldrums because my work was not recognized. Yeah.

People in South Africa were absolutely quiet about it. In fact, the editor of Modern Medicine, which is a journal, a peer reviewed, academic journal that I published in, contacted me to say what's going on. This is the most important article, and I'm getting silence. You know? Wow.

But I tried my best to to share it. People needed to know. It was We know now, doctor Jenny. We we know now. Right?

I mean, it was but it's it's it's past the point where it would have saved all those lives, and that's that's a quite a bit distressing. Yeah. Yeah. So my principal wrote back to me. There was talk about it in that group.

India was there, and so I discussed the pathophysiology. I got silence here in South Africa. Mhmm. And then what happened, I I I knew that the vaccine campaign's gonna cause trouble. Yes.

I needed to do something. And the only person at that point that was talking out against vaccination but from a different perspective was. He was talking about not vaccinating during a pandemic because you're gonna drive variants, and he was correct. So I tried to get in touch with him, and the only way to do that was to join LinkedIn. Okay.

So he put LinkedIn. My wife put me on LinkedIn, and she said, post your article there and see if you could get in touch with it. Yeah. Yeah. And, of course, I was seeing all the new research, and I was commenting about that research.

And my comments seemed nonsensical to everyone. When someone said Ivermectin didn't work, published a research paper that it didn't work. My question was which phase of the pandemic, which phase of the illness are you talking about? Because you got 2 different phases. Right.

And if you can't tell me which phase you use diavermectin in, then you're out of context, and I can't believe what you're saying. So you need to first recognize a biphasic illness and then decide how you're gonna treat each phase. Yeah. So I got contacted by a professor Chris Newton from UK. He's a molecule biologist.

He saw my comments on LinkedIn, and he sort of wrote to me to say, you know, I don't understand what you're commenting about, but it all makes a lot of scientific sense. But I can't put this picture together. Where can I see work? And he looked at my I directed him to my research, a paper, and, he contacted me back immediately to say, I think the entire research, scientific and medical world has missed the boat. And the world to hear this.

With Philip McMillan, the lead researcher for COVID. Yes. And, yeah, the weekend we had a meeting, interview, and that made it go viral around the world. Amazing. Back to South Africa after a few months, and then people acknowledged.

So you were an international superstar, but no one in South Africa knew who you were. I knew about it. But then they started hearing about this doctor, they were like, Jesus from South Africa. Amazing. That's a yeah.

That's a that's a early, though. This was very I mean, you were you were in, you know, Zeb Zeb Zelenko terms of of early treatment. Like, he was one of the first, you know, Pierre Kory was out there, but you were, you know, in your own corner of the world doing this work and brilliantly, you know, supporting the work of so many doctors who were brave enough to follow some of the, you know, the recommendations that you laid out. What was the name of that paper again? Because we'll include that in the show notes.

The the journal is called Modern Medicine. Okay. Modern Medicine. We know Modern Medicine. Yeah.

Yeah. It was a publication, I think, in August, September 2020. August, September 2020. That is one of the earliest that I've heard. And Geert van den Bosch was one that I was using, you know, because I was I was commenting.

I had my show, you know, amidst all of this, and I was desperately looking for voices like yours, anyone with with, you know, the scientific and the medical bona fides to support. You know? But there I mean, we had dark months where there was, you know, virtually nothing. And and Geert Vanden Bosch was actually one of the very first that I found, and then, obviously, you you you know, your work came out. That's amazing.

Unbelievable. When we come back, we're gonna go to break really quickly. We're talking to doctor Shankara Chetty out of South Africa, village doctor, who has treated thousands upon thousands of patients, 100% track record, no hospitalizations, no deaths, And he's now being persecuted by, health agencies in South Africa. The Health Professional Council of South Africa has charged him, with and is now, you know, asking you to attend or forcing you to attend a disciplinary inquiry. We're gonna get into that when we come back because it's outrageous.

We can talk a little bit about the vaccines and your thoughts on on vaccines, and then we'll talk a little bit about the the World Health Organization. Fascinating discussion. You guys can follow doctor Cheddi at Shankara Chedi on Twitter, and also follow his work, All of the links and everything will be in the show notes of this show, including his Modern Medicine paper and also the give, send, go information to help doctor Chetty with his legal funds. Again, these medical doctors are heroes.

They will be in the history books when we defeat the COVID tyrants and the COVID fascism that has darkened democracies and, every country across the across the world, It's gonna be these medical doctors who are going to be remembered, and doctor Chetty is one of them. Very blessed and honored to have you on the joy, the Shannon Joy Show today. We'll be back in a moment to continue this discussion. I'm a nurse and don't have a lot of time for proper meals. Since taking field of greens, I have more energy and a slimmer waist, which I was not expecting, but I'm very happy about.

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Welcome back, everyone, to the Shannon Joy Show. So blessed to welcome doctor Shanka Dachetty on the Shannon Joy Show today. Our brothers and sisters in the great continent of Africa, 47 African nations in 2,022, taking down the World Health Organization and the amendments proposed by the Biden administration increasing their power. This revolution, this resistance is multinational. It is global, and it is an honor for me to meet you and and to introduce you to my audience who I know is gonna benefit from your work because you're diligent, you're open minded, you're thoughtful, you're curious, you observe, and you look for patterns, and you do all the things the scientist is supposed to do, one that is honest and doesn't have an agenda.

And I think what we've been dealing with over the past 3 years are medical doctors and scientists and organizations and institutions that definitely have an agenda, a larger agenda. How long did it take for you to I mean, we left off with your story. You are identifying the spike protein as a problem, right, through the treatment of all of your patients. That presents a horrible problem with the vaccine clearly because now we're injecting spike protein into people's bodies, and it's gonna wreak havoc even worse than, what happened during COVID, which was a relatively treatable, you know, illness, which was right. So here you are.

Are are you beginning at this point so now we have the rollout of the vaccine, the most disgusting, coercive propaganda I have ever seen in my life, what they did in Australia, what they did in Israel, what they did in New York state where I reside, firing medical doctors and nurses, military personnel, you name it, coercing people to get this vaccine and lying to them about it. In this process, are you is it beginning to sink in and there's something, like, much bigger that than just this this novel virus that shut down the world? And and what are your thoughts about that at that point? Shannon, I had identified that spike protein is a pathogen. Yeah.

No. I had identified that, there's an agenda because people refuse to listen to me. I was censored. I was sidelined, and so something else is going on. Why would you not listen?

So I I saw that there's, my my thoughts at the time, lab leak, or intentional. I needed to clarify that. And, of course, the response showed more that it was intentional than a lab leak. Mhmm. Mhmm.

Then I needed to figure out what was the intent. Means did did this actually be brought out for good, or was it there to harm? From the agenda, I can understand someone being a bit arrogant and cocky that their intervention is better than everyone else's, and we should all shut our mouths and allow them to do their job. But I needed to figure out whether this was actually good for humanity. Now understanding that spike protein is toxic brought a different picture.

Now I'm of the opinion that the virus had a insert in it, which was a weapons grade munition Mhmm. To cause harm. So, I I understood that spike protein was inserted onto this virus to cause that harm. But was it to cause harm, create fear, and sell a vaccine and make some money? Right?

But, of course, putting the spike protein into the vaccine, that made me realize that the vaccine is gonna be toxic. So all the money in the world is not gonna justify that. Right. So so when I looked at that, spike protein on the vaccine, I thought to myself, well, let me watch and see. Is this something that's going to harm the entire world?

Now the way I looked at it, Shannon, I know that the vaccine's toxic. There was a point where they were vaccinating old age homes and health care workers. Everyone else seemed to be clamoring to try and get it through the back door because nobody else could get a vaccine. Not me. Not me.

Yep. And so I looked at that and I thought, well, I was watching closely the old age homes and the doctors to see who's gonna drop first. Yeah. I knew this is gonna be a problem. But then if if I look at it, if I have a toxin, I have something in my hand that I know is toxic.

That's what I had, spike protein. Mhmm. Now that toxin in my hand is not gonna harm anyone. If you decide on your own volition that you wanna taste this toxin and get ill from it, I probably have to save your life, but it was your choice. Right.

But the day me knowing that this is a toxin forces you to take it. It's called a poisoning, and it's a criminal act. Yes. So all I did was I sat back and waited to see who's gonna force who to take this vaccine. And the day the mandates came out some other part of the world, I knew that it was an agenda to kill.

Yeah. An agenda to kill. An agenda to to depopulate. Yeah. That changed everything.

My case stems from a Zoom. I had done a interview somewhere in the Bahamas and the Caribbean, and it caused a lot of, controversy. And, of course, they called me back to do another. We invited the public, and they could ask all the questions they wanted. They were happy with that.

And a few ministers that overheard that conversation, and they approached me to set up a Caribbean summit on COVID. So I invited early treatment specialists from around the world. We got, the World Council For Health involved. And so we set up this Caribbean Summit. Amazing.

Last day, I was going to, basically 3 or 4 doctors to summarize what we'd had. And everyone was talking about the nonsensical nature of everything. And I just made a comment to say, if you don't understand the agenda, everything seems nonsensical. But if you understand what they're trying to achieve, then everything makes true perfect sense. They got this agenda.

And someone asked me, so what's the agenda? And I thought to myself, should I say this? Because this is what I thought was happening. And I knew humanity is not ready for the truth at that time. Mhmm.

And it's gonna get me in a lot of trouble to say it. But, of course, my conscience got the better of me. Yeah. And I had to say it. And so I mentioned that I'm I'm of the opinion that spike protein is the most elaborately well designed poison man has ever made.

Wow. And it's meant to kill billions without anyone recognizing they were poisoned because of the time frame in which it will kill, because of the different pathologies in within ways which it will kill. It will exacerbate your preexisting conditions so that when you die, people will say you already had that. And so I went into in-depth detail about spike protein, its structure, and what we expect to see from the vaccine program. The increase in cancer deaths, the strokes, heart attacks, clots Yes.

Alzheimer's, dementia, all the things that we're seeing now. And I did it very scientifically. Someone, clipped that 11 minutes of the 3 day, summit and, posted it globally, and it went viral, around the world, and it's the reason for my prosecution today. Oh, my word. Also and I also in that video spoke about the vaccine to put it into context for people.

I think people were getting mixed messages, deliberately being confused about it. Look. A vaccine should stop infection and stop transmission. And if it does, then it gives the vaccinee a population benefit. Means if you take the vaccine and you don't get infected and transmit it, you're actually protecting me.

And that gives it a true benefit. So everyone should take it to protect everyone else. Mhmm. But if a vaccine only prevents severe illness and death, then that's an individual benefit, and it's not, you can't transcribe it to the rest of the group. Right.

So if you get severely if you get prevented by the vaccine from getting severely ill or die, that doesn't help me at all. Right. So why do I need to take it to prevent the next person from getting severe yellow dye? There's no group benefit to it. So I explained it in that video.

I explained it like parachuting. Yes. You can jump you can jump out of a plane. It's your risk, your benefit. Everything's yours.

But you're telling me I should jump jump out to protect you. Yeah. Right. No. Not gonna do that.

Yeah. Now you know when I'm don't wanna jump off the plane. You offered me a beer and a doughnut. That didn't work. No.

I know. Push me out the plane with your mandate. And I looked at it and thought, well, the parachute you gave me looks like it's got too many holes in it. And the place I'm supposed to land down there looks like people died with this jump, and you're you're hiding all the facts. And I think it brought it home for public, and I think it irritated them to no end that I made it understandable.

I think that's probably, doctor Chetty, what makes you so intolerable for these tyrants at the World Health Organization and in, you know, the medical institutions is that you explain these things quite well, and you back it up with science. And so this 3 this 11 minute segment of a 3 day summit and we've had some I've I've hosted 2 summits here in Rochester, New York with doctor Malone and doctor Peter McCullough, so I know exactly the nature of of some of these you know, you have you have medical doctors and scientists and and, you know, even, you know, government experts together on a panel, and you have discussions, and you have robust shuttering of speech, or there shouldn't be any shuttering of speech, but this is what got you into trouble. When was that summit? It was in the Bahamas. When was that?

Do you recall? I think that was in June, July. I think yeah. Yeah. July 2021.

Of 2021. And today, we're in 2024, which is so interesting that this is still going and that you are now being threatened and persecuted. We're gonna go to a break, and we're gonna talk about that when we come back, your persecution. And and what they are doing to you, a a village doctor in South Africa that has helped so many in so many ways. You've influenced so many of the amazing medical freedom docs who are now treating patients.

We have FLCCC and Pierre Kory and his organization. We have the wellness company with doctor Peter McCullough. We have ICANN and the World Council for Health and all of these organizations and medical doctors, a lot of them I mean, you were very early in bravely treating. I mean, from the very beginning in a tent outside of your practice. Like, it's unbelievable that you are facing this type of persecution now, and it's not okay.

We come back. We're gonna talk about exactly what they are charging you with and where that stands and then how we can help you. Please follow doctor Chetty at his handle is at shankarachetti, and you can follow his all of his work on his website, doctor That's, for all of his work. And when we come back, we're going to fill you in on what they're doing, to to shut his voice and, what he's doing to fight back.

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Welcome back, everyone, to the final segment of the Shannon Joy Show. Today, joined by an amazing, amazing hero, doctor Shankara Chetty. You can follow him at doctorshankadachettydot com. And if you are wondering how effective this rural South African doctor has been over the past three and a half years treating COVID. You just have to start with everything that he has done.

He has trained thousands of doctors. He has done work in Malaysia, North India. Unbelievable stories that I definitely wanna talk about before we get into your case. Even simply the severity of the cases, many might mistakenly think that since you were treating in your village, that you weren't really seeing very severe cases of COVID 19 in those early, early days in in the spring of 2020, in the summer of 2020. But you you did.

I mean, your work has touched, I mean, quite frankly, 100 of 1000, if not 100 of millions of people and the doctors that you've trained and the work that you've done. But just talk about some of those cases in those early days that that would never have survived if it weren't for for your treatment. Shannon, I'm I'm I'm 40 k's away from the nearest hospital. I live and work at the same premises. When a patient drives 500 kilometers to my gate and has a 50% saturation, I've got nowhere to hide.

Wow. And I've had to treat them. So I've seen some pretty severe cases of COVID. But every single one of them, I got them out of the woods within a day or 2. Every single one of them within a week to 10 days was completely recovered.

If I just put some, clarity to that. My worst patient was a 92 year old lady who was brought in barely conscious on a wheelchair with a saturation of 44%. They refused to take her to a hospital. I treated her. It was a Tuesday.

She she lives 600 k's away and they were here on holiday, close to my my practice. I treated her on a Tuesday. I sent them home and I said they cannot travel. She has to show good signs of improvement. And if she worsens, please take her to hospital because this was one patient I was, critically ill and very cautious with.

Yes. She phoned my practice on the Saturday. I've treated her on Tuesday. She phoned my practice that Saturday, to speak to me. Well, there's a different story about the spirituality around COVID.

You can tell me. You can tell it. No. She she had a vision about me, my my work. I've been able to go on the hardest journey of my life, and it was gonna be against me.

And it all happened to be true. 6 later, but, yeah, she phoned me on the Saturday to say she's completely recovered in the healing home tomorrow. Now if I could take a 92 year old woman with a 44% saturation and within a period of 4 or 5 days have a completely recovered ready to travel, What was the big deal? I've got patients where, when you're talking to Luke and 6 values, blood values, a value over 85 is considered to be critically ill and a consideration for ventilation. I've got patients who came to me in the second phase.

And when I did their bloods, the interleukin was 500. Oh my word. I sent them home, treated them, call them back 2 or 3 days later to repeat the bloods, and again 2 or 3 days later to watch a trend. And I can show you values where patient came in with a 400 interleukin 6, and in 7 days, it was back down to normal with home treatment. Wow.

Home treatment. And with home treatment. So people want me to analyze 14,000 cases. I just don't have the time. So I took the 20 most important cases that I had serial blood results for to show that these patients improved, and I showed the world that.

Show me a patient in ICU with a 500 interleukin 6 that survived it. Wow. That's why they're persecuting you. When it comes to intense the the the the the treatment and its efficacy, I don't think there's any questions. Then I've trained doctors around the world.

I was invited to Malaysia. I've trained initially 250 doctors, and then after that, another 250, and then it became a WhatsApp group to mentor. I was invited by the government of Mega Lair to teach them Mhmm. How to how to, negate COVID. The first meeting was in, June that year.

I made I made that year, and I trained all the specialists in the country, ICU staff, the intensivist, physicians, OBs and GYN. And, they called me back a month and a half later almost, to say that using my protocol in the ICU, they've negated 4 out of 5 ventil 3 out of 4 ventilations. And, of course, the ICU specialist, the biggest, the biggest ICU in the country, his grandmom came in at 72 years of age with a 70% saturation on day 13, I think it was. Oh my lord. Later, they stuck her in the ward, put on my treatment.

And when we had that second meeting to train doctors, he narrated that it's her 5th day in hospital. She's saturating at a 100%. They're waiting for her blood results. And if everything looks like it's fine, they're gonna send her home. And that's when they as a government thought that if this works so well in hospital, they need to train their rural doctors because nobody needed to come to hospital in the first place If they could get early treatment.

So I trained the rural doctors. By August that year, they had a death rate, count of about 300 for that month. The month before was 250. So the delta wave was on its upward upward tangent. And after I trained the doctors, the following month, we got the death rate down to 8.

Oh my word. And it's remained that low ever since. They've actually stopped counting monthly debt rates and started grouping it in every 3 months because there's too few debts to count. So with that kind of success, it makes it all the more nonsensical that I'm being prosecuted. Well, if you understand to your point in the last segment what we're up against and what their agenda is, it actually makes perfect sense that they are coming after you because you are so effective.

You have trained so many, and you are able to articulate the, the science in such a way that lay lay people can understand it, but it's also backed up with just the rock solid scientific data and information. And I think that makes you a very, very unique threat to the entire narrative of COVID and COVID 19 and even the vaccines. And so you're right. You know? Here you are saving I mean, not I mean, 14,000 just in your own village, you know, in your own region.

But when you think about all of the medical doctors that you have trained, I mean, it's it's you you you can't even imagine how many people you have been responsible in saving. And here they are now based on a 2021 11 minute statement at a at a World Council For Health, conference. They are now in South Africa, persecuting you. And and what can you give us an idea of what they're charging you with and what is at stake for you? What they can do to you should they come back and and succeed in their efforts to take you out?

Because this is insane. This is this cannot stand. So what's going on there? Look. The charges were brought by a professor Fenter, who is part of, the one of the biggest, medical schools in our country.

He was involved in the together trial with Ivermectin, the one where Andrew had changed the outcome at the last minute. Oh. Oh. He was part of Sapra, the South African regulator, to test the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. He also, is part of, the government advisory committee on where we go with, COVID.

And so he chose to lay a complaint with the council that my, work is misinformation. The vaccine that I'm talking about is all misinformation. That my pathophysiology, understanding. In doing that, I'm making implausible and outlandish pathophysiology claims about what exactly happened with COVID, and that I'm using treatment that's not sanctioned, that I'm using treatment that's off label. And and, yeah, that was not was not authorized.

The way I see it, Shannon, I I mentioned it's bioweapon and I stand by that. Yeah. If you could show me a different effect from this vaccine, a beneficial effect, then maybe I'll change my mind. But for now, I only see harm. And so I classify it as a weapon if it only causes harm.

Mhmm. So, from from that perspective, I have to defend that, defend the pathophysiology that I brought to the pandemic and explain why I chose the treatment I did. Now if you look at the treatment that I used, they keep talking about it being off label. The problem is that they put the wrong label on the pandemic in the first place. They call the device along.

And so if you used their label, you'd be treating using the wrong treatment because the label was wrong in the 1st place. Right. Right. So I'm not using off label medication. I labeled it as a hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and I treated it as such.

Mhmm. So my medication was on label for my diagnosis. Yes. Not what anyone else told me what they think is wrong. Right.

And, of course, the the regulators giving out their recommendations and suggestions about the use or nonuse of certain medications. They should know their place, and they should know that it's recommendations. I don't see why I should be charged for not following a recommendation. Exactly. It to be if you wanted it to be any more than a recommendation, then you should have wrote it on a script pad with your name on it and take responsibility for prescribing it.

What? Nobody else is gonna come tell me what I should give you and I'm treating you. That's right. So these are the charges brought against me. I remember that the video I made very clear I'm of the opinion that this is what's happened.

In the video itself, there was no doctor patient relationship. There was no treatment being prescribed to anyone. So my question to the charges, first of all, is is it within the Health Professions Council's jurisdiction to try and limit my constitutionally protected and guaranteed Right. Freedom of speech and expression. Right.

And so that was the first question we put to the court to say, do you all have the jurisdiction here? Secondly, the charges brought against me cover everything about COVID. But, unfortunately, their legal team, their health professions counsel, didn't match the charges, regulations, and complaint. And so I could have had this thrown out of court on the 1st day, but I gave the attorney a chance to go back and redo his charges and come back for a fight. You're like, bring it.

Bring it. Come on. I'm bringing it up. Dare you. To try They can't find something to charge me with.

I'll give them something to charge. Feisty. See, that's why they don't like you too is that you're, like, you don't back out. I like it. They must be.

You know? Yeah. Yeah. So so we we argued that. Unfortunately, where we are now, the the the health professions council went back.

Within a day, brought back a new charge sheet. The new charge sheet should have been aligned to the original complaint and the initial preliminary committee recommendations. The new charge sheet doesn't touch on any of that. It's a completely new charge. It makes no mention of the of the video.

It starts talking about the entirety of 2021. So it looks like they've broadened the net. Oh, no. Yeah. Oh, they can bring it on.

Everything proved to be true. So, you're giving me a better opportunity to highlight the truth the more you the more charges you bring. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. So so bring it on. And so they brought this new charge sheet, and I think the new charge sheet shows prejudice by the council that they actually saw it fit to go back and recharge me on the same crime. That's not allowed by law. And if I can show prejudice, then I want to escalate the profile of this case to a high court.

If I have it seen in a high court, then all my witness testimonies become court record and all the biases that I wish to address before we move forward will become precedent for cases moving forward. Part of the biases, I'm asking them to look into the conflict of interest in all the people testifying against me. Right. So first. They say I didn't do what's best for the public.

So according to them, the public's a victim in my case, so they should have have access to the proceedings. Right. And the victims, by the way. They're the victims. You say that, so, let them let them watch.

And to try to grab one. I think the biggest thing, if we look at the pandemic vaccine rollout, the vaccine was rolled out with a lot of, prejudice and propaganda. The prejudice was institutionalized, corporatized, legitimized. It was it was something where you couldn't fly. You couldn't go out.

Your freedoms were curbed. People said you're an anti vaxxer if you didn't take it. People said you're gonna kill your family. Children were in fear among it that if they didn't take it, they were gonna kill their grandparents. So we cannot ignore the prejudice that was deliberately instigated Yeah.

Based on a vaccine status. Right. And if I go into a case where I'm unaware of the vaccine status of the jury, there's gonna be bias. I want half the jury on that panel vaccinated and half unvaccinated, and then we'll move ahead. And you're It's it's the pro vaccine lobby that instituted this kind of prejudice and bias that mandated it, that enforced it, and now stands judgment over me.

That's okay. Yeah. Not okay. Not okay. Doctor Chetty, is this, this, you know, these charges that are being brought against you, is are these civil?

Is it about your your license? Is it within, like, what what courts is this being adjudicated? I mean, it's a it's it's a hearing, from the council itself. So it is the health professions council charging me for unprofessional conduct. Okay.

That puts my licensure at, at at risk. But, saying that, I actually don't care about that. If this is a body that's willing to forego for the first two no harm principles Mhmm. And have vested interests in people who don't care about such things, then I wish not to be a part of it. A part of the charges brought against me or the threat of suspension was there to silence me.

Yeah. Well, if a suspension is gonna silence me, then it needs to include a rope and a tall tree. Otherwise, it will work. And, of course, if they choose to suspend me after I present all the facts, then I would gladly deregister and wish not to be a doctor. Mhmm.

It would be a free canary and sing like a free canary. So it's up to them. Do they want this wild dog on the leash or off the leash? But either way, he's gonna buck and bite, and so you bring it on. Sing like a sing like a free canary, doctor Chetty.

I love it. Or a wild dog. Either one. I'll take I'll take them both, man. Because, like, knowing that you are on the side of truth and you are the side of your patients and humanity and human lives is just so refreshing and wonderful.

And, you know, it's scary what you're going up against for sure, but that you are displaying such courage and really just steadfast. I mean, you are, standing steadfast in the truth that you witnessed, that you observed, and that you were trained for as as a medical doctor. And I just think it's it's pretty amazing. Where are you in in the course of all of this? What is the next step, and how can people support you?

Shannon, the the the the case itself, I see it as the greatest opportunity we have to speak truth. Okay. To highlight what has happened. And so the worst thing that could happen to me is the charges get dropped. I I don't want to I don't want to be on a technicality.

Good for you. Something that people need to understand and people need to see what the truth was. Okay. So I've got a I've got a great team of experts, people that I've worked with throughout the pandemic. Doctor David Martin is gonna talk to the intent.

Amazing. Is gonna talk to the vaccine injuries and my treatment strategy. I taught him to treat COVID, and he appreciates that. So he's gonna he's gonna be be be be be be on that. Doctor Cheddi doctor Peter McCullough is a great friend of the Shannon Choi Show.

So he is on I mean, we I we've had him in in Rochester. He did one of our summits. He's a dear, dear, dear friend. And I'm just one of the first doctors to acknowledge my work. Wow.

Oh my gosh. Like I didn't even know. See, how do I not know these things? I can't even believe it. I mean, I knew I liked you from the beginning.

Got you. So he's doing the treatment and the vaccine increase to show the lack of of, your next guest, doctor Hermann Hedlund. Hermann is fighting a FASA case here in South Africa. He's gonna testify about the lack of effectiveness of the vaccine. Amazing.

And then I've got, professor Peter Perry. Okay. He wrote the spikeopathy paper in the in Australia saying that spike protein is a pathogen Okay. Both in the acute long COVID and the vaccine. Okay.

So between those 4, I covered the the vaccine completely. That it was unsafe, ineffective, had a bad intention behind it, and was toxic. Wow. So definitely how I can't see that as a bioweapon. And then from, from my treatment perspective, the pathophysiology that I've elucidated, I've got professor Chris Newton, the guy that found me con LinkedIn.

Okay. Amazing. He's gonna testify as to he's done a lot of research around my work, and he's gonna testify to the science. Okay. I've got doctor Vijay from, Malaysia.

Amazing. To the education and mentorship I provided this country and the difference it made. And then I've got professor from, Rio Grande, Texas. Okay. He's analyzed the datasets, those 20 cases I told you about that were high values of interleukin 6, the antihistamine case where I did a little trial on a single patient.

And, of course, the first 200 patients I had talked about in my initial publication, he's gonna present the data And the significance of my data. What he showed is that if South Africa had followed at that time my treatment intervention, we could have decreased the hospitalizations and death in South Africa by over 25 times. Oh, my word. And well, that's that's the shift that's in. But, yeah, I think they need to know what truly happened.

And so, yeah, I've got this great team of people that all worked with me through the pandemic. I trust them with my lives, with all of my life, and, all of them. I think they're my guardian angels. And so, yeah, we're gonna get a chance to speak, and nothing's gonna stop us from that. That is amazing.

And you do you have an amazing team around you, and now you have the Shannon Joy Show audience around you as well. And we are going to publicize this and get it out to as many people as we possibly can. This is going to be, must watch testimony, and I just wanna thank you for everything that you've done. I mean, I could probably talk to you for another hour. We haven't even really gotten into the vaccines and how they're presenting, just the the variety of terrible terrible, not only adverse reactions, but also the suppressed immune system, something that Garrett VandenBosch has been writing about, that I'm a little concerned about, and I'd love love to hear your thoughts on maybe in another show, but we've run out of time today.

But thank you so much. This has been such an interesting conversation, and I'm just so heartened that that we have medical freedom fighters, basically, freedom fighters. I mean, the medical freedom community is the freedom movement. It's the liberty movement of the 21st century. I'm completely convinced.

We have been able to realize it because of the medical tyranny that has been inflicted upon us, but once they get in between the doctor and the patients, once they are able to strap us down, shove the needle in our arm regardless of whether or not we want it, all human freedom is over. Nothing else matters. Free speech, freedom of the press, freedom you know, right to bear arms, all of those things, fall by the wayside because, if the governments can seize our bodies and force us to undergo medical interventions against our will, it's over, and and the 21st century will be shrouded in darkness. And so you are on the front lines. I and I want to thank you for everything that you are doing.

We will talk about World Health Organization. Maybe tomorrow with doctor Edling, we can do that, because we have another, you know, member of the African freedom freedom fighting contingent, which I just love. But any last, words that you wanna say? Anything else you wanna get off your chest? And how can people help you and support you?

Because we are a 100% behind you. I think, I think there's a huge agenda going on, Shannon. This is, not only COVID. Yeah. COVID was brought in, to use the medical fraternity because we got this control.

Right. We got this population. We got the ability to give you stuff that could kill you. And so they use the medical fraternity to start this process. Yeah.

It covers, education, economics, everything, even the spiritual side of things. And I think that's the big agenda. And people need to realize that, start reading, start understanding what's happening to us as humanity as a whole. They used fear, coercion, manipulation, division to cause what they did. And the only way that we're going to fix the problem is through hope and faith.

Yeah. And it's our faith that was dented that suddenly made the vaccine our new savior. And it was best for me to talk against it Right. Because it was our new savior. Yeah.

And we lost hope. And of course, when people are confused, don't understand, then they look to the experts to guide them, and the experts were there to silence everyone and take that stage and mislead everyone. And so, yeah, I think it was a great awakening for people. And the solution to the problem would come in unity, in hope, and in faith. This is not about COVID.

This is more about the darkest hours of humanity that are upon us. And I think we need a good spiritual reawakening to find Noah's Ark. Yeah. I think so. I think you're right.

To find our Noah's Ark, and, I share flood, mind you. What was that? You did not stop the flood, mind you. Did not no. It's true.

I know. I know. It's it's absolutely tragic. Absolutely tragic. And one of the the greatest tragedies here in in the States was the closure of churches and and synagogues, and, I mean, so many faith based organizations just fell right into it.

And I was, like, screaming. I'm, like, why? No. Like, Jesus healed the sin. Right?

Anyway, that brought faith and hope needed to be closed. Right. Right. Very, very terrible. Very dark.

I am so thankful for your leadership and for your voice, and, we will be watching everything that you're doing. When this testimony is scheduled and set up, let us know, and we'll try to blast it out as much as we possibly can. Our good friend, doctor Mary Talley Bowden, is being persecuted by the Texas Medical Board right now. She goes before them, I believe, the at the end of April, and we're looking to try to broadcast that if we can. If I can tap in to the feed, it is gonna be, live, I believe.

And so we'll try to do that for you as well if I can figure it out. I'm self I'm, like, self produced, so I'm not very good at this. But if I could figure it out, we'll do it because we want to blast this out to everyone humanly possible. Guys, his name is doctor Shankara Chetty. You can find him on Twitter.

His his handle is atshankarachetty, and his website is That's shan karachetty. And, of course, we have all of the information for the give, send, go. So you can support his efforts in the show notes, underneath, the broadcast of this on Rumble, also on all the podcast platforms as well. Doctor Chetty, thank you so so much.

You are a hero. Thank you. Thank you for having me, Shannon. And thank all of you for being with us today on the Shannon and Joy Show. Thank you to our sponsors, Colonial Metals Group, Connectomobile, and, of course, our friends over at

And Kitty says hello too. There he is. Every so often, he makes a debut. Okay. The audience is gonna love this.

He doesn't usually come by. Alright. Yeah. We we love Buddy, the studio kitty. I came to China.

And thank you to all of you who sponsored the share or who support the shit and joy show at our website, the The You can set up your monthly contribution. We are independent, completely self produced, and that's why we can tell you the truth on a regular basis. So thank you to all of you.

We will be back tomorrow to do it all again right here on the Shannon Joy Show. Hello, world. Welcome to The Shannon Joy Show.

Jay Naidoo: COVID injections polarised society, led to persecution of   honest doctors like Dr Shankara Chetty

By Editor BizNews|Apr. 11th, 2023

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Since the rollout of COVID injections in 2021, polarisation has not only pulled apart societies across the globe but medical fraternities and families alike. Doctors who have conscionably abided by the Hippocratic Oath – “first do no harm” – in their treatment of patients with COVID have been maligned as irresponsible and even dangerous threats to public health – a concept which has been robbed of its once virtuous essence. In yet another cogent OpEd by iconic anti-apartheid activist Jay Naidoo, he tells the story of Dr Shankara Chetty – an honest doctor who prioritised his patients and their treatment over blindly following the spurious and unscientific protocol forced upon doctors when COVID took centre stage. As someone who lived through and fiercely fought against apartheid, Naidoo is particularly qualified to compare the vilification of Dr Chetty and other honest doctors to the reprehensible apartheid era. – Nadya Swart

Dr Shankara Chetty treated 14,000 patients suffering from COVID. None of them—0%—required hospitalisation. No oxygen. No deaths. No need for COVID injections. They came from all over to consult him. The old, the young, the infirm, and the chronically sick. Those with co-morbidities such as obesity, diabetes or heart problems. They came from Port Edward, from the rural villages, from communities around and then wider and further. All races. They even came to him from around the world. And they were successfully treated for COVID. All of them. 100%.

COVID injections

Dr Shankara Chetty’s decades of experience in rural health are built on an impeccable reputation founded in a passion for his work, deep knowledge and understanding of his profession, attention to detail and, mostly, his rigour and integrity in the way he honours his Hippocratic Oath.

Read more: Jay Naidoo: Suppression of freedom of speech – a path to tyranny. It injures and kills.

Shankara was born in Edenvale, Pietermaritzburg, on a family farm where his parents ran a bus company. He is the eldest of four siblings. He matriculated from Woodlands Secondary School in 1985. He did a BSc in biology and genetics, microbiology and chemistry from the University of Natal in 1991 and then a medical degree in surgery and medicine from the JSS Medical College. He is a highly qualified doctor and has been a vital reference for many years for his peers in South Africa and around the world.

When COVID hit, fear spread like a bushfire. Lockdowns, social distancing, masking, schools, businesses, and restaurants closed. These were traumatic times, and many doctors feared meeting patients physically. But Dr Chetty wanted to continue the in-person consultations with his patients. To avoid putting his family at risk, he pitched a tent outside his home with his nursing staff and continued to examine all his patients physically.

Read more: Jay Naidoo: ‘New Apartheid’ is even worse than Nats, it’s determined to take our lives

When asked why he took these risks to continue meeting patients when many were using telemedicine, he said humbly, “It comes down to faith. I chose to become a doctor. I serve my community. At a point when they are most vulnerable and afraid, I have to treat them and to reassure them. They didn’t know who the World Health Organisation was.” They didn’t understand the lockdown and all the changes imposed from the top without consultation. But they knew Dr Shankara Chetty. And they trusted him. Because he knew his patients by name, he knew their families, culture, and traditions. He was part of their community.

Dr Shankara Chetty saw one patient after another. He listened carefully to their case histories. He studied the disease and analysed their symptoms and their reactions to the treatments. He examined the clinical evidence from Italy, where the first documented COVID-19 outbreak happened. Dr Chetty then studied the information around the first cases in South Africa. He analysed the genome sequencing that the Chinese released. He was inquisitive. He researched every detail of the virus and its symptoms and concluded with great astonishment that what we were experiencing was an illness that has two aetiologies, or a biphasic illness. Two sets of symptoms. His detailed observations and research produced sterling results. This is what he found.

Firstly, the virus triggers an initial viral respiratory phase with typical symptoms, progression and outcomes such as loss of smell and taste, from which most people recover. And he stumbled on a new fact. If, on the 8th day, people suffered decompensation and breathlessness, they had to return to him.

“Not on the 7th day, not on the 9th day, on the 8th day,” he insisted. From the examination, treatment and follow-up of his COVID patients, he realised there is a triggering of a Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction in those who are sensitive or allergic to an element of the virus. This had to be treated with strong doses of antihistamines and steroids, amongst other things. His patients would typically recover within 3 or 4 days.

He published his research and treatment protocol in the September 2020 Modern Medicine journal.

Doctors around the world reached out to him, and through organisations like MAAFIM, he trained hundreds of specialists in SE Asia and Malaysia. He was invited by organisations in Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Sri Lanka and India, where he trained them on the 8th day COVID treatment protocol. These doctors also reported spectacular successes in avoiding hospitalisation and deaths. Dr Shankara Chetty was saving lives around the world.

He was an advisor to the State Medical Expert Committee of the Indian Government State of Meghalaya on COVID management. He has addressed the EU Parliament hearing on COVID and testified at the Corona Virus Global Grand Jury. He received a Malaysian award for saving thousands of lives during the pandemic. He published his life-saving protocol on YouTube. And he was recognised for that around the world.

Then he was targeted. His video was taken down. Attacks started coming from all sides. Vicious, hurtful and savage attacks, vilifying him, degrading him and ridiculing him, smacking him with easy empty labels like “anti-vaxxer,” “right-winger”, and “anti-science.”

The Health Professional Council of South Africa has charged him and asked him to attend a disciplinary enquiry on 17 May 2023. His charge sheet makes a complete mockery of our fundamental human rights and our Constitution and demonstrates the extent to which our medical regulators have been compromised. Dr Shankara Chetty is accused of unprofessional conduct and contravening ethical Rule 19 subsection, which requires health care practitioners to only use health technologies which have been proven—upon investigation—to be capable of fulfilling the claims made about them by the tenets of evidence-based medicine.

Why is he being targeted?

Behind all the smoke and mirrors, I can fathom just one reason. He did not prescribe the COVID injection. He doesn’t follow the official narrative put forward by government and Big Pharma. He had a strong belief that natural immunity was robust and could cope with variants. He was doing what he always did, being an honest doctor, putting his patients at the centre of his practice and doing no harm to them. He followed standard operating procedures and early treatment protocols. Like many, he feels we need to analyse the pathology of the spike protein in the COVID injection.

But the powers that be, our governments, the medical regulators in South Africa and globally and the mainstream media, most influenced by the largesse of big pharmaceutical companies, had another plan. They created a tsunami of fear and used emergency regulations to approve an experimental mRNA injection as the final solution. One of the main conditions of the vaccine emergency use approval (EUA) is that no other alternative treatment protocols with proven success exist. Therefore, people like Dr Chetty, and many others, who had come up with an alternative to the COVID injections are targeted and viciously discredited.

That’s why they started with Dr Susan Vosloo and Professor Tim Noakes, attacking their decades-long, successful and pioneering careers. These courageous doctors did not fit into the dominant narrative determined by politics, money and power. They had to be censored, ridiculed, demonised, and their political and professional lives jeopardised.

I know this well from our struggles against the heinous apartheid system. Recently we saw an apartheid on a global scale. Targeting citizens and doctors who do not want to be part of the largest medical experiment in human history. And those that resisted the COVID injection are now the victims of this new apartheid.

Dr Shankara Chetty follows true science. He is being punished for saving lives. Think about that. He was an honest doctor practising honest medicine. He says: “The Hippocratic Oath requires me to avoid doing any harm to my patients, upholding the integrity of our profession and believing that patients have a right to informed consent and full information.”

At the most vulnerable times of our lives, challenged by disease and ill health, when the well-being of the elderly and infirm are under threat, we expect that our doctors protect and heal us through medical knowledge, experience and thinking out of the box.

There was a time when being a doctor was a service to the community. Everyone trusted their family doctor. They visited our homes, knew several generations, and broke bread with us. We trusted them. Where are they today? Too few are left. When they raise their courageous heads above the parapets, the full force of this invisible force is unleashed on the individual.

In the past few months, I have gotten to know Shankara Chetty. I have followed his comments. I have spoken to him. I have listened carefully to him and learnt a mountain of valuable information. I admire his commitment, his passion, his thoroughness and discipline. Why are we, as a nation, not allowed to listen to what he has to say?

All of us, 60 million South Africans, should be asking why Dr Chetty is being silenced. What are the pharmaceutical companies and the authorities hiding? They lied about the COVID injections giving immunity. They lied about them stopping transmission. They lied about them being safe and effective. Pfizer itself acknowledges that they lead to a very large number of possible side effects, some of them lifelong and debilitating. Side effects affecting every major organ system have been reported, with many formally acknowledged by Pfizer and Regulators worldwide. Why do they require immunity from prosecution from our governments? Why did they attempt to hide information from the public for 75 years?

Our right to freedom of speech, assembly and association is under attack. That’s what many generational struggles across the world have been fought for. We must resist this new tyranny being foisted on us through coercion.

As citizens, we must draw a line in the sand.

These are rights that Big Pharma and its allies want to roll back. Rights that were hard won through generations of courageous struggle. So many workers were fired, victimised and coerced by government and employers for refusing to take an experimental injection. So many small businesses closed forever because of lockdowns that made no sense. 

Science has proven that masking has no effect on stopping the spread of microscopic viruses. We also know that PCR tests, as deployed, are unreliable in determining disease, infectedness or infectiousness. And now our children have learning disabilities and mental illnesses caused by the draconian pandemic response. The fearmongering and panic orchestrated by a global oligarchy have created a PTSD, depression, anxiety and mental illness epidemic.

The dystopian events of the past three years have been brutal. We now need to pause. We need independent analysis of the data as mounting injuries are showing the damages the COVID experimental injections can cause. We need to know what led to the excess mortality from 2021 onwards in heavily vaccinated countries.

In the rich tapestry of humanity, I have encountered all types of people. Some are towering and inspiring servant leaders who create pathways of Hope and Opportunity. Others operate out of the shadows wanting the greyness of uniformity and conformity. Their modus operandi is fear, censorship, control and manipulation over minds, bodies and spirits.

We need to pause. And listen to all the doctors who saved lives during COVID.