Dr Shiva Transcripts

transcript to 74min podcast Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Crime & Zionism PAY BIG! Just Ask Trump!  may2024


Hello, everyone. This is doctor Shiva Iyadurai. Today, we're gonna be having a very important, discussion, as I put out in the title slide of this, which is called, crime and Zionism pay big. And we just have to ask Trump. So I'm gonna be doing an interview, right here, which I need to get in, into it.

And that's what we're gonna be talking about. How crime and Zionism are big. And, Ethan, how are you? Let me go over to, Ethan over here. I think I can do it right from here, Trevor.

Let me see if this works with that. Ask a couple of Domino's real quick, before you before you get in. Okay. Just, like, just just 5, I swear, and I'll I'll be here. I'm here now.

I just, they're rushing in real quick. So just not even probably 5 minutes. Alright. I'll be back. Alright.

Okay. Thank you so much. Alright, everyone. We're gonna be having a conversation with Ethan about this. And, many of you know, before going to Ethan, that, recently, Trump was, you know, convicted, quote, unquote, convicted of a crime.

But what's really powerful to understand is that no matter what happens to Donald Trump, he seems to make more and more and more money off these, quote, unquote, convictions. And that's what I wanna talk about. I wanna talk about the theater of these so called convictions. And what's also interesting to observe is that many of the people who claim that they're anti Zionist, are forcing or conveying to people that they should choose a lesser of 2 evils because the, the court systems are so corrupt, and therefore, Trump must be better. And the reality is whether it's Trump, Biden, Boobie, all of these guys, they're all part of the swarm.

And what we're actually seeing here is a manipulation of people, because everyone knows that these convictions occur to members of the swarm via Trump or Biden or any of these people, but nothing ever happens to them because they'll appeal it and they'll drag it on. And during that period, both sides make a ton of money. And that's what we're gonna be talking about here. I'm gonna talk about how much money these guys actually make in this process of their theater. And, it's very, very important people start understanding this phenomenon that's taking place.

And the end goal of all of this is to manipulate you to not build a bottoms up movement, which is us fighting for our rights, but to have sympathy for these clowns. We're all part of the establishment. And no matter what they do, they make 1,000,000,000 of dollars. As many of you know, Sheldon Adelson's wife, one of the multi billionaires, said she's gonna give him more money. And then people can barely put food on their table are writing checks out to Trump.

It's absolutely disgraceful, the level of manipulation that's taking place. And Biden and his crime family organization are also putting out donation. We must see. Okay. Let me are we, set, Ethan?

Ethan, how are you? Okay. There's like that. Wow. During during the show and right before you got here, there there was a bum rush, of those.

So that's, that's why the short delay there, so I apologize. Now one question to get in earlier. By the way, I'm running a Twitter space. If you guys wanna call in, we can, we can definitely do that, and have you ask questions of the doctor. And, that's how you do so.

You call on to the Twitter space and patch you through and link that chat minute. There was a super chat that came in earlier, and you about this during the Twitter space. So you can, like you don't have to go through the whole story again. But they asked you about the in the in the better of the email. So you just do, like, a short version of that because you went through the whole thing last time.

So I know they always ask you about that too. Well, I mean, the short version of this is, yeah, the short version of this is pretty simple is that, the real question is a very interesting friend of mine said who runs one of the large media organizations. He used to run it, but before he sold it, was a business insider. He goes, a real story about the invention of email is that the facts are black and white. There's not even a gray area that you created at the issue.

Why is there even a controversy? Anyone who look looks at the faction good inventor of email.com, who invented email.com, you'll find the reality is that as a 14 year old kid, I was a very hardworking kid. I was also a good athlete. I started working as a full time research fellow at a small medical college in Newark, New Jersey, which is now known as Rutgers Medical School. I had already gone to NYU in a computer science program because I finished calculus and everything much earlier in life by 9th grade, so my high school didn't have any math courses.

And I was given a full time job working with people 30, 40, 50 years older than me, and I was treated as an equal. That that would only occur in America and, in a medical college doing medical research understanding why babies were dying in their sleep using computers at that time and biology, which is a very new area, you know, mixed in computing with biology. I did very well there, published a paper before I even came to MIT, and then I was given another job, 14 years old. Anyone over the age of 40 will remember that the organizations anywhere in the world at that time and even now, but up until even recent times, I I mean, we didn't have cell phones, you didn't have fax machines, really weren't there yet, but you use something called the interoffice mail system. So, in a in an organization, let's say in a big building with 1,000 offices, every office had a secretary.

On her in that office was a very complex communication system, system, system, system, which included a secretary, a desk. On the desk, she had a part called a typewriter. She had another part called an inbox, which is physically a box, another part called a draft. Something else called the outbox, big file folders underneath your desk was a trash bucket. Right?

Little box with paper clips there. So I was asked to Now, also, let me let let me stop I I just wanna stop you for a second because your your audio and video quality is dropped. The and I've kinda I'll let you go because you already know your story, but do this. I don't know if you have another We do this as Trey. Trey, in there.

Trey, I'm gonna drop off this recording on StreamYard, and then Trey will Trey, you're in. Right? So you can you can I have to ask to join? So yeah. So let me Can you let Ethan, can you let Trey in?

Then he can then I can just drop off. Yeah. No. Just just join the Click on the link. Join Right.

Join the link. Yeah. I don't see him. He hasn't requested. Great.

You got the link to join. To join. Alright. Let's do it. Alright.

I just passed. Yeah. Okay. No. He he's in now.

Okay. And then you don't wanna you don't wanna I'm gonna Trey, you I think you're gonna unpin Trey. Right, Ethan? Yeah. You know what?

You don't want me to show him? Okay. Hold on. I'll just I'll just black out the screen for a second. And then when you come back in, I'll pin I'll pin you.

Oh, I'm here. Okay. Alright. It seems to be a little bit better now too. Let me see.

And then I'll I'll pin you, pin this time. Trey, can I get out of yeah? There you go. Alright. Okay.

Now it seems to be a little bit better now, and I and I have just you pinned on the screen. Yeah. Okay. Okay. The trailer Yeah.

It looks better. StreamYard. Okay, Trey? Sounds good. And you'll still stream it out?

You got it? Operator is it. Correct. Okay. One second.

I'm leaving. One second. Sure. We always have Titan. I'm sharing it right now.

Okay. Good. Alright. Is that better? It seems to be a little bit better now.

Yeah. Yeah. I think it's better now. Yeah. You got it better?

Okay. Well, it's still delay it's still delayed. Maybe you know what? Just leave and then come back. Sometimes that fixes it, with Google Meet.

Yeah. Just leave and hop right back in. Okay. Now let me see. Okay.

Now good old tech issues on the kill stream. Okay. Now let me see. Alright. Now let me try to oh, give me a second.

Let me pin to the screen for everyone. Yes. Okay. Alright. Now let me pull you back up.

Okay. You here? Yeah. I'm here. Is that better or no?

It's a it's a little bit better. We can hang with it. It's just delayed a little bit, and it it might clear up. If if you lower your video quality a little bit I don't know if it's 10 80 p or what. Sometimes that'll help.

I could, turn off my camera too. Sometimes that'll help as well. It's just some kind of yeah. It's just I mean, I have full bars here. Yeah.

I I don't know why it's doing that, but I can hear you fine. It's just a little bit of, like, audio delay, right, between your speech and your audio. But, yeah, it's it's it's workable. We can we can roll with it. It's fine.

Trey, are you seeing that on StreamYard or on our end? It looks better now. It actually looks better now. So it's on point now. A lag, but it's fine.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's that's what I'm saying.

We can work through it. Yeah. It's no big deal. Alright. Oh, so and it looks a little bit better now too, by the way.

So, yeah, I'm sorry for, you know, I can't control bandwidth and stuff like that. But, yeah, just pick up where you left off, in the middle of that. Yeah. So so so the bottom line is, you know, this is in 1978. I was 14 years old, and I was so in those days, if you went into an organization like a hospital or the office of the president or any organization, the way people communicated in that organization with they had a hardwired phone.

Right? And they had this thing called the interoffice mail system. So in every office was a secretary, and she had this very complex system in front of her, involve a typewriter. She had a paper where she would write this thing called a memo, memorandum. She had the inbox, outbox, physical box that's made of wood or steel, something called a drafts box.

Behind her were file folders. There were pneumatic tubes that you would put these memos into an envelope. You put them in. They'd shoot them to other offices. You had paper.

You had carbon paper, carbon copy. And so the process was quite complicated. A doctor or research would come over to the secretary, always a woman, and they would dictate a letter to her. Hey. Take a letter to Ethan from doctor Shiva.

Let's carbon copy Trey because we're gonna hire some guy called Bob, and he's the head of HR. Right? She would write this letter out. If there were 3 carbon copies, she'd have to type the letter, you know, three times. Right?

Because you the white paper, the carbon paper, the paper. So it's a very complex system. It's the key thing. We're not talking about simply exchanging text messages from point a to point b, which is what in fact, at that time in 1977, the military played people like MIT thought taking this entire complex system and converting it onto the computer and electronic version was seen as impossible. And we have the receipts to show that by a guy called David Crock Crock.

I like to call him David Crock of shit. Because years later, when my stuff went to the Smithsonian, he tried to deny he'd ever written that letter. You see, these old guys in with their lab coats, at that time in the military, were at best trying to, ex ex you know, exchange simple text messages. I was given the task in that small medical college in Newark, New Jersey to convert this very complex system of 100 of parts, inbox, outbox, folders, the address book, departments, you know, all these things in the electronic form. And that's what I did in 50,000 lines of Fortran code, which also was an impossible problem.

We only have 8 kilobytes of memory. And I named that system that I converted email, which is not an obvious term even though it may seem obvious today. And then won a bunch of the awards called the Westinghouse Science Awards, which are considered the baby nobles, came to MIT. And in the front page of MIT among the 1,000 students who were entering, I was listed as one of the 3 students who had done something quite extraordinary, in my case, inventing email. The president of MIT 1981 invited me to his home, and and he said, you know, it's too bad the Supreme Court still doesn't understand software patents, but you should copyright it using 19 80 copyright act, which I did by myself, and my parents weren't lawyers or we I couldn't afford any of that.

There was no PDFs. You have to write to the copyright office. You got the forms. You filled it out. You submitted all your code.

And this went on on August 30, 1982. I was issued the first US copyright recognizing me as the inventor of email. The problem is I didn't really talk about this a lot. I was taught to be a good, humble Indian kid. Just work hard.

Went in and out of MIT, did a bunch of degrees in system science, 4 degrees, won every major award at MIT, was listed on the front page of MIT for winning many other awards. When my mom was dying 33 years later, 19 sorry, 2011, in a suitcase, she had preserved all the code, all that stuff. From then, the editor of Time Magazine was the only one who reviewed this material and wrote an article called The Man Who email. People can look at it. November 2011 issue on the front page of the online version of Time and the Technology, Doug Amath.

Then the Smithsonian contacted me. Again, I didn't want any publicity for this. And then it went into the Smithsonian about a month after my mom had died in February 16, 2812. And a Washington Post reporter wrote a great article saying doctor Shivay, I'd be honored as the inventor of email. And by the way, the Time Magazine article is called the man who invented email.

When I was at MIT, I used to be known as doctor email, for inventing another technology to automatically analyze and route email for project, for award I won for the White House, which I built into a $20,250,000,000 company. So when it went in the Smithsonian, it should have been an occasion for great, great celebration of the American dream. Instead, a white liberal elite, one of these, you know, liberal guys who talks about diversity at the University of Wisconsin who thought he was a historian about technology was flabbergasted that this news went, it was like finding a skull in Africa, which reset the origin of human life. And he called me a fraud, an asshole. Sorry.

He called me a fraud. A, Gawker Media wrote 3 articles calling me an asshole and a dick. You can you know? And then articles were written. This curry sand dune should be beaten and hanged.

And I'm like, what the hell? Wait a minute. Really? Yep. You can find it out there.

It's all, and then, and I'm teaching a course at MIT for free, the most popular course. I'm like, what the fuck is going on? Calls are coming into MIT saying I should be fired because how dare I say invented email. And I just put the stuff into the Smithsonian. I was given the award by the Smithsonian.

They contacted me. So I'm like, what the hell is going on? All this defamation is going on. And I never ever sought credit for the invention of email. I never made a penny off of it, even though I am, you know, legally legal inventor is recognized by the US government.

And it took me years. I said, you know what? It's really important that everyone do know I invented email now because it wasn't done while I was at MIT. It was done before I came to MIT. Now you have to understand.

While I was at MIT, I was honored for many things I created. The problem is that all those inventions took place under the umbrella of MIT. You follow? But this invention Yeah. I'm following.

Before I came to MIT by a, you know, working class kid in Newark, New Jersey. And by the way, it was a 14 year old kid who invented TV, Philo Farnsworth. He went through the same bullshit too. In his case, RCA stole his invention, started making TVs. It took him 20 years to fight in the court system.

After he won, he, you know, he lost most of his royalties. And it took him another 60 years to get the recognition. My point is that the invention of email is a powerful story because it shows that innovation can occur anytime, any place by anybody. You don't need to fucking go to MIT. Now the problem they had with me was once I figured what they were actually doing to me, I was no longer a good Indian because I said, yeah.

I did fucking invent email. I'm gonna get the credit for what I did because you try to deny something I actually did. So the real issue is why is there a fucking controversy? Why is a racist, you know, anti American Wikipedia locked my page for 2 years when people try to actually update the facts? So and the reality is this, you know, leads to a larger story.

Because as long as I was at MIT being the good brown skinned, darky Indian being their model minority, I was on the front page. But when I say, wait a minute. I entered the email before I came to MIT. This is problematic. Is MIT, Harvard, all these, brands, create their brand on the basis that after you go to them, then you can drop out.

Like Bill Gates, who, by the way, didn't invent DOS, or Mark Zuckerberg who stole the shit from someone else, and then you're cool. The problem is I did shit before I came to MIT. Took me many years to realize that MIT was the one who benefited from me coming there. You see? Because they take all the smart kids, bring them there, give them the MIT label as though MIT did something for them.

So that's the reality of the invention of email. In fact, there's the the there's not even a gray area. I'm not saying that I someone else would not have invented email, but I was the first to fucking do it. Period. And the fact that what bothers people is that this actually took place before I came to MIT.

You see, because that shows that there's a lot of smart fucking people out there in the world who do amazing things, and imagine how much innovation that does not get out of there because of this repression. The problem they have with me is I did the invention of email, a great invention before I came to MIT, and I've invented many things after. So I have a very unique perspective on where innovation comes from. So those that's the facts. Well, very cool, and thank you for telling that story.

And we've had you on. We talked about it a little bit before, but just for those, who didn't know, and, also, the Super Chat was sent in before you got here. So, I went ahead and asked it again because it paid me money to ask it again. But let me, ask you this. There's a couple other Super Chat questions that I'll go through, in just a second.

But One of the things, Ethan, that I thought would be really good to talk about given what just happened with Trump's conviction. Well, yeah, I was gonna ask you. That's exactly the way. Hold on. That that was exactly what I was gonna ask you.

And, also, there's a super chat. Hold on one sec. I tried to stop the sound, but I'll just I'll just let that play over. I tried to turn the sound on those off. I don't know why it didn't work.

But, I was gonna ask you, did sucking Zionist cock work out very well for Trump yesterday? That's what I was gonna ask you. Yeah. Worked really well for him if you think about it. Yeah.

Right? So you have so if you notice people like Ryan Dawson who you know, and all these people, you know, who claim that they're anti Zionist. Right? We're all promoting Trump yesterday. Okay?

Oh my god. Poor fucking Trump. He got fucked over by the judiciary, the judicial system. This is what happens when people don't really study political theory. And I gotta talk to Ryan while he's doing this nonsense.

Okay? Here's the bottom line. A lot of people in this country after, you know, after you know, for 40 years, I've been exposing Zionism for what it is. Zionism is anti American. Being anti Zionism does not mean you're anti Semitic.

Very, very important to understand this. For years, the Zionists have conflated both. Okay? Now after October 7th, I did a bunch of videos on this and they went viral all over the world. I did another interview where I said I'm the only presidential candidate who's not a Zionist cocksucker.

Okay? Trump is a Zionist cocksucker. Booby fucking Kennedy has been sucking Zionist cock a long time. That's where he got his throat problems. Right?

And Biden's dementia comes from sucking his out lot of Zionist cock, a lot of shit in his brain. Right? So you gotta understand these people are all Zionist cocksuckers. 99% of the congress is Zionist cocksuckers. And you have people like Thomas Massie who acts like he's not a Zionist cocksucker, but then starts saying, oh my god.

Poor Trump got fucked over by the judiciary. Let's just step back, and let's set set the record straight. Trump sucks Zionist cock. He brought Zionism into the White House. Jared Kushner made 1,000,000,000 off of, being Trump's, you know, actual front man.

Right? Or actual guy did what sorry. Backstage man. Alright? Right.

His, preeminence, basically. Yeah. Right. We have to understand that Trump is a is not a businessman. He's a fake businessman.

Alright? You look at his entire business history, the guy's a fucking moron. If you had as much real estate if your father had given you as much real estate, you'd have 10 times more money just by not doing anything. Okay? Just if you understand real estate.

Well, Trump fucked up most of his investments. He fucking went and invested. He he he he he was bankrupt not once, but multiple times. The second time or third time he got bankrupt, who saved him? Do you know who saved him, Ethan?

I think it was Deutsche Bank, but, I can't remember. Deutsche Bank once, but it was Wilbur. And Wilbur Ross too. Yeah. Yeah.

Right. Deutsche Bank was in there somewhere though too. Yeah. Wilbur Ross was the head of the debt equity group of all of, sorry, the debt financing group for all of Rothschild. Look it up.

The Rothschild family's debt financing group. And you have to understand, Trump had taken 14% loans, who the fuck does that, in Atlantic City? And so when he went bankrupt, the Rothschilds, a la through Wilbur Ross, didn't just bankrupt him. They not only saved him, but they still let him own 50% of everything, which is unheard of. But in Trump, they realized they had a great con man, a WWE person.

Remember, Trump did all that WWE stuff. Right? When Yeah. I saw it when it happened. I was a wrestling fan, actually.

Yeah. Yeah. You know, let's think about it. With Vince McMahon and him, which is all bullshit, WWE. And the reality is that they saw in Trump a guy that they could use as their puppet, and he owed them.

So they put him on the trajectory to become president. You don't just become president of the United States unless a swarm wants you. Okay? They got him book deals. They hooked him up with Arie Emmanuel.

Right? The biggest agent in Hollywood who owns Endeavor, who's friends with Sure. And not another Zionist Zionist Coxucker, Elon Musk, and he was also the agent of Joe Rogan. Entourage, the character from there based on Exactly. Yeah.

And Trump became, R. E. Manuel becomes his agent. He gets multiple book deals. He gets The apprentice.

They put him on the trajectory to become president. So we have to understand Trump is a willing actor. In fact, he wanted to be an actor. Didn't wanna do was too lazy to go through acting school. Alright?

So Obama was another agent of the swarm. He was put put in and he executed flawlessly for them. He made sure that Goldman Sachs and all the big banks were saved. He printed 8,000,000,000,000,000 And moat 57% of, by the way, Trumpers voted, for Obama. The white working class is one of the most who got totally raped in all of this, were moving away from Obama.

They needed the great white hope, so they brought in Trump. And if you believe elections are selections, which I know they are, having exposed all of this in 2020, Trump was a selection. And even Hillary Clinton says her election was stolen from her, but, you know, she she probably had a backroom deal to sit quiet. But Trump was selected. If you believe elections are selections, don't think Trump was just Trump mysteriously won.

They needed him. Big Pharma needed him. They needed Operation Warp Speed. They needed the swamp. And he he did everything.

And he was the one who moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Right? He did everything. Yes. He is.

And he recognized the Golan Heights as well for Every That is right. Yes. Yes. Yep. He executed flawlessly for Netanyahu.

In fact, embedded within the hoax of the Russian hoax was the fact that it was really Netanyahu put into put Trump into power. All of this is very well documented in the warrant that came out through a FOIA by James Dorfman, which everyone should read. Alright. The bottom line is Trump is the swarm part of the swarm. So all of this, if you step back, is theater.

It's all Hollywood and politics that's fully merged, and Trump is one of their theater actors. Booby Kennedy's their theater director. So is Biden. So is Hillary. So is Tulsi Gabbard.

All of these people suck Zionist cock. That's what's common among all of them. And you must be a good Zionist cock sucker to be part to be part of this theater. And they bring in and out actors. They create the underdogs, and they create the protagonist.

And the entire MAGA movement has is basically a full blown, fuckery, a Zionist cocksuckery of the American working white working class. Because the American white working class is the most powerful working class or was the most powerful working class on the planet. They're the ones who built the bottoms up movements of the 1800 1900 which scared the shit out of the elites. And that's when America became great by these mass bottoms up militant movements which is how we got the 8 hour workday, how we got rid of child, you know, labor, how we built highways and roads. But after 1970, Democrats and Republicans got together, and they destroyed those movements.

And we can talk more about that. And they started creating fake heroes because they knew they would be bottoms up movements and leaders like myself would support those movements. So in in response to that, they had to create a farm league of Zionist cocksuckers to serve them. Trump being one of them, Tulsi Gabbard being one of them, Bernie Sanders being one of them. On the left and the right, you see they create these fake anti establishment people.

So look at Trump's history. Well, he it's really amazing, So called Christians who claim they're for God and for a clean way of living, they've been bamboozled by Trump. Right? They've been bamboozled by Zionism. Well, he did go fucking bang a bunch of these women.

Okay? And he did give hush money. And as I put in my post, I said, crime and Zionism pay big. Just ask Donald Trump. It's not like he just went out a couple of minutes.

You know? They the jury did delete Is that really a crime, though, what he did, though, honestly? I mean, he paid some whore. Of course. He paid some whore some money to keep her mouth shut.

Yeah. But, you know It really was a legal expense, honestly, in my opinion. But, I mean, go ahead. You know, I did come out of campaign files. Okay?

If you let me tell you this. Well, that's true. Well, let me tell you this. If you or I did it, we'd be in fucking jail. Alright?

Let's be honest. If any one of us did it, we'd be fucked. The bottom line is crime pays big because you see he's never gonna spend 1 iota second in jail. They'll appeal it. This will go on.

So the swarm, if you think about it as elites as a swarm, they think they they never attack their own. You see? Because they all have shit on each other. You gotta really, really get this. I've been among these people.

I've been given many opportunities to be co opted by them. I know at a very fundamental level. They never fuck each other over. To you, they present the theater, but they never screw each other over. You know, Trump gets out of that courtroom and goes, oh, yeah.

This Soros funded DA. Well, Soros funded him. $150,000,000 to build this tower in Chicago. Come on. Who the fuck are you fooling?

So the conviction immediately led to Sheldon Adelson's wife agreeing to give him, what, more money. Right? 100 of 1,000,000 of dollars. You know that. Right, Ralph?

Yeah. I did see that. And, yeah, I did see that. And you can call me Ralph. That's fine while people do it.

Sorry. But even the you know, $100,000,000 commitment. People just giving you money. And who's giving you money? The white working class who's got only $400 in their bank account for a rainy day.

Trump's not gonna He got a bunch of money from them too, but then yeah. And then Adelson's wife made a big promise too as well. Right. So all the so called grifters oh my god. Trump's, Zionist, Zionist overnight.

Well, we gotta choose the lesser of 2 evils. This is how they fuck people over, the lesser of 2 evils argument. And they so the right does it and the left does it. Right? Oh my god.

Bernie Sanders suckered all these college students. And 6 months before the election, you know, you know, after the Democratic convention, he goes, well, we must give the votes to Hillary, lesser of 2 evils. Right? So the lesser of 2 evils is a recurrent way that you fuck over the working class of this country. And that's the role of Trump.

That's the role of Booby Kennedy. That's the role of Biden. And they have their apologists. So all these so called anti zionists are now apologizing for, are willing to forego Trump is a rabid Zionist. You see?

That's why I say call him. Yeah. I mean, I can't deny that. Yeah. Go ahead.

Finish. So the reality is we have to build a movement because people don't wanna get off their ass like we do every day. We're actually running for president. You have to get on the ballot in every state. Well, how do you do that?

Ethan, you have to go collect signatures in the honest way. Booby Kennedy doesn't collect signatures. He takes Zionist money and goes hire signature vendors, which should be illegal. I, at our movement, actually, has hard working people, plumbers, electricians who have full time jobs, mothers, IT workers who do their jobs, then they go in front of grocery stores and they're collecting signatures. I'll be going out there later today.

They don't fucking do that, man. These people are all fucking crooks. Our movement says, get off your butt and help build a movement. Why the fuck do you wanna suck the cock of Zionist cocksuckers? Why do you wanna do that?

Why do you wanna apologize? Why are you feeling fucking sorry for Trump? Why? I've met with Trump multiple times. He used all of my material to raise half a $1,000,000,000 for Save America with election fraud.

And then he supported the guy who defrauded my campaign. Then Trump invited me to Mar a Lago. I respectfully refused. Most people would have said, oh my god. Trump's inviting me to Mar a Lago.

Let me go suck his Zionist cock. I didn't. I refused. Then he invited me again. When I went there, I said, what the fuck happened to that half a1000000000 you raised?

Why didn't you support really an election systems integrity institute? He doesn't wanna give 1 penny away. He's controlled by the swarm. The American working class, particularly the white working class, needs to wake the fuck up. They've been used and abused since the 19 seventies, over and over and over and over again.

The left and the right. The left and the right. And it's time to stop this nonsense. No one should be giving 1 penny to fucking Trump. Nothing is gonna happen to him.

He had videos, everything ready to go. Boom. And Laura Trump's selling the Trump black card. Have you seen that? Buy get the black card and get special features.

What? 30% of all banging Stormy Daniels? Is that what the front of the card gets you? You have to understand, these people are not one of us. They don't fucking work.

I have some like us. Friends of mine who work for a living. I work for a living. I'm one of us. They're not.

They're not one of us, and you have no idea of the lifestyles they live. I've been among them. So we need to understand, crime and Zionism pay really big. Just ask Donald Trump. He'll tell you.

Zionism pays big for him. When people went in and started attacking Gaza, he was all for it. Same with Tulsi Gabbard, by the way. Another all that. Fucking whore.

Okay? These people are all whores to Zionism. That's what they are. And you can't say you're America first and say, oh my god. I wish Trump wouldn't be a Zionist.

No. He's a fucking Zionist, end to end. That's how he's made every penny. So why are people and the reason people know everything I'm saying is true, but where it leads to is you have to get off your ass now, and we have to build a movement. And but the swarm has brainwashed people consistently not to work anymore, to watch TV, to be a WWE entertainment.

You see what I'm saying? They do not want people to build a movement like what our forefathers did in the 1800 1900. If you have anything really profound in this country, it came from the bottoms up movements of the late 1800 1900. Four American workers were hanged in the United States by the government of the United States who were fighting for the 8 hour workday. 7 American workers were shot fighting for the 8 hour workday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Workers all over the world commemorated them and they called it May Day. We called it Law Day. We we said it was a quote unquote a communist holiday. Bullshit. You see, everything is being done to make sure we do not build a bottoms up movement.

That's what this is about, Ethan. So we don't remember the history of the American working class in this country. So all these fools are brought in to manipulate people. Anyone promoting Trump, anyone promoting Biden, anyone promoting booby, anyone thinking Elon Musk is some genius or Joe Rogan or Fucker Carlson are fighting for us needs to have their head checked. Oh, this guy in chat now I have a question that was sent in, Super Chat $10 about email, and I will ask that.

But, we're on the election stuff now, and I will the email. Let's go to that. Go ahead. Okay. Okay.

If you want me to. Alright. Let me see here. Let me refresh this here, and then I'll ask you that. I'll just take a second to to refresh and bring up sorry for the delay here.

And, also, I turned off my camera because we were having some issues, and sometimes that helps with the lag. So Okay. I hope that's okay. Yeah. That that's it's no.

It's fine now. It's fine now. Hey. Is everything good on our end? Oh, good.

Okay. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead.

You can It's good now. It's good now, but that's the only reason I turned off my camera because that helps sometimes. But, Wagner in chat said, no offense, but a little sus. Why didn't your guest petition the university's tech transfer office to get patent application in for his previous or independent work is what they said about the email thing. Well, you couldn't well, in 1981, you couldn't get software patents.

Okay? That's a problem. Remember, I was, so it's a very good question. So what was software? And listen very carefully.

1978, 1970 remember, I was a 14 year old kid at the time. Okay? You have to understand that the concept of software people thought software was written work. If you were writing software, no one saw anything. Right?

Like a machine like this, you see it physically. So the Supreme Court didn't recognize software patents. But in 1980, the copyright office passed the 1980, Computer Act of 1980, and you can look it up, which said you will use copyright act to protect software inventions. The problem is when you have dumb fucks in Congress, Congress is the ones that make laws. Right?

They don't they didn't know what software was. It wasn't until 1994, the Federal Court of Appeals finally said you we must treat software as a digital machine, and then you could start patenting software. So, by by the way, in 1994, 1994, 1996, I got the 3 earliest AI patents for automatically analyzing email. So I learned how to patent software, but you weren't allowed to patent software until 1994. Okay?

In a very rare case, unless the software ran a machine like a controller. You see? So that's the reason. Now even so that's why doctor Paul Gray, who was the president of MIT, when I was student body president in 81 when I went to SOM, and he had heard that I'd invented email, he said he was science adviser to Reagan. And he said, you know, it's really sucks that the Supreme Court doesn't recognize software patents, but you should use a copyright act of 1980.

So that those are the realities. There's nothing suspect here. Remember, I was 17 years old. Also, the fact that I figured out how to do that, I wonder what most 17 year olds were doing then. Well, I won't get into what I was doing doing.

But it wasn't that. Yeah. No. No. But I just wanna you know?

Yeah. You're talking about a teenage kid who did all this by himself, and you have to put this into your context. Okay? And the fact that the government didn't even know what software was until 1994 when the Federal Court of Appeals said you could use patents for software. Had I been able to patent software, you know, no one would be you know, people would be dying down and sucking my cock off because they'd say, wow.

You have a gazillions of dollars. The point is copyright law does not protect concepts. You see? But this is what happens when you have, non engineers in Congress. You see?

Because they don't understand with a bunch of morons. They don't understand the Internet either. Exactly. Yeah. So that's not a surprise to me.

They don't understand most things. What to do who make their policies are lobbyists who are backed by Zionism. You see? They get handed a white paper, and told what to say. I'm talking about idiots.

Yes. That's how Congress work. But, yeah, I think people really need to understand, Ethan, this context. You know, there's a video that you may wanna share with your audience called shatter the swarm. You know, it's a 15 minute video I did with the whiteboard and pen combining engineering system science to really talking about who is how the point 001% control 8,000,000,000 of us.

How is it a small set of people are controlling 8,000,000,000 people? Gotta ask that question. When what they do doesn't match the interest of 8,000,000,000? And what you find out is they're using the science of systems, system science. It's a very powerful science.

George Soros, by the way, is one of the leading theoreticians in it. Henry Kissinger used to teach this. All the major leaders of the world understand system science, and they teach it to their underlings. Now I used to teach it at MIT. I took it out of MIT and our movement, Truth Freedom Health.

You know, Trail put that up on there in truthfreedomhealth.com. You can find out that we've created an entire framework because we wanna fundamentally build a movement that shatters what I call the swarm. So the goal is we educate people on the system dynamics, the same system dynamics they learn. Then we get people on the ground handing out flyers, connecting with people. Our my run for president is mobilized, you know, a couple 100000 people.

We're building leaders, bottoms up. They don't do that, man. The campaign that they run, raise money, raise money, raise money, give it to their friends and family, their consultants. And then come Labor Day, they'll all they'll do is pummel everyone with ads, Ethan. That's it.

We're actually running a bottoms up campaign. We actually go out, talk to people, hand them flyers, meet with them. That's a real campaign, and that's what the framers wanted, a real bottoms up movement, but we don't have that anymore. Now what about your ballot access? And, of course, we talked about this a little bit last time.

You know, constitutionally, there's some questions. Some people ask some questions about whether you could be president or not, Farmborn and stuff. We talked about that a little bit last time. But you could go through that a little bit too if you want. But do you have ballot access?

Yeah. So so remember, every state, the deadlines are different. Alright? Yes. Let me, so in each state, we have to we have to go collect signatures and get on the ballot.

Right? And every state has different, points on it now. We were so Idaho was one of the first states I think the first state that you could get ballot access. In the rain and the snow and the wind in February, we got all the signatures to get ballot access. I don't know if you know about this.

It should be reported in front page of every New York Times. We were the first ones on the ballot there. Interesting enough, Kennedy couldn't even get a 1,000 signatures, Ethan. He went backroom deals with the secretary of state and told them to give extensions. Didn't tell anyone else.

And so I'll read you an email that my running mate, Crystal Ellis, just assented to them because why is it that they're not announcing that we're on the ballot? And she wrote to the secretary of state. She goes, thank you for returning my call today confirming this was yesterday. Shiva for president is on the ballot in Idaho. Thank you also for clarifying that Booby Kennedy, that's what we call him, okay, has yet to submit even one signature to get on the ballot in Idaho.

And any statements alleging Kennedy has collected the necessary signatures to get on the ballot are patently false. Given Schiffer for president fulfilled and exceeded the number of signatures required for ballot access in Idaho, confirmed and verified by your office on March 11th, while Kennedy got an extension unable to meet the March 15 deadline, the September 1st, since he was unable to collect a 100 I'm sorry. The 1,000 verified signatures, I appreciate your following up to ensure the public has made it with these facts. Given we were the 1st candidates to fulfill the requirements to get on the ballot in Idaho, working hard in the middle of winter and the rain and snow, and given the competitive nature of a presidential race, it is only fair enough to get the public knows that we are on the ballot and Kennedy is not, particularly given he and his campaign are intentionally posting such bold faced lies on Wikipedia. They're They're putting bold faced lies like this.

It's hard to see. You can't see it here. But Kennedy got signatures to get on the ballot. The guy's a motherfucking liar. He's not on the ballot.

In Utah, we got all the signatures. Okay? And in every state, we have volunteers to get signatures on the ballot. You will see in every in front of grocery stores, our volunteers. You won't see them, man.

They take money, and I'm convinced they have a boiler room where they write people's signatures. And if you remember Vivek the snake, they found a bunch of his signatures who fed people. Do you remember that? Seemed to vaguely recall that. Go look up, type in, and then he blamed his signature vendors.

You see, they always have this indemnity. These motherfuckers do not work. They don't run real campaigns. In Massachusetts, when I ran for office, we had 3,000 volunteers, 25,000 lawn signs, and we won that election. And when they saw us coming bottoms up playing fairly and winning, what did they do?

They flipped the election machines to cheat in the elections. And I was the first one who uncovered this in 2020. You can see all the videos we did on Michigan, Arizona, which Trump used to go raise money. So I was in the heat of all that in 2020. I can tell you stories upon stories how Mark Meadows called us, Rona McDaniel, you know, what's the name?

Eric Trump reaching out to us. All this stuff. People are being bamboozled and screwed in many ways, and people need to wake the fuck up. Trump is not your savior. He is an agent of the swarm.

They create underdogs. You see, Ethan, in in the history of the hero's journey, you know, the work of Joseph Campbell. Right? They know deep in every human psyche is a love for the underdog. You follow what I'm saying?

Go watch those you said you watched WWE. Remember WWE? Right? They have the guy being pummeled, and he's on the ground. He looks like he's dead, and suddenly, he comes out of Makes sense.

He's like Right? Well, they know that that Americans love an underdog. Well, I'm the real fucking underdog who came from nothing and did create email and many things. They don't want that out there because they know the power of that story, the truth about that. How many times do people ask, hey.

Did Bill Gates invent DAS? What the fuck? I mean, if I was white, blonde hair, blue eyed, and my last name was Weinstein, I'd be on a fucking stamp. Is that what's needed when the facts are fucking black and white? I mean, the guy that was my mentor still at at u UMDNJ.

Doctor Michelson will tell you, these facts are black and white. There's not even a gray fucking area. There's a lot of gray areas in Mark Zuckerberg inventing Facebook. Where's all the fucking questions to him? Where's all the fucking questions to Bill fucking Gates who basically stole DOS from it?

Another kid, paid him 10 grand, and his momma and papa helped him promote it. I actually did invent email, and you fucking put me through questions when all the facts are there, all the code, the receipts, the copyright notice. What the fuck's your problem? Would you do this if I was white and my last name was, whatever, Steen, Steenberg? Would you?

I don't have Now is that a white name, or is that a Jewish name? You tell me. Well, it sounds genius. Okay? You fucking tell me.

Because you know why? I went to the last 3 years a very Zionist Jewish high school. I won every fucking award. And I remember, one day, I had won this the you know, I got 800 on my SATs, and I was, you know, center half of my soccer, which was, you know, the the biggest division, and we weren't 13 and o. So I wasn't just a fucking, you know, little nerd with fucking glasses and acting like, you know, a dwee.

Okay? So in this all Jewish high school, which was everyone would go to Israel and come back wanting to kill every fucking Muslim after that. It was crazy watching these kids. Okay? Well, I won every fucking award.

This was a serious problem because I'm not a chosen person. And what's fascinating to watch is one time at one of the graduations, I had won an award, got a standing ovation. My mom was, deathly ill in a hospital, and I wasn't really concerned about this award I'd won. A Jewish mother comes running to me and my father, who's also very distraught, and and says to us, you know, my your son has done nothing big. My son could have won that award had he decided to work that year.

This is the kind of shit I've had to put up with. It's fucked up. No. So, you know, I was, you know, when I ran against Elizabeth Warren, I got all the signatures and was an independent candidate, and the Democrats and Republicans colluded to keep me off the debate stage. You see, they don't want real competition.

They don't really want great people competing with them. And I've had to deal with this all my life. I mean, the facts of mine men and email are black and fucking white. Why the fuck do you ask if I men in email? Why don't you ask if Thomas Edison created the light bulb?

Why don't you ask if Elon Musk has created anything? What the fuck has he created? Every fucking thing he's done is and if it wasn't for Peter Thiel and the Swarm who saved him, he's an agent of the government. Where government begins and Elon Musk ends, nobody fucking knows. He rewrote the documents to say he was a founder of Tesla.

Come on. SpaceX, $7,000,000,000 from the government. He doesn't know how to build rockets. It's all bullshit. You're looking at a real inventor right in front of you, the real underdog, and that scares him, Ethan.

So they have to create fake underdogs. Booby fucking Kennedy. Oh, poor guy. His father was shot by the swarm. We should but he banged a lot of women and got his wife hung.

And then after his wife got hanged, you know, got PR companies act like he cared about her, swooning over her coffin. Next day, he dug up his her coffin and moved it to an unmarked grave. That's the kind of guy he is. Tells people not to take the vaccine, but in his own home, people have got to take the vaccine. Okay?

And we can go on with Trump. Oh, he's so loyal to his wife. Really? Really? Come on.

Him and Melania have a a marriage? Come on. It's a business arrangement. Everyone knows it. So we gotta get our heads out of our ass and figure out who's a real person, who's one of us, and and it is us versus them.

It's the 8,000,000,000 of us versus them. Now do you delineate between white and and and Jewish, though. Right? Like, I guess, some of the chat were Well, look. You have to delineate between Zionism and Judaism, and you don't have to be there are Indian Brahmins who are Zionists.

Right? They're Muslims. Sure. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. You don't have to be a Jewish to be a Zionist. Yeah. That's what I'm trying to say. If if you talk about the Palestinian people, the reason they're in suffering is because of all the Zionist Muslims.

Think about it. Zionism is a philosophy, a political ideology, justifying how point 001% should rule over the rest of us. So is Brahminism. They took Hinduism and they layered in all this cash shit. So is Nazism.

Zionism needs Nazism, needs Brahminism. They're all united. Look. When I grew up in New Jersey, when I first moved there, you know, in Patterson and Clifton, there my teachers were working class Jews. Guys who are on, you know, sailors, very different than the bougie Jews and we have to talk about these class differences.

Even in in Germany, you had the bougie Jews who were collaborators with her, Zionists. And you had working class Jews who were major trade union leaders, who were fighting for the workers of Germany to obliterate what Hitler was doing. And it was US and German imperialism which defended Hitler, which funded him, funded Zionism, and butchered Jews, working class Jews. So we have to make a class differ distinction. You see, they don't wanna talk about class struggle.

They want the American people never to talk about working people uniting and class struggle. Oh, you're a communist if you talk like that. You see what I'm saying? That's what this is all about. They do not want working people uniting and fighting for their interests.

And so that's what's happened in this country. Democrat and Republican, left and right, have united to make sure we don't build bottoms up movements. And so in that extent, the wealthy Jews, 99% of them are Zionist, okay, and Nazism are in a very cozy relationship. They need each other. They need antisemitism.

So that's why they let this idiot, Nick Fuentes, back on because he's fucking anti Jewish, and he is a Hitler lover. And they need him because he comes on and Shumley you know that guy. Right? Rabbi Shumley? Yeah.

Shmole. Yeah. So me So it's Unholy Schmooley. Yeah. Yeah.

I know. I'm Right. You see what I'm saying? So Zionism, even during the time of Hitler, loved antisemitism, just like Indian Brahmins love Islamic fundamentalism. Because they could say, see, the Islamic people hate hate the Hindus.

That's what this is all about. They wanna fuel all of us so the working people do not unite for our interests. And they got us all fighting, and then they make fake fighters like fucking Trump. Come on. Come on.

Now what now what are your thoughts on Biden? Fucking moron. I mean, he's a Zionist hoodlum too. You see, what they do is they they create it's all theater, man. Go read all the great plays of Shakespeare.

Protagonist, antagonist. You see? They create the theater. I mean, you watch WWE. That's what this is.

The face and the heel. The whole money, man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. They have an agreement. Okay. Biden gets to run. Okay.

The Biden crime family gets money this time. Then we put the Trump crime family in. Okay. We may think about the Obama crime family. Remember, Washington is run by families, and they have these ups and downs of families.

The Bush family ran it for a while. The, you know, the Romney family got to run it a little bit while. Right? The Obama family, it's families. It's organized criminals.

And one organized crime guy is fighting against another one. Why the fuck do we care? Why should we care if John Kennedy got knocked out? Who the fuck cares? They make us care for them.

He's one wing of the organized crime family getting shot by another wing, and then they do Camelot movies and all this stuff. You see what I'm saying? It's all bullshit. Yes. We should care about us, but they got us caring about them.

Yeah. I mean entertainment, celebrity, Hollywood model of total brain fucking. And so if you look even at the last 6 months, you have to really wonder why was there's so many pictures of Gaza babies. This fucking doofus, Jackson Hinkle, and his other guy sharing picture after picture after picture. How are they getting those pictures out there?

What is the purpose of that? I'll tell you. Why they desensitize us to when they do a really major war. Why are you showing college kids? You know, some of those movements were organic, and then these kids are being attacked by rubber bullets.

You didn't show pictures like that. The government has had a policy after Vietnam never to show these pictures. They released these pictures because they wanna desensitize us and make sure when the real let's say, a likely World War 3 takes place, we don't build real antiwar movements. That's what the last 6 months was about. It was a massive psyock.

Desensitized, desensitized, desensitized. I mean, look. The Middle East, Mossad, all these guys can shut off all those phones there. Why didn't they shut them off, Ethan? Why are you letting all these pictures come out?

Why? And how are these people getting access to those photos? I mean, that's And what is That's a fair question, I guess. Yeah. I I not thought about that, actually.

Well, go look at go look at Iraq war, Afghanistan war. Where are all the photos? Where are all the atrocities on the ground? Even Ukraine. Have you seen any pictures?

Very little. Not as much as we Gaza, for sure. Yeah. Exactly. And you just saw 24 hours ago, Mossad overnight shut down the Internet there.

Right? So they have that capability. It's one phone call to one of the top 4 telcos, and it's done. All the IP addresses gets done. How are we getting all these pictures?

Well, I'll tell you what it is. It's called learned helplessness, a CIA behavioral psychology technique. You show people over and over and over again the fact that they could be you know, well, okay. They go in and kill these children. Now they're gonna do this.

Now they're gonna do this. It retunes a brain. You can't do anything about it because they know a major war is gonna happen, and they need to make sure the American working class students and workers do not build bottoms up movements. Oh, wow. If I protest, they're gonna shoot rubber guns at me.

And they showed that. They haven't shown that since Kent State, man, since 1968. You follow what I'm saying? This is all deliberate. Come on.

And remember, Mosab smoking. Yeah. Mossad's a resting slogan. Yeah. I can smell what you're cooking.

He's the rock. Mossad's slogan is thou shalt do war through deception. Right? Yeah. That is.

There's something So we have to really recognize that the American working people have the first amendment, second amendment, all these things. And by the way, the it was Trump on November 16, 2018 who destroyed the first amendment when he signed into law the creation of FISA, which created all the backdoor portals into Twitter as my lawsuit first exposed in 2020. And think about it. All the shit that Trump did, and it was he fucked over the white working class in this country. Make America great.

Noah was actually make America great for the swarm and himself. Operation Warp Speed. They saved Big Pharma, which was tanking with the vaccine mandates. If Hillary Clinton had done what Trump did, there would have been a fucking revolution. They needed this white dude to do it to fuck over the white working class, and that was his job.

If Obama did it, there would have been a revolution. Now let me ask you, first off, how can people support your campaign, if if they so choose, if they want to? And, you know, how are you gonna get on these ballots? Because, I mean, you have to get on the ballots to Well people will be able to vote for you. We to get on every ballot, we're collecting signatures a good old honest way.

So we are getting on ballots. We will. And even to get on a ballot and a president to write in, we have to still do that. So some of them we may be write in, some of them we may be not writing. But the way people can help us is go to shiva, numeral4president.com, and fucking volunteer.

Notice, Ralph, I haven't talked one time about give me money. Give me money. Right? That's what they do. Yeah.

And somebody in chat. I was like, how could they donate even? But you haven't said anything about that. Yeah. But but well, to me, labor is more powerful than capital.

Okay? Labor is more power your work, your volunteering. If you have a lot of money and you wanna donate 1, 5, $10, go to shiba for president, donate. But what I've done, Ralph, is when people donate us money, I give them books. I give them content.

We educate them on that same stuff I used to teach at MIT. We give them all those things because I'm of the opinion I for whatever reason, I can't take something for nothing. You know? So people give us money. We donate them books and content and courses so they really, really raise their consciousness.

But they can do that at shiva for president.com. One of the simplest thing they can do, Ralph, is they can get a bumper sticker, which says doctor Shiva for president. When you put that on the back windshield of your car, a 100000 people see it per day. If you go to shiva for president.com and you hit the free download section, there's a flyer which says the lesser of 2 evils is killing our children. It gives a graph showing how since 1980, the life expectancy of the American public is going down.

If you have a child today in 2024, your child will have a shorter lifespan than you. Quite amazing. And this is not because of the It's been going down consistently the last few years. It's 1980. It's been upside down.

And this is the policies of the swarm. And everyone should take 15 minute with their kids and go to shatter the swarm.com and watch the 15 minute video. It will change your life and you'll actually understand who is actually doing this and how they're ruling us. And the only way out of it is our movement, Shiva for president, and the movement for Truth, Freedom, Health. And we give you a prescriptive way to get out of this, which is you.

I'm just an exemplification of that. So truthfreedomhealth.com. People should become warrior scholars, and then people should get involved right now and go to Shiba for president. And we have amazing people. And every one of the people in our campaign, no one's paid staff, not one person, Ralph.

Everyone is doing it while they have full time jobs and they come to volunteer. No other campaign can say this. Now I'll I'll do it like they do in a debate. And I know we only have you for, like, an hour. It's been about an hour.

Yeah. Tell people why they should vote for you in a couple minutes here. Watch the Well, I'll watch your yeah. The reason people should vote for me is because I'm one of us. I'm one of you.

You've never ever had one of us actually be out there fighting for you. None of these people are one of us. You compare my history, my resume with theirs, and you will see none of them match. You cannot even identify with any of these people. You're gonna identify with booby fucking Kennedy?

Come on. You're gonna identify with Trump? My color may be different than white Americans, but you know what? In Massachusetts, in all the white working class precincts, in all the white working class county, we win because everyday people identify with me. They can't identify with these people.

I'm one of us. And then you look at my accomplishments. Four degrees at MIT, the inventor of email, the inventor of CytoSolve. Every penny I have, I've made on my own. No one ever gave me anything.

That's the American dream. All of these people were given big fucking silver spoons. You and I, we're not. I know how to solve problems. I deliver solutions.

I make things happen, and that's what they don't want. I inspire people into action. That's what this country needs. We need to inspire people to build bottoms up movements where there's real meritocracy. Not like the Vivek the snake, a brown motherfucking, big pharma, brown nose guy that they found out of nowhere to mimic me.

And booby Kennedy comes to my open houses and steals my content and reuses it. You see, they're so afraid of us, one of us. So So if you finally want one of us, you have me, and you have our movement, and you have us. It is us versus them. Don't let anyone talk about fake unity.

I'm not into fake unity. I'm into, you know, shattering the swarm. We must build a bottoms up movement, and that's what I'm about. And my entire life has been about solving problems. And you can go to vashiva.tv.

You can go to shiva for president.com. And it's all out there since I've been 4 years old. I'm the real deal. They're not. They're all fake.

Thank you, doctor Shiva, for taking time out of your day to speak with us here today on the kill stream, and tell us once again your website. Shivanumeral4president.com, truthfreedomhealth.com, shatter the swarm.com. Those 3 websites give you the opportunity to participate, you know, raise your consciousness and to change your life. So get involved. Do it for your kids.

We're playing the long game. Don't get into the lesser of 2 evils nonsense. That's the mind fuck that they're doing to you. Thanks. Like I said, thanks once again, and I'd love to have you back on.

Maybe even in a debate style format with somebody else too if you're down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bring anyone in.

I'd love to debate people. These guys are afraid. They won't wanna debate me and and as long as it's live. Oh, yeah. We only do it live on the kill stream.

Yeah. Yeah. I don't, it's everything I do is almost 99% of everything, I do is live. So, yeah, no problem with that whatsoever. And thank you, doctor Sheegard.

Yeah. You're welcome. You're welcome. Hey, stay on, Dre. I'm gonna go into StreamYard.

Okay? Alright, everyone. I hope that was valuable. That was with, Ethan, Ralph Ethan from, Killstream. Get involved, guys.

You have a huge opportunity to actually have one of us, you know, representing us. So go to, achiever for president.com, get a bumper sticker, go to truthfreedomhealth.com, and become a warrior scholar. Before I leave got our nice dogs here. I'm gonna play for you guys an anthem video which will inspire you. We have allowed our country to be taken over from within, and the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves.

Because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they're better than you, deep down inside them, that you don't deserve the freedoms you have. They don't. This reality is what people need to wake up to, and we need to all unite working people. There's only one movement that can do that, and that is the movement that we started creating here in Massachusetts, the movement for truth, freedom, and health. Look, I've been a student of politics since I was a 4 year old kid, setting revolutionary movements, left wing, right wing.

There's a physics, there's a nuclear science to destroying the establishment. To build a bridge, you need to understand Newton's equation. You need to understand the laws of gravity. You need to understand Poisson's ratio. There is a way to build a revolution, and that's why I put this together.

My goal is to train a army of truth, freedom, and health leaders. We don't need followers like social media. We need leaders, but they need training because the educational system does not teach them history. Nothing. So in 3 hours, that's what I've started doing.

That's the solution. We gotta train people. 1st, with understanding what a system is, the dynamics of all systems that affect nature. The second is understanding the interconnection between truth, freedom, and health. Freedom is the ability to move freely, communicate freely, talk freely.

Without freedom, you cannot convert ideas, hypothesis, into truth, which is science. And without destroy our health. And without health, which is the infrastructure of us and our body, destroy our health. And without health, which is the infrastructure of us and our body, you can't fight for freedom. Truth, freedom, health.

3rd concept is it has to be bottoms up. Working people, people who work uniting. And what the right wing has done is whenever you say working people unite, that must be communist. Meanwhile, they've let the Democrats run unions, which suppress workers. Completely corrupt.

But when you look at the arc of American history, it's been when working people came up. We need to go local. Every solution I'm coming up with is a part of this movement. We're giving the science, which is the truth, and then we tell people what they can do on the ground. Like with election fraud, you don't need to wait for some lawyer.

Our goal is to train people to go local, to go local, to go local. Fight locally. Forget lawyers, forget politicians, forget celebrities. You've got to learn politics, and there is a science to it. They lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down.

And the 4th part of this principle is the not so obvious establishment. So when you look at a system, there's always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal. But the biggest disturbance is a not so obvious establishment, which are those people who claim they're for you, on the left and the right, the Al Sharpton to tell black people I'm for you, the Tucker Carlson's. Do you think any true anti establishment person will ever be on Fox or CNN? I don't think so.

They both mislead working people back into the establishment. Without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you're screwed. You're gonna follow, the left wing, Bernie Sanders. Oh, he said something. Or Robert Kennedy.

Scumbags. Or you're gonna follow some right wing talk show host. They're not gonna lead us to liberation. It's us. We're building a bottoms up movement, and that political physics, it's a nuclear science of change, bottoms up.

We have to organize to understand that there is people who talk a good game and then look at what they actually do, left and right. I'm sorry Sean Hannity may say some good things, but I don't see the urgency in his voice to get something done, and it can only come when you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge. You need to be able identify a rat. You know, Christ didn't go after the Romans. Right?

It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees who screwed him up, his own, quote, unquote, people. And that's where we're at. So these four concepts, I've built into a curriculum where people can go to truthfreedomhelp.com, and it's an educational program. We need to train people in political theory. You need to have physics, and I've created that curriculum.

People need to get educated. We need to get educated fast. And within a half an hour, an hour, I can teach people 2 years of MIT control systems. I teach people those concepts. Then I apply it.

Anyone can understand it. And then you say, oh, I gotta build a bottoms up movement. They have to get politically astute, and then they have to go locally and and act, not sit there on social media. They have to act locally, defy locally, do civil obedience locally, but with knowledge on how to build a movement. The senate campaign's expanded to the movement for truth, freedom, and health, and they can find it on truth freedom health dot com so people can sign in.

They can get access to a bunch of videos. If they wanna take a course and become a truth, freedom, health leader, I offer a full scholarship there, but we want people to make a commitment that they'll study, that they'll get certified, that they'll go do activities on the ground. So go to truth freedom health dot com. Alright, everyone. I hope that was valuable.

Be well, be the light, get involved. And by the way, every Thursday, you should come to our open house at 11 AM or 8 PM atvasiva.com/orientation, and you'll meet amazing people. If you're looking, to really connect with other incredible people and really build community, go to these open houses. You'll meet great people. You won't feel you're alone.

You'll feel, that there is a way out of this, and the way out of this is a long game by us raising our consciousness. So get involved. Get involved, get involved, be well, and, I wish you all the best. Be the light to you and your families. Thank you.

We need to build a bottoms up movement. Go to shiva for president.com and volunteer.